real clothes

时间:2024-06-25 04:10:34编辑:阿星


clothes是衣服、穿衣的意思。具体释义如下:clothes 英 [kl??ez] 美 [klo?ez] 1、名词 n.衣服,衣物;寝具在做名词的时候,clothes单复数形式一致例:I bought some new clothes for the trip.我为这次旅行买了一些新衣服。2、动词 v. 穿(衣)( clothe的第三人称单数);给?提供衣服;(用语言)表达;覆盖例:They provide food and clothes for the children. 他们给孩子们提供食物和衣服。扩展资料:clothes的同义词:1、clothing 名词 n. 衣服,衣着 泛指衣服,也指某种服装。例句:It is urgent that food and clothing be sent to the famine victims.急需将食物和衣服送给饥民。2、dress 名词 n. 服装,女装 多指正式场合穿的或某种款式的服装,也指女性穿的连衣裙。例句:She wore a long white dress.她穿着一件白色的长连衣裙。参考资料来源:百度翻译-clothes


clothes是衣服、穿衣的意思。具体释义如下:clothes 英 [kl??ez] 美 [klo?ez] 1、名词 n.衣服,衣物;寝具在做名词的时候,clothes单复数形式一致例:I bought some new clothes for the trip.我为这次旅行买了一些新衣服。2、动词 v. 穿(衣)( clothe的第三人称单数);给…提供衣服;(用语言)表达;覆盖例:They provide food and clothes for the children. 他们给孩子们提供食物和衣服。扩展资料:clothes的同义词:1、clothing 名词 n. 衣服,衣着 泛指衣服,也指某种服装。例句:It is urgent that food and clothing be sent to the famine victims.急需将食物和衣服送给饥民。2、dress 名词 n. 服装,女装 多指正式场合穿的或某种款式的服装,也指女性穿的连衣裙。例句:She wore a long white dress.她穿着一件白色的长连衣裙。参考资料来源:百度翻译-clothes


Hapines isa god thing,but it isn’t always god.快乐是件美好的事,但它不总是美好的。Hapy is the most important thing in the world.快乐是世界上最重要的事。Hapy is the most important thing in the world.快乐是世界上最重要的东西。Hapines is the greatest thing in the world!快乐是世上最重要的东西。Hapy is the most important thing in the world.快乐是世界上最重要的事。Hapines isa wonderful thing.快乐是一件美丽的事。Hapines isa wonderful thing.快乐是件美丽的事。Hapines isa god thing,but it isn’t always god.快乐是件好事,但它不总是好事。Hapines isa god thing,but it isn’t always god.快乐是件好事,但它不总是好事。Hapines is the most important thing in the world.快乐是世界上最重要的东西。Hapy is the most important thing in the world.快乐是世界上最重要的事。Hapy is the most important thing in the world.快乐是世界上最重要的事。


关于快乐的英语名言名句   1、智爱使人快乐,愚爱使人痛苦。   Wisdom love makes people happy, fool love painful.   2、希望便是快乐,创造便是快乐。   Hope is happiness, create will be happy.   3、快乐要懂得分享,才能加倍快乐。   Will know how to share happiness, to double happiness.   4、健康是智慧的条件,快乐的标志。   Health is the condition of wisdom, a sign of happiness.   5、错在明知是错,快乐该怎么选择。   Happy in knowing that is wrong, what to choose.   6、能安慰自己的人,比较容易快乐。   Who can comfort myself, more easily happy.   7、快乐要懂得分享,才能加倍地快乐。   Will know how to share a happy, happy ability.   8、必须体验过痛苦,才体会到生的快乐。   Have to experience pain, feel the happiness.   9、生活幸福来自安全,人生快乐首当平安。   Happy life happiness comes from safety, life first when peace.   10、世界上没有快乐的地方,只有快乐的人。   The world no happy place, only happy people.   11、有钱的人会不快乐,没钱的人更不快乐。   The rich people will not happiness, not money people are not happy.   12、不相信爱情的人会比平常人容易不快乐。   People who do not believe in love will be easier than normal not happy.   13、守信的人是最快乐的,诚实是最天真的。   Is is the most happy, honest and trustworthy is the most naive.   14、解开烦恼即为智慧,解开痛苦即为快乐。   Solve troubles is the wisdom, pain is the happiness.   15、过往的欢乐是否褪色,想问你怎么舍得。   Whether the joy of the past fades, want to ask you how willing to give up.   16、从风雨中寻找快乐,在挫折中保持坚韧。   From the wind and rain to find happiness, keep tough in the setback.   17、真正的同情在忧愁的时候不在快乐的期间。   Real sympathy at the time of sorrow is not happy.   18、世界上最快乐的事,莫过于为理想而奋斗。   The happiest thing in the world is to struggle for the ideal.   19、一个人开朗豁达,就会感受到自尊的快乐。   Serenity, one will feel the joy of self-esteem.   20、收获金秋,收获快乐,莫让青春一笑而过。   Harvest golden autumn, harvest happiness, let youth laugh it off.   21、要求别人是很痛苦的,要求自己是很快乐的。   Demands others are painful, they are very happy.   22、快乐的人生时光短暂,痛苦的人生时光漫长。   Happy life time is short, the pain of life is a long time.   23、人生的最大快乐,是自己的`劳动得到了成果。   The greatest happiness in life, is your own labor got results.   24、世上没有不能快乐的人,只有不肯快乐的心。   No not happy, only not happy heart.   25、拥不拥有也会记住谁,快不快乐有天总过去。   Have not have who will remember, quick not happy one day always in the past.   26、关爱每一个孩子,他们的成长是我最大的快乐!   Take care of every child, their growth is my biggest happiness!   27、生命是无尽的享受,永远的快乐,强烈的陶醉。   Life is endless enjoyment, permanent happiness and strong intoxication.   28、唯有创造才是快乐。只有创造的生灵才是生灵。   Only create is happy. Only b creating the creatures are creatures.   29、勤勤恳恳工作,快快乐乐生活,堂堂正正做人。   Diligent work, happy life, a dignified life.   30、待人退一步,爱人宽一寸,人生自然活得很快乐。   To be a step back, love one inch wide, natural live very happy life.   31、愚蠢的人主动制造痛苦,聪明的人主动制造快乐。   Stupid people take the initiative to create pain, wise men take the initiative to create happiness.   32、消灭欲望可以消灭痛苦,消灭欲望也能消灭快乐。   Extinguish desire can eliminate the pain, can also eliminate the happy desire.   33、培养人,就是培养他获得未来,快乐的前景的道路。   Cultivating people, is training he received in the future, happy future path.   34、童年之所以快乐,只因为不晓得过去,不知道未来。   Childhood was happy, just because don't know in the past, do not know the future.   35、帮助别人解决困难和痛苦是人生最大的幸福和快乐。   Help others to solve the difficulties and the pain is life's greatest happiness and joy.   36、行动不一定带来快乐,但没有行动则肯定没有快乐。   Action may not bring happiness, but no action is definitely not happy.   37、多一点快乐,少一点烦恼。累了就睡觉,醒了就微笑。   More happy, less trouble. Tired to sleep, wake up just smile.   38、能够实现的欲望令人快乐,不能实现的欲望令人痛苦。   Can achieve the desire is happiness, painful desire is not possible.   39、只有执着追求并从中得到最大快乐的人,才是成功者。   Only the persistent pursuit, and get the greatest joy is the winner.   40、结交那些快乐的,能够享受生命的,安贫乐道的朋友。   Make those happy, enjoy life, eagerness to friends.   41、成功是一种观念,致富是一种义务,快乐是一种权利。   Success is a kind of idea, getting rich is a kind of obligation, happiness is a kind of right.   42、奋斗的名言世界上最快乐的事,莫过于为理想而奋斗。   Struggle of the happiest thing in the world, is the struggle for a noble ideal.   43、浪花愈大,凝立的磐石在沉默的持守里,快乐也愈大。   The greater the waves, the rock stands in the silence of the hold, the more happiness is.   44、成功是一种观念,致富是一种义务,快乐是一种权力。   Success is a kind of idea, getting rich is a kind of obligation, happiness is a kind of power.   45、不应该迫求一切种类的快乐,应该只追求高尚的快乐。   Should not pursuit all kinds of happiness, should only pursue noble happy.   46、美满的婚姻是新生命的开始,也是快乐与幸福的起点。   A good marriage is the beginning of new life, is also the starting point for happiness and happiness.   47、快乐是人类正当的要求,能够快乐时非竭力快乐不可。   Happiness is human as the requirement, and can be happy to try to happiness.   48、真正的幸福和快乐,不是来自于物质,而是来自于心灵。   True happiness and happiness, come not from physical, but from the heart.   49、以一颗快乐的心对待别人的人通常也会得到同样的快乐。   Treat others with a happy heart usually will also get the same happiness.   50、善于安排玩乐和工作,两者保持热诚,就是最快乐的人。   Good at play and work arrangement, both to keep warm, is the most happy people.   51、真正的快乐是内在的,它只有在人类的心灵里才能发现。   True happiness is inside, it can only be found in the hearts of men.   52、在充满愤怒的人群中不怀丝毫的恨意,生活才能够快乐。   In full of the angry crowd not carrying any hatred, life to happiness.   53、怀着感恩的心情去生活,让自己快乐,更让别人感到快乐!   With the feelings of gratitude to life, let oneself happy, more let others feel happy!   54、一个人的能力,取决于你能够让身边多少人享受幸福快乐。   A person's ability, depends on how much you can bring people to enjoy happiness.   55、只有奋斗可以给我们出路,而且只有奋斗可以给我们快乐。   Only struggle can give us a way out, and only struggle can give us happy.   56、人生要有意义只有发扬生命,快乐就是发扬生命的最好方法。   Life will have meaning only carry forward the life, happy is the best way to carry on life.   57、尽可多创造快乐去填满时间,哪可活活缚着时间来陪着快乐。   Can create more joy to fill time, which can be alive bound with a happy time to accompany.   58、将快乐传递给每一个孩子,让孩子的世界变得更加美丽精彩。   Will be happy to every child, let the children of the world become more beautiful.   59、爱情上的喜欢得不到令人痛苦,友情上的喜欢得不到依然快乐。   Love on love is not painful, like not still happy friendship.   60、尽可多多创造快乐去填满时间,那可活活缚着时间来陪着快乐?   Can create happiness to fill a lot of time, that would be alive bound with a happy time to accompany?   61、心地善良的人,容貌一定动人,心里知足的人,生活一定快乐。   Kindness of heart, appearance must be moving, the in the mind of contentment, life must be happy.   62、当心长寿令自己痛苦;追求快乐要适时,当心快乐把自己遗忘。   Beware of longevity to pain; The pursuit of pleasure to timely, careful happy forget himself.   63、真正的快乐,是对生活的乐观,对工作的愉快,对事业的热心。   The real happiness, is optimistic about life, happy to work, enthusiasm for the cause.   64、爱情存在于奉献的欲望之中,并把情人的快乐视作自己的快乐。   Love exists in dedication of desire, and the lover's happiness as his own happiness.   65、快乐的流泪在她的心里潜伏着一个深渊,扔下巨石也发不出声音。   Happy tears in her lurks a deep in my heart, to make throwing stones.   66、以为生活的目标就是快乐,后来才发现,其实是不要那么不快乐。   Thought the purpose of life is happiness, only later discovered that in fact is don't be so unhappy.   67、以善修心,以善洗心,以善造心,以善治心,人就会快乐和幸福。   With a good heart, good heart, with a good heart, heart to good governance, joy and happiness.   68、爱情是很重要,但尊严也很重要,怎么样让自己过得快乐也很重要。   Love is important, but it's also important to dignity, how to let oneself happy is also very important.   69、一个不欣赏自己的人,是难以快乐的。连死的勇气都有,何况活呢?   A don't appreciate their own people, it is difficult to happy. Even have the courage to die, and live?   70、你相信吗?快乐是可以传递的,你愿意当一个传递快乐的志愿者吗?   Can you believe that? Happiness can be passed, would you be a happy pass volunteers?   71、过去的快乐留待回忆,未来的快乐正在计划,但快乐只能现在感受!   The joy of the past lost, the future happiness is planning, feel and seize your happiness now!   72、男人的胸怀是被冤枉撑大的,多一点委屈,少一些脾气你会更快乐。   A man's mind was wronged enlarged, more injustice, less temper you will be happier.   73、宽容者让别人愉悦,自己也快乐;刻薄者让别人痛苦,自己也难受。   Tolerance is let others happy, oneself also happy; Mean let others pain, oneself also uncomfortable.   74、你就会发现别人会回报你的善意,你的快乐也会在别人身上体现出来。   You will find that people will return your goodwill and your happiness will be reflected in others.   75、人最快乐的,并不是别人给你带来了快乐,而是你给别人带去了快乐。   Person's happiness, and not others bring you happiness, but you brought joy to others.   76、写一首简单的歌让你的心情快乐,爱情就像一条就河难免会碰到波折。   Write a simple song to make your mood happy, love is like a river it will inevitably encounter twists and turns.   77、什么也不怕,热爱神圣事物而轻视其它快乐,对自己的生命毫不挂虑。   What also not afraid, enjoy the sacred things and despise the other happy, not anxious for your life.   78、让我们一起为孩子撑起一片纯净的蓝天,为孩子开辟一块快乐的土地。   Let us together for the children hold up a piece of pure blue sky, open up a happy land for the children.   79、在这个世界上一个人能够同时拥有快乐和幸福,还有什麽不满足的呢?   A person in this world can have joy and happiness at the same time, what does not satisfy?   80、你可能会因为某个理由而伤心难过,但你也可以找个借口让自己快乐。   You might be sad because of some reason, but you can also find an excuse to make yourself happy.   81、很多快乐和回忆就是那样的不可复制。珍惜眼前拥有的是不是太重要了。   A lot of joy and memory is not reproduced. Cherish the present have is too important. ;

求好看的日剧T T看的已经不知道找什么看了。。。

《初次恋爱那一天所读的故事》、《Innocence 冤罪律师》、《人生删除事务所》、《女神探夏洛克》、《正义之凛》等。1、《初次恋爱那一天所读的故事》《初次恋爱那一天所读的故事》是日本TBS电视台制作播出的爱情剧,由福田亮介、吉田健、坂本荣隆执导,吉泽美智子担任编剧,深田恭子主演,于2019年1月15日开播。该剧改编自持田秋的同名漫画,讲述了事业、爱情失败的补习学校讲师春见顺子因为三个男子的出现,人生发生改变的故事。2、《Innocence 冤罪律师》《Innocence 冤罪律师》是日本台(NTV)制作的律政剧,由南云圣一、丸谷俊平、本多繁胜执导,古家和尚编剧,坂口健太郎主演,于2019年1月19日开播。该剧讲述青年律师黑川拓在科学家和记者们的帮助下,通过出其不意的验证实验解开冤案真相的故事。3、《人生删除事务所》《人生删除事务所》是日本朝日电视台于2018年7月27日在日本播出的晚间剧,由泷本智行执导,山田孝之、菅田将晖担任主演。该剧以电子社会独有的“电子遗物”为主题,讲述了围绕着专业承接在委托人死后为其删除电脑、手机中的电子数据的人生删除事务所发生的故事。4、《女神探夏洛克》《女神探夏洛克》是Hulu与HBO携手制作的悬疑网络剧,由森淳一、泷悠辅、松尾崇执导,小谷畅亮、丸茂周、政池洋佑、森淳一、 及川真实编剧,竹内结子主演,贯地谷诗穗梨共演,于2018年4月27日首播。该剧翻拍自英剧《神探夏洛克》,以现代东京为背景,讲述神探双叶夏莉纱与助手橘和都医生破解一件又一件悬案的故事。5、《正义之凛》《正义之凛》是日本电视台(NTV)制作播出的律政剧,由南云圣一、明石广人、岩崎マリエ执导,松田裕子、松本美弥子、梅田みか、山冈润平编剧,吉高由里子主演,于2018年4月11日开播。该剧改编自阿川佐和子的同名小说,讲述了女检察官竹村凛凛子直面困难,作为检察官不断成长的故事。

英语 安徒生童话简介

The 2 April is the day of Andersen's 202th birthday .Right now I would like to give you a brief introduction about Mr.Andersen.Born under extremely poor conditions in the Danish town Odense (the Island of Funen), Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a master of the fairy tales in the 19th century.As a child he was highly dissociable,self-contemptuous, and emotional.All these characters and his unattractive appearance made him very unpopular.The Ugly Duckling was considered his autobiographical work.His early years were full of misadventures.His father was a shoemaker and his mother worked as a washerwoman. Andersen received little early education because of poor family circumstances.But it was his devotion and dedication to literature that finally contributed to his great success.

Andersen was not only a fairy tale writer but a poet, a playwright and a traveler.And he was also good at paper cutting.Poor family background in his childhood and no opportunities to learn made him keenly feel that there was nobody who was in want of reading more than poor children .In order to strive for the next generation Andersen made up his mind to write fairy tales for kids,and published his book named The Story Told to The Children .In the following years the same type of fairy tales were published at each christmas.He had continued producing his new works until he was cancered.There were total 168 fairy tales written by Andersen in his nearly 40 years.His works were characterized by their unique style: the poetic beauty and the bouffe humor.The former was predominant style that embodied itself in the chantable stories while the latter in the sarcastic ones.

After the publication of Andersen's first fairy tales, "Romantic" movement initiated by poet (厄楞士雷革)(1779~1850)was on the march in Denmark.Different from the style of those romanticists,his style,filled with strong and rustic features, was imaginative ,vivid and not specious at all.Andersen's representative works contained "Thumbelina","The Emperor's New Clothes","The Little Mermaid","The Wild Swans", "The Little Match-seller",and "The Ugly Duckling" etc.His works influenced the children so stong that his literary figure,the Mermaid's statue,still stands by the sea at Copenhagen port as the symbol of Denmark.

The Little Mermaid lives at the sea bottom with her father the Sea King, her grandmother, and her five older sisters, born one year apart. When a mermaid turns 15, she may swim to the surface to watch the world above, and as the sisters become old enough one of them visits the surface every year. As each of them returns the Little Mermaid listens longingly to their descriptions of the surface and human beings.

When the Little Mermaid turns 15 she ventures to the surface. She sees a ship with a handsome prince, and falls in love with him. There comes a great storm, and the prince almost drowns, but the Little Mermaid saves him and she delivers him unconscious to the shore near a temple. Here she waits until he is found by a young girl from the temple. But the prince never sees the Little Mermaid.

The Little Mermaid asks her grandmother whether humans can live forever if they do not drown. She is told that no, humans have an even shorter lifespan than mermaids. Mermaids live for 300 years, but when they die they turn to sea foam and cease to exist. Humans, on the other hand, have a short lifespan on earth, but they have an eternal soul that lives on in heaven even after they die. The Little Mermaid spends her days longing for the prince and for an eternal soul. At last she goes to the Sea Witch, who sells her a potion that gives her legs, in exchange for her tongue, because the Little Mermaid has the prettiest voice in the world. But drinking the potion will feel like a sword being passed through her, and walking on her feet will feel like walking on knives. And she will only get a soul if the prince loves her and marries her, for then a part of his soul will flow into her. Otherwise, at dawn on the first day after he marries another woman, the Little Mermaid will die broken-hearted and turn to sea foam.

The Little Mermaid drinks the potion and meets the prince, who is attracted to her beauty and grace even though she is mute. Most of all he likes to see her dance and she dances for him even though it feels like dancing on knives. The prince loves her like one loves a child.

The time comes when the king decides that the prince is to marry the neighboring king's daughter. The prince tells the Little Mermaid that he will not marry the princess because he does not love her. He can only love the young girl who once saved his life, the girl who unfortunately belongs to the temple. He also tells the Little Mermaid that she is beginning to take the temple girl's place in his heart. However, it turns out that the princess is the temple girl; she had only been sent to the temple to be educated. The prince loves her and the wedding is announced.

The prince and princess are married and the Little Mermaid's heart breaks. She thinks of all that she has given up in order to be with the prince and to gain an eternal soul - her beautiful voice, her wonderful home, her loving family, her life - and of all the pain that she has suffered; all without the prince ever having a thought thereof. She despairs, but before dawn her sisters come to her and give her a knife that the Sea Witch has given them in exchange for their hair. If the Little Mermaid slays the prince with the knife she will become a mermaid again and be able to live out her full life under the sea.

But the Little Mermaid cannot bring herself to kill the sleeping prince lying with his bride and, as dawn breaks, throws herself into the sea. Here her body dissolves into sea foam, but instead of ceasing to exist, she feels the warmth of the sun; She has turned into a spirit, a daughter of the air. The other daughters of the air tell her that she has become like them because she, like them, strove with all her heart to gain an eternal soul. As a mermaid her gaining a soul was dependent on another, the prince, but as a daughter of the air she will earn her own soul by doing good deeds. When 300 years have passed she will have earned her soul and will rise into the kingdom of God. This time can be shortened for you see, with each good child she finds she subtracts a year, while she adds a day for each tear she must shed over a wicked child.

Many critics considered the last episode with its happy end to be rather "stuck on", with the tale's natural dramatic ending being the moment of supreme tragic renunciation when the Mermaid chooses to die irrevocably rather than kill her beloved prince. Debate on this point has been a continuous topic in Andersen scholarship more or less since such scholarship existed, and is likely to continue.


1. 关于如何用英语讲中国故事的英语作文 Magic Shot Outside the Military Camp Yuan Shu sent 100 thousand troops, led by General Ji Ling, to attack Liu Bei. For fear of Lü Bu in Xuzhou who might lend Liu a hand, Yuan wrote Lü a letter, together with many food supplies as gifts, asking him not to help Liu. Liu, on the other hand, wrote lüa letter asking for assistance. “If I remain an onlooker with folded arms,”thought Lü, “I will be in danger after Yuan defeats Liu. But if I help Liu, Yuan will be be resentful to me.” So Lü invited both Liu Bei and Ji Ling to a bqnqet. Lü sat beeen Liu and Ji at the banquet. After a few rounds of toasts Lü began, “Please grant me a favor by stopping the fight.” When Ji Ling refused, Lu shouted for his long lance to be brought over. Both Liu and Ji got a fright. “I'll stand my lance 150steps away outside the gate. If my arrow hits its edge you o will stop your fight. And if I miss the target you have your own way.” Ji secretly hoped that he would miss the target, while Liu crossed his fingers wished Lu succees. Lü and wine brought up to him. After each one had a cup Lu arched his bow, aimed and shot with a big shout. The arrow flew like lightening toward the target, and hit right on the edge of the lance. A big applause rose from everybody around. Lu dropped his bow and laughed, saying, “You see, even the heavens wish that you stop fighting.” With his excellent archery, Lü averted a fight beeen the o sides. 2. 英语作文 我和英语的故事100词 My school is very beautiful. It is in Guicheng, near the Qiandeng Lake. Do you know it? It is Nanhai Experimental Primary School. I like my school very much. There is a big playground in my school. We have P.E. class on the playground and we often play sports on it , too. Our teaching building has five floors. My classroom is on the fifth floor. It is big and clean. The puter rooms are on the third floor. There is a library on the second floor. There are many books in the library. I often read books here. There are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building, too. The teachers in my school are very kind . The students are very polite and *** art. I am happy in my school. 3. 我喜欢的故事的英语作文 The Wolf and the Lamb Once upon a time a Wolf was lapping at a spring on a hillside, when, looking up, what should he see but a Lamb just beginning to drink a little lower down. 'There's my supper,' thought he, 'if only I can find some excuse to seize it.' Then he called out to the Lamb, 'How dare you muddle the water from which I am drinking?' 'Nay, master, nay,' said Lambikin; 'if the water be muddy up there, I cannot be the cause of it, for it runs down from you to me.' 'Well, then,' said the Wolf, 'why did you call me bad names this time last year?' 'That cannot be,' said the Lamb; 'I am only six months old.' 'I don't care,' snarled the Wolf; 'if it was not you it was your father;' and with that he rushed upon the poor little Lamb and .WARRA WARRA WARRA WARRA WARRA .ate her all up. But before she died she gasped out .'Any excuse will serve a tyrant.' 4. 以我最喜爱的故事为题写一篇80词的英语作文 My favorite story By Marie (Canada) I love reading and I have read many books. My favorite story is Cinderella. The characters(人物) in the story are Cinderella(灰姑娘), her stepmother, o stepsisters, a fairy godmother and a prince. The story is about a beautiful girl, who with the help of the fairy godmother, was able to go to the ball(舞会). There, she fell in love with the prince, got married and lived happily ever after. This is my favorite story because it is interesting and it teaches us to be kind and not to be wicked like the stepmother and the o stepsisters. There are many fascinating(吸引人的) and colorful pictures too in the book. I admire(钦佩) Cinderella very much for she is a kind and beautiful girl who had never done anything bad to anyone. 译文如下: 我最喜欢的故事 我喜欢阅读,我读过许多书,我最喜欢的故事是《灰姑娘》。 故事中的人物有灰姑娘,她的继母,她的两个姐姐,巫婆和王子。这个故事讲的是一个漂亮的女孩,她在巫婆帮助下去参加了舞会。在那里,她深深爱上了王子,并且与王子结了婚,婚后他们幸福的生活着。这就是我最喜欢的故事,它不仅有趣,而且它还教育我们要善良,不要像她的继母和两个姐姐那样恶毒。书中有许多吸引人的地方还有许多彩色的图片。 我很钦佩灰姑娘,因为她是一个善良、美丽的女孩,她从没做过任何坏事。 5. 高一英语作文我的故事 My story From my "quack" landing since has happened to me many stories, today I'll explain my story. As a child, I very naughty. Once, and a similar children play with age, but somehow to for whatever reason, they are fighting. As a result, I was beaten scars, injured all over the body, somehow, he just getting ready to leave, I suddenly flapping up, came a counter-offensive, then the play the more powerful, but I finally to convert defeat into victoty. Return to a home, mother asked me what happened, why do you want to fight with other people, but I have to confidently say: "because you taught me where fall will up from there, the first time I lost, I will climb up from there, then play the second, result won, I thought you will happy, but。 " To five or six years old, the more mischievous. At the time I allege "Monkey King" and a helper. One day, we are playing in the yard, suddenly saw a brand new sanyo karts, so I have dozen have a bad attention. Ha ha, good idea. So I called on all hands, consult a moment, I'll do so. We bring a knife and needle, with a knife in leather cushion deep scratched a sword, then pin the TaiQi to put. "Go, ha ha!" In the evening I returned home, father mysteriously talked to me. "I'll buy you a gift, in the courtyard, go and see." I waltzed up to the yard, east to see see, west looked, "is that bike children car" dad said. "Oh? Is that bike sanyo children car!" Now I especially love reading. Once my mom and dad call I go to guilin, I say: "no, go ye, I will stay at home reading. But mother dead live all want to pull me to go. I'll have to go to, after enjoying the guilin landscape, mother will go shopping, I took the opportunity to mom said I want to watch TV, result I hotel is back reading. This is my story. 译文:从我“呱呱”落地以来,在我身上发生了许多的故事,今天我就来讲讲我的故事。 小时候,我十分淘气。 有一次,和一个年龄相似的小孩玩,可是不知到出于什么原因,就打起来了。结果我被打得伤痕累累、体无完肤,不知怎的,他刚准备要走,我一下子扑上去,来了个反攻,后来越打越厉害,不过我终于反败为胜了。 回到家里,妈妈问我怎么回事,为什么要跟别人打架,我却理直气壮地说:“因为你教过我从哪里摔倒就要从哪里爬起来,第一次我打输,我就从那里爬起来,再打第二次,结果打赢了,我以为你会高兴,可是。.” 到了五、六岁,就更调皮了。 那时侯我号称“捣蛋大王”还有一帮手下。有一天,我们都在院子里玩,突然看见一辆崭新的三洋童车,于是我有打起了坏注意。 呵呵,好办法!于是我召集了所有手下,商量了一会儿,就这么办。我们拿来小刀和针,用小刀在皮垫子上深深的划了一刀,然后又用针把胎气给放了。 “走了,哈哈!”傍晚我回到家,爸爸神秘地对我说;“我给你买了件礼物,在院子里,去看看。”我蹦蹦跳跳地来到院子里,东瞧瞧,西望望,“就是那辆儿童车”爸爸说。 “啊?就是那辆三洋儿童车!” 现在我特别爱看书。有一次,妈妈、爸爸叫我去桂林,我说:“不用了,你们去吧,我要在家看书。 可是妈妈死活都要拉我去。我就只好去了,欣赏完桂林山水后,妈妈还要去逛街,我趁机对妈妈说我要旅馆看电视,结果我却是回来看书。 这就是我的故事。希望能帮助你!!!。 6. 求一则爱情故事.是英语作文.两三百字左右(要用英语写的) Around you, to hold fast to you! I was obsessed with how, in your embrace. No one in a night, one more than the street, you put my mind to try the fragrance on your body quietly into my nostrils, into my Heart, but you also know nothing about when I have lost! Your lips are so soft, so I can not help but greedy, your body is so *** all Sophie ah, I did not dare to relax you, I am afraid, afraid of opening up after you will be blown away, so I forced in with you that I treasure! I have been intoxicated, had been secretly sucking your beauty, this is how I envy ah, let me also bee part of your body now, as I always have you, will never be lonely! In this *** all world, you are my all, embrace you and I will have the entire world. "Cold?" Your words are so gentle, Do not you know, you are my sun, with you, I will be cold?。


1. 用英文来写小故事 The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it. Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young." 【译文】 老猫 一位老妇有只猫,这只猫很老,它跑不快了,也咬不了东西,因为它年纪太大了。 一天,老猫发现一只老鼠,它跳过去抓这只老鼠,然而,它咬不住这只老鼠。因此,老鼠从它的嘴边溜掉了,因为老猫咬不了它。 于是,老妇很生气,因为老猫没有把老鼠咬死。她开始打这只猫,猫说:“不要打你的老仆人,我已经为你服务了很多年,而且还愿意为你效劳,但是,我实在太老了,对年纪大的不要这么无情,要记住老年人在年青时所做过的有益的事情。” A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." Then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust. He went on and came to a river. The river had bee very big; so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; then he said, "I cannot go to the rich man's house today, for I cannot get over the river." He began to go home. He had eaten no food that day. He began to want food. He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the dust and eat them. Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time. 【译文】 一个人正朝着一个富人的房子走去,当他沿着路走时,在路的一边他发现一箱好苹果,他说:“我不打算吃那些苹果,因为富人会给我更多的食物,他会给我很好吃的东西。”然后他拿起苹果,一把扔到土里去。 他继续走,来到河边,河涨水了,因此,他到不了河对岸,他等了一会儿,然后他说:“今天我去不了富人家了,因为我不能渡过河。” 他开始回家,那天他没有吃东西。 他就开始去找吃的,他找到苹果,很高兴地把它们从尘土中翻出来吃了。 不要把好东西扔掉,换个时候你会觉得它们大有用处。 2. “故事”的英文怎么写 The fox and the horse A peasant had a faithful horse which had grown old and could do no more work, so his master no longer wanted to give him anything to eat and said, "I can certainly make no more use of you, but still I mean well by you, and if you prove yourself still strong enough to bring me a lion here, I will maintain you. But for now get out of my stable." And with that he chased him into the open field. The horse was sad, and went to the forest to seek a little protection there from the weather. There the fox met him and said, "Why do you hang your head so, and go about all alone?" "Alas," replied the horse, "greed and loyalty do not dwell together in one house. My master has fotten what services I have performed for him for so many years, and because I can no longer plow well, he will give me no more food, and has driven me out." "Without giving you a chance?" asked the fox. "The chance was a bad one. He said, if I were still strong enough to bring him a lion, he would keep me, but he well knows that I cannot do that." The fox said, "I will help you. Just lie down, stretch out as if you were dead, and do not stir." The horse did what the fox asked, and then the fox went to the lion, who had his den not far off, and said, "A dead horse is lying out there. Just e with me, and you can have a rich meal." The lion went with him, and when they were both standing by the horse the fox said, "After all, it is not very fortable for you here —— I tell you what —— I will fasten it to you by the tail, and then you can drag it into your cave and eat it in peace." This advice pleased the lion. He positioned himself, and in order that the fox might tie the horse fast to him, he kept pletely quiet. But the fox tied the lion's legs together with the horse's tail, and isted and fastened everything so well and so strongly that no amount of strength could pull it loose. When he had finished his work, he tapped the horse on the shoulder and said, "Pull, white horse, pull!" Then up sprang the horse at once, and pulled the lion away with him. The lion began to roar so that all the birds in the forest flew up in terror, but the horse let him roar, and drew him and dragged him across the field to his master's door. When the master saw the lion, he was of a better mind, and said to the horse, "You shall stay with me and fare well." And he gave him plenty to eat until he died. 狐狸和马 一个农夫有一匹勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨为他干活的马,但这匹马现在已经老了,干活也不行了,所以,农夫不想再给马吃东西。 他对马说:“我再也用。 3. 英语作文带翻译mystory(我的故事) My Favourite StoryI can never fet the story my mother told me when I was young. It's about the conversation beeen a fox and a crow. The fox wanted to get the meat in the crow's mouth. So he said a lot of beautiful words to the crow. On hearing these words, crow became very happy. He opened his mouth and the meat fell onto the ground. The fox got the meat easily. This is all about my favourite story.。 4. 写一个你最喜爱的故事英语作文加翻译 My Favourite Book I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but "Harry Porter" is my favorite one. The story is very long but I am interested in it. Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies. His Z-shaped scar and magic stick brought me into a magical world. In fact, the fiction story is so meaningful that I can learn a lot from it. I think it's the best book I've ever read. 我最喜欢的书 我喜欢阅读各种书籍,但“哈利·波特”是我最喜欢的。这个故事很长,但我很感兴趣。哈利这样勇敢而聪明的孩子,他敢于对抗强大的敌人战斗。他Z形的伤疤和魔术棒把我带进一个神奇的世界。事实上,小说的故事是如此有意义的,我可以从中学到很多东西。我认为这是最好的书我读过。 5. 求一篇英语故事作文(带翻译) I born in a family of fou

