sky high公司

时间:2024-06-25 22:43:32编辑:阿星


送假名(送り仮名 okurigana),是指一个日语词汇之中,汉字后面跟随(即所谓“送”)的假名,用来指示前面汉字的词性或读音。日语使用者书写送假名的方法或许有不同。这尤其常见于动词连用形(ます形去掉ます)接驳名词的复合名词,或者由动词连用形加动词组成的复合动词。日本文部科学省已经规范了这类词的写法,一般原则是写出送假名。例如暮れ方(くれかたkurekata日暮)一词,由暮れ这个连用形动词,加方而成,れ是暮れ的送假名,得写出来。不过,有时也可以见到写成暮方。扩展资料:书写习惯由于约定俗成的关系,有些词语的送假名会被省略,例如:受付理应写作受け付け(うけつけuketsuke,接待之意);引渡理应写作引き渡し(ひきわたしhikiwatashi,引渡之意);申込理应写作申し込み(もうしこみmōshikomi,申请之意)入口理应写作入り口(いりぐちiriguchi,入口之意)在复合语中,送假名则应该省略,例如:「申込用纸」不应写作:「申し込み用纸」。文部科学省也有个别词汇指名要省略送假名的。例如:话理应全写为话し(はなしhanashi,说话之意);光理应全写为光り(ひかりhikari,光之意);物语理应全写为物语り(ものがたりmonogatari,故事之意)参考资料:百度百科-送假名


你的意思。语法:“あなた”这个单词想必大家都不陌生,一般日语初学就学到了,大家学到的意思应该都是表达第二人称“你”的意思。“你”在汉语中非常常见,可以说是三句不离一个“你”。但是如果当你在和日本人聊天的时候特别肆无忌惮放飞自我的用“あなた”,人家表面笑嘻嘻,心里会不舒服。一般使用“あなたの”是有轻微敬意的第二人称表示,适用对象于和自己关系对等或者比自己地位低一些的人。也就是对于比自己身份地位高或是不太熟悉的人,最好不要使用“あなたの”。扩展资料あなた的由来:“あなた”这个词最初是来自“彼方”,汉语你们应该也能够看出这个词的距离感了吧,没错,实际表示的是表示的是“あちらの方”(a chi ra no ka ta)“あの方”(a no ka ta)。这个词一般会让人产生心理上的距离感,所以除非你真的和对方不是很熟或者刻意想要表达和对方的这种距离感可以使用之外。除了有轻微距离感的表示之外,还有另外一层意思。可以说是两个极端了,另外一层意思是亲密男女之间的称呼,尤其是妻子丈夫之间的叫法。


SM 有 BoA Fly to the Sky The TRAX 张力尹 少女时代 东方神起 SJ FX SHINee B.E.G ...等等...
JYP 有 Wonder Girls 2AM 朴振英 MISS A 。。。。
CJ MEDIA LINE 09年韩国女子组合VNT 蔡妍 。。。
DSP 有 SS501 A'st1 。。。
Mnet Media After School T-ara
YG MASTAWU ??? ?(吴镇元)、JINUSEAN(激怒神) ??? 、1TYM(解散)、LEXY、SE7EN、Park Han Buyl(朴寒星) 、Ku Hye sun(具惠善)SWI.T(解散)、Big Bang

YG&M-boat —
WheeSung ?? 辉星、Gummy ?? 、Big Ma Ma ???

YG Underground —

JG 是李准基的新公司 。。。


F&C MUSIC公司:cnblue ftisland等等
SM : BoA Fly to the Sky The TRAX 张力尹 少女时代 SJ FX SHINee B.E.G ...等等...
JYP : Wonder Girls 2AM 朴振英 MISS A
DSP 有 SS501
Mnet Media After School T-ara
YG MASTAWU 吴镇元 SE7EN、朴寒星 具惠善 Big Bang

YG&M-boat —
WheeSung ?? 辉星、Gummy ?? 、Big Ma Ma ???

YG Underground —

JG 是李准基的新公司 。。。
有点乱昂 你具体要知道谁在什么公司吗

韩国有那几个有名的经纪公司 (包括旗下有名艺人的介绍)

1、SM公司 其旗下代表艺人有BoA、东方神起、Super Junior、少女时代、SHINee、f(x)、EXO、Red Velvet、NCT等。2、YG entertainment 公司培养出BIGBANG、2NE1、WINNER、iKON、BLACKPINK、刘仁娜等众多知名的歌手及演员,同时也陆续加入了一些已经出道几年的歌手,就如PSY、Tablo、Epik High以及从Kpop Star中优胜的选手,如李夏怡、乐童音乐家、李胜勋等。3、JYP旗下艺人主要有朴振荣,Wonder Girls,2AM,2PM,miss A, 崔宇植,白雅言,JJ Project ,李廷镇, 金志珉,宋昰昀,尹博, GOT7,HA:TFELT(朴誉恩),魏大勋,BernardPark,G-Soul,Day6,Twice,王霏霏,裴秀智。4、C-JES娱乐经纪公司 JYJ、宋智孝、朴有焕等所属娱乐经纪公司。5、FNC娱乐经纪公司 (FNC ??????) C.N.Blue、FTisland等组合的所属娱乐经纪公司。6、wellmadestarm公司 李钟硕、吴涟序等艺人所属公司


众所周知韩国有三大娱乐公司,分别为SM、JYP、YG,而这三家公司都有着自己的选择标准,对艺人的选择也是极为苛刻。这三大公司培养了许多优秀的艺术家,让韩流席卷亚洲。这也让许多有着明星梦的人打破了脑袋,想以实习生的身份进入公司。1、SM公司SM是韩国最大的造星梦想工厂。它的艺术家众多,他们的选择标准是完美主义。SM拥有比较全面的培训机制和成功的明星案例,已经成为许多青少年成为明星的首选。但是真正想进入SM公司真的很难,在歌舞方面是无懈可击的,全方位的魔鬼训练和整容手术都是见习期,正是因为这些原因,才让SM公司选中了顶尖的艺人。2、JYP公司JYP是由韩国音乐教父朴真永创办的娱乐公司。事实上,在朴金永做艺术家的时候,也想进入SM,但是因为长相不好被排除在SM之外。因此,在成为老板之前身体被列为候选人的外表,这就是为什么艺术家很少做整容手术。每一个进入公司的实习生都必须每天保持健康,所以公司的大多数艺术家都是肌肉发达的男人和长腿的女人。然而,我不得不承认,它的艺术家有着良好的身材,良好的舞蹈和良好的歌唱技巧。它们都很强大。3、YG公司YG公司是韩国最著名的娱乐公司。与此同时,YG也拥有最强大的艺术家。它的艺术家多种多样。YG候选人的要求远不如SM和JYP。YG不挑剔外表,也不注重舞蹈技巧。老板杨贤硕的开明态度,不限制艺术家的发展方向,使YG的艺术家个性鲜明,但对他们的演唱技巧和创作能力有严格的要求。因此,与SM和JYP相比,YG把音乐放在第一位。扩展资料:注意事项:1、SM的整体音乐风格偏向于舞蹈音乐,包括摇滚、爵士、嘻哈和其他音乐元素。SM也有其他歌曲作者,如俞永镇,为艺术家或SM公司的团体创作一系列经典和著名的歌曲。尽管舞蹈音乐在韩国音乐行业很受欢迎,但SM的作品是独一无二的,可以被人们记住。2、这也有利于其优秀的音乐制作团队。然而,SM总是拒绝接受外界的作品,因此失去了很多好作品。这也使得整体作品变化不大。多听之后,很难避免似曾相识的感觉,就像生产线上生产的作品。3、声音是选择新人的重要部分。无论是独奏还是合奏,优美的声音都是必不可少的。4、签订合同时,SM是第一个签订代理学生合同的人。当他正式开始职业生涯时,他会以自己的名义签署一份为期五年的表演合同。一般来说,福利收入是公司:个人= 7: 3。但是,这里的收入是指专辑的收入,周边产品和其他活动的收入归公司所有。


韩国三大娱乐公司是:1、S.M.EntertainmentS.M是Star Museum的缩写,意为明星博物馆、名人殿堂,在韩国有“造星工厂”之称。李秀满于1995年创办了韩国SM娱乐有限公司,并在2000年4月成为韩国第一个娱乐文化股份公司。2、YG EntertainmentYG娱乐由前徐太志和杨贤石在1996年组合解散后成立。YG意为杨君(Yang Goon),也就是它的社长杨贤石的名字首字母。3、JYP Enterainment center创办人朴振英是被誉为韩国音乐教父,同时是歌手、创作人及制作人,其于1997年11月,在朋友的帮助下以5000万韩元注册了一家名为“泰宏”的小型经纪公司。SM不适合艺人的个人发展艺人的个人发展来说,SM实在不是佳选。实力的强大注定了其强迫性,“想要做自己的音乐”——这种事情在SM是不可能实现的。一切都得按照公司的企划来,无论是新人还是已成名的艺人,没有自主性,没有办法主张自己的想法,这对艺人来说也是一种悲哀。


韩国娱乐公司排行榜:SM,JYP,YG,DSP,CJ。1、SMS.M.Entertainment是韩国一间大型艺人企划和经纪公司,由歌手出身的李秀满于1989年创办。其名称“SM”为英文“Star Museum”的缩写,意为“明星博物馆、名人殿堂”。2、JYP1997年11月,朴振英在朋友的帮助下注册了一家名为“泰宏”的小型经纪公司。2001年4月,泰宏公司正式更名为JYP Entertainment。JYP成功改革后分为唱片企划部,海外事业部,产业联系部三大部门。公司目前除了韩国总部外,在中国、美国都有分公司。3、YGYG Entertainment是韩国最大的娱乐经纪公司之一,也是韩国拥有最多Hip Hop歌手的娱乐公司。是韩国著名的上市娱乐公司(上市日期:2011年11月23日),由已解散的90年代当红团体“徐太志和孩子们”团员之一的梁铉锡于1996年所创立。4、DSPDSP公司的全称是DSPEntertainment,DSP1991年创办,起初他们有4个创意,这也就是后来被大家所熟知的IDOL,SECHSKIES(水晶男孩),FIN.K.L,Click-B,1996年在韩国没有一支是身为组合的十大歌手。5、CJCJ娱乐集团和LG类似,是一个超级企业,CJ下属的娱乐集团是韩国主要的电影制片、发行商.正规来说CJ娱乐公司只是CJ的下属部门,CJ有很多下属公司,以前三星也是的,后来两者分家。

沃尔特·迪斯尼电影公司Walt Disney Pictures 发行的电影有哪些,越多越好~

Enchanted (2007) ... Production Company
The Game Plan (2007) ... Production Company
High School Musical 2: Sing It All or Nothing! (2007) (TV) ... Production Company
Ratatouille (2007) ... Production Company
Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007) ... Production Company
Meet the Robinsons (2007) ... Production Company
Bridge to Terabithia (2007) ... Production Company
The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (2006) ... Production Company
Invincible (2006) ... Production Company
Fallen (2006) (TV) ... Production Company
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) ... Production Company
Pixar's 20th Anniversary Special (2006) (TV) ... Production Company
Stick It (2006) ... Production Company
The Wild (2006) ... Production Company
Cars (2006) ... Production Company
The Shaggy Dog (2006) ... Production Company
Eight Below (2006) ... Production Company
Roving Mars (2006) ... Production Company
Bambi II (2006) ... Production Company
High School Musical (2006) (TV) ... Production Company
Glory Road (2006) ... Production Company
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) ... Production Company
Kronk's New Groove (2005) (V) ... Production Company
Chicken Little (2005) ... Production Company
The WIN Awards (2005) (TV) ... Production Company
Kermit: A Frog's Life (2005) (V) ... Production Company
Sky High (2005) ... Production Company
Herbie Fully Loaded (2005) ... Production Company
Disneyland: The First 50 Magical Years (2005) ... Production Company
Ice Princess (2005) ... Production Company, Production Company
Jack-Jack Attack (2005) (V) ... Production Company
The Pacifier (2005) ... Production Company
Pooh's Heffalump Movie (2005) ... Production Company
Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas (2004) (V) ... Production Company
National Treasure (2004) ... Production Company
Mulan II (2004) (V) ... Production Company
The Incredibles (2004) ... Production Company
Hilary's Roman Adventure (2004) (V) ... Production Company
Hauru no ugoku shiro (2004) ... Production Company (English dubbing)
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004) ... Production Company
Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers (2004) (V) ... Production Company
One by One (2004) (V) ... Production Company
Around the World in 80 Days (2004) ... Production Company
America's Heart and Soul (2004) ... Production Company
Sacred Planet (2004) ... Production Company
Winnie the Pooh: Springtime with Roo (2004) (V) ... Production Company
Home on the Range (2004) ... Production Company
Lorenzo (2004) ... Production Company
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004) ... Production Company
Miracle (2004) ... Production Company
Teacher's Pet (2004) ... Production Company
The Young Black Stallion (2003) ... Production Company
Diary of a Pirate (2003) (V) ... Production Company
The Haunted Mansion (2003) ... Production Company
Brother Bear (2003) ... Production Company
Tron 2.0 (2003) (VG) ... Production Company
George of the Jungle 2 (2003) (V) ... Production Company
Freaky Friday (2003) ... Production Company
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) ... Production Company
Destino (2003) ... Production Company
Finding Nemo (2003) ... Production Company (presents)
The Lizzie McGuire Movie (2003) ... Production Company
Atlantis: Milo's Return (2003) (V) ... Production Company
Holes (2003) ... Production Company
Ghosts of the Abyss (2003) ... Production Company
Right on Track (2003) (TV) ... Production Company
Piglet's Big Movie (2003) ... Production Company
Inspector Gadget 2 (2003) (V) ... Production Company
The Music Man (2003) (TV) ... Production Company
The Jungle Book 2 (2003) ... Production Company
101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure (2003) (V) ... Production Company
The Hot Chick (2002) ... Production Company
Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year (2002) (V) ... Production Company
Treasure Planet (2002) ... Production Company
The Santa Clause 2 (2002) ... Production Company
The Scream Team (2002) (TV) ... Production Company
Tuck Everlasting (2002) ... Production Company
The Country Bears (2002) ... Production Company
Lilo & Stitch (2002) ... Production Company
The Rookie (2002) ... Production Company
Cinderella II: Dreams Come True (2002) (V) ... Production Company
Return to Never Land (2002) ... Production Company
Snow Dogs (2002) ... Production Company
A New Princess (2001) (V) ... Production Company
Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse (2001) (V) ... Production Company
Monsters, Inc. (2001) ... Production Company
Max Keeble's Big Move (2001) ... Production Company
The Princess Diaries (2001) ... Production Company
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001) ... Production Company
Bailey's Mistake (2001) (TV) ... Production Company
Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure (2001) (V) ... Production Company
Golden Dreams (2001) ... Production Company
Soarin' Over California (2001) ... Production Company
Tarzan Untamed (2001) (VG) ... Production Company
The Emperor's New Groove (2000) ... Production Company
102 Dalmatians (2000) ... Production Company
Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire (2000) (TV) ... Production Company
Remember the Titans (2000) ... Production Company
The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea (2000) (V) ... Production Company
The Kid (2000) ... Production Company
Dinosaur (2000) ... Production Company
Mail to the Chief (2000) (TV) ... Production Company
Whispers: An Elephant's Tale (2000) ... Production Company
An Extremely Goofy Movie (2000) (V) ... Production Company
The Loretta Claiborne Story (2000) (TV) ... Production Company
John Henry (2000) ... Production Company
Fantasia/2000 (1999) ... Production Company
Switching Goals (1999) (TV) ... Production Company
Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas (1999) (V) ... Production Company
Toy Story 2 (1999) ... Production Company
H-E Double Hockey Sticks (1999) ... Production Company
The Hand Behind the Mouse: The Ub Iwerks Story (1999) ... Production Company
Inspector Gadget (1999) ... Production Company (presents)
Tarzan (1999) ... Production Company
The Straight Story (1999) ... Production Company
Doug's 1st Movie (1999) ... Production Company
My Favorite Martian (1999) ... Production Company
Endurance (1999) ... Production Company
Hercules: Zero to Hero (1999) (V) ... Production Company
"Sing Me a Story with Belle" (1999) ... Production Company
Winnie the Pooh Friendship: Pooh Wishes (1999) (V) ... Production Company
Winnie the Pooh: Imagine That, Christopher Robin (1999) (V) ... Production Company
Mighty Joe Young (1998) ... Production Company
A Bug's Life (1998) ... Production Company
I'll Be Home for Christmas (1998) ... Production Company
A Winnie the Pooh Thanksgiving (1998) (V) ... Production Company
The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (1998) (V) ... Production Company
Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World (1998) (V) ... Production Company
The Parent Trap (1998) ... Production Company
Mulan (1998) ... Production Company
Meet the Deedles (1998) ... Production Company
Belle's Magical World (1998) (V) ... Production Company
The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit (1998) ... Production Company
Mr. Magoo (1997) ... Production Company
Flubber (1997) ... Production Company
RocketMan (1997) ... Production Company (presents)
Air Bud (1997) ... Production Company
George of the Jungle (1997) ... Production Company
Hercules (1997) ... Production Company
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves (1997) (V) ... Production Company
That Darn Cat (1997) ... Production Company
Jungle 2 Jungle (1997) ... Production Company
Disney Sing-Along-Songs: Zero to Hero (1997) (V) ... Production Company
101 Dalmatians (1996) ... Production Company
D3: The Mighty Ducks (1996) ... Production Company
First Kid (1996) ... Production Company
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) ... Production Company
James and the Giant Peach (1996) ... Production Company
Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco (1996) ... Production Company
Muppet Treasure Island (1996) ... Production Company
Tom and Huck (1995) ... Production Company
Toy Story (1995) ... Production Company
The Big Green (1995) ... Production Company
Frank and Ollie (1995) ... Production Company
A Kid in King Arthur's Court (1995) ... Production Company
Runaway Brain (1995) ... Production Company
Petal to the Metal (1995) ... Production Company
Operation Dumbo Drop (1995) ... Production Company
Pocahontas (1995) ... Production Company
A Goofy Movie (1995) ... Production Company
Tall Tale (1995) ... Production Company
Man of the House (1995) ... Production Company
Heavy Weights (1995) ... Production Company
Circle of Life: An Environmental Fable (1995) ... Production Company
Epilog (1995) ... Production Company
Stand by Me (1995) ... Production Company
The Jungle Book (1994) ... Production Company
The Santa Clause (1994) ... Production Company
Squanto: A Warrior's Tale (1994) ... Production Company
"Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad" (1994) ... Production Company
Angels in the Outfield (1994) ... Production Company
The Lion King (1994) ... Production Company
White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf (1994) ... Production Company
D2: The Mighty Ducks (1994) ... Production Company (presents)
Blank Check (1994) ... Production Company
Iron Will (1994) ... Production Company (presents)
Disney Sing-Along-Songs: Be Our Guest (1994) (V) ... Production Company
The Three Musketeers (1993) ... Production Company
"Shnookums and Meat Funny Cartoon Show" (1993) ... Production Company
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) ... Production Company (3D version)
Cool Runnings (1993) ... Production Company
Hocus Pocus (1993) ... Production Company
DuckTales 2 (1993) (VG) ... Production Company
The Adventures of Huck Finn (1993) ... Production Company
A Far Off Place (1993) ... Production Company
Trail Mix-Up (1993) ... Production Company
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993) ... Production Company
The Best of Disney Music: A Legacy in Song - Part II (1993) (TV) ... Production Company
The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992) ... Production Company
Aladdin (1992) ... Production Company
The Mighty Ducks (1992) ... Production Company
Honey I Blew Up the Kid (1992) ... Production Company
Still Not Quite Human (1992) (TV) ... Production Company
Newsies (1992) ... Production Company
Darkwing Duck (1992) (VG) ... Production Company
Off His Rockers (1992) ... Production Company
Spies (1992) (TV) ... Production Company
In the Nick of Time (1991) (TV) ... Production Company
Beauty and the Beast (1991) ... Production Company
The Rocketeer (1991) ... Production Company
Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken (1991) ... Production Company
White Fang (1991/I) ... Production Company
The Prince and the Pauper (1990) ... Production Company
The Rescuers Down Under (1990) ... Production Company
Haakon Haakonsen (1990) ... Production Company
"Wake, Rattle & Roll" (1990) ... Production Company
DuckTales: The Movie - Treasure of the Lost Lamp (1990) ... Production Company
DuckTales (1990) (VG) ... Production Company
The Little Mermaid (1989) ... Production Company
Body Wars (1989) ... Production Company
Not Quite Human II (1989) (TV) ... Production Company
Cheetah (1989) ... Production Company
Splash Mountain (1989) (VG) ... Production Company
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (1989) ... Production Company
Tummy Trouble (1989) ... Production Company
"MMC" (1989) ... Production Company
Tiffany at Disney World (1989) (TV) ... Production Company
"Disneyland: Davy Crockett: A Natural Man (#33.8)" (1988) ... Production Company
Oliver & Company (1988) ... Production Company
Roger Rabbit and the Secrets of Toon Town (1988) (TV) ... Production Company
Walt Disney World 4th of July Spectacular (1988) (TV) ... Production Company
Justin Case (1988) (TV) ... Production Company
Return to Snowy River (1988) ... Production Company
Disney Sing-Along-Songs: You Can Fly (1988) (V) ... Production Company
Winnie the Pooh Friendship: Tigger-ific Tales (1988) (V) ... Production Company
The Return of the Shaggy Dog (1987) (TV) ... Production Company
Not Quite Human (1987) (TV) ... Production Company
Benji the Hunted (1987) ... Production Company
Young Harry Houdini (1987) (TV) ... Production Company
Walt Disney World's 15th Birthday Celebration (1986) (TV) ... Production Company
Captain EO (1986) ... Production Company
Flight of the Navigator (1986) ... Production Company
"Return to Treasure Island" (1986) (mini) ... Production Company
The Great Mouse Detective (1986) ... Production Company
A Fighting Choice (1986) (TV) ... Production Company
One Magic Christmas (1985) ... Production Company
The Blue Yonder (1985) (TV) ... Production Company
The Journey of Natty Gann (1985) ... Production Company
The Black Cauldron (1985) ... Production Company
Return to Oz (1985) ... Production Company
Frankenweenie (1984) ... Production Company
All Because Man Wanted to Fly (1984) ... Production Company
American Journeys (1984) ... Production Company
Follow Us to Walt Disney World (1984) (V) ... Production Company
Gone Are the Dayes (1984) (TV) ... Production Company
Walt Disney Cartoon Classics Limited Gold Edition: Daisy (1984) (V) ... Production Company
Where the Toys Come from (1984) ... Production Company
Mickey's Christmas Carol (1983) ... Production Company
Never Cry Wolf (1983) ... Production Company
"Zorro and Son" (1983) ... Production Company
Trenchcoat (1983) ... Production Company
Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore (1983) ... Production Company
"Small & Frye" (1983) ... Production Company
The Making of 'Never Cry Wolf' (1983) (TV) ... Production Company
The Making of 'Something Wicked This Way Comes' (1983) (TV) ... Production Company
Omnisphere (1983) ... Production Company
Fun with Mr. Future (1982) ... Production Company
EPCOT Center: The Opening Celebration (1982) (TV) ... Production Company
O Canada! (1982) ... Production Company
Halloween Treat (1982) (V) ... Production Company
Impressions de France (1982) ... Production Company
Vincent (1982) ... Production Company
The Fox and the Hound (1981) ... Production Company
Once Upon a Mouse (1981) ... Production Company
Amy (1981) ... Production Company
A Dream Called Walt Disney World (1981) (V) ... Production Company
Florida's Disney Decade (1981) (TV) ... Production Company
Herbie Goes Bananas (1980) ... Production Company
Mickey Mouse Disco (1980) ... Production Company
The Watcher in the Woods (1980) ... Production Company
The Kids Who Knew Too Much (1980) (TV) ... Production Company
Midnight Madness (1980) ... Production Company
The Black Hole (1979) ... Production Company
Major Effects (1979) (TV) ... Production Company
The Spaceman and King Arthur (1979) ... Production Company
The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again (1979) ... Production Company
The London Connection (1979) ... Production Company
The North Avenue Irregulars (1979) ... Production Company
Donovan's Kid (1979) (TV) ... Production Company
The Small One (1978) ... Production Company
Donald Duck's Cartoon Mania (1978) ... Production Company
Child of Glass (1978) (TV) ... Production Company
Return from Witch Mountain (1978) ... Production Company
The Million Dollar Dixie Deliverance (1978) (TV) ... Production Company
All Star Cartoon Revue (1978) ... Production Company
Frank and Ollie: Four Decades of Disney Animation (1978) ... Production Company
Mickey Mouse Jubilee Show (1978) ... Production Company
The Sky Trap (1978) (TV) ... Production Company
Candleshoe (1977) ... Production Company
The Mouseketeers at Walt Disney World (1977) (TV) ... Production Company
Donald Duck's Summer Magic (1977) ... Production Company
A Tale of Two Critters (1977) ... Production Company
The Ghost of Cypress Swamp (1977) (TV) ... Production Company
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977) ... Production Company
The Golden Dog (1977) (TV) ... Production Company
Donald and His Duckling Gang (1977) ... Production Company
Trail of Danger (1977) (TV) ... Production Company
The Whiz Kid and the Carnival Caper (1976) (TV) ... Production Company
Donald Duck's Fun Festival (1976) ... Production Company
The Madcap Adventures of Mr. Toad (1975) ... Production Company
Donald Duck's Frantic Antic (1975) ... Production Company
The Best of Walt Disney's True-Life Adventures (1975) ... Production Company
One of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing (1975) ... Production Company
Welcome to the World (1975) (TV) ... Production Company
The Strongest Man in the World (1975) ... Production Company
The Sky's the Limit (1975) ... Production Company
America the Beautiful (1975) ... Production Company
Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too! (1974) ... Production Company
Return of the Big Cat (1974) (TV) ... Production Company
Magic Carpet 'Round the World (1974) ... Production Company
Diamonds on Wheels (1974) (TV) ... Production Company
Herbie Rides Again (1974) ... Production Company
Hog Wild (1974) (TV) ... Production Company
The Whiz Kid and the Mystery at Riverton (1974) (TV) ... Production Company
Runaway on Rogue River (1974) (TV) ... Production Company
Walt Disney's Cartoon Carousel (1974) ... Production Company
"Disneyland: Fire on Kelly Mountain (#20.3)" (1973) ... Production Company
Mystery in Dracula's Castle (1973) (TV) ... Production Company
Alvin the Magnificent (1973) (TV) ... Production Company
Man, Monsters and Mysteries (1973) ... Production Company
VD Attack Plan (1973) ... Production Company
Walt Disney: A Golden Anniversary Salute (1973) (TV) ... Production Company
The Walt Disney Story (1973) ... Production Company
The Magic of Walt Disney World (1972) ... Production Company
Now You See Him, Now You Don't (1972) ... Production Company
Superstar Goofy (1972) ... Production Company
Michael O'Hara the Fourth (1972) (TV) ... Production Company
The Grand Opening of Walt Disney World (1971) (TV) ... Production Company
Academy Awards Shorts Program (1971) ... Production Company
Hacksaw (1971) (TV) ... Production Company
The Million Dollar Duck (1971) ... Production Company
Scandalous John (1971) ... Production Company
The Barefoot Executive (1971) ... Production Company
Bongo (1971) ... Production Company
Project Florida (1971) ... Production Company
Dad, Can I Borrow the Car? (1970) (TV) ... Production Company
The Boatniks (1970) ... Production Company
King of the Grizzlies (1970) ... Production Company
Smoke (1970) (TV) ... Production Company
I'm No Fool with Electricity (1970) ... Production Company
The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes (1969) ... Production Company
It's Tough to Be a Bird (1969) ... Production Company
Secrets of the Pirates' Inn (1969) (TV) ... Production Company
Hang Your Hat on the Wind (1969) ... Production Company
Rascal (1969) ... Production Company
Ride a Northbound Horse (1969) (TV) ... Production Company
Guns in the Heather (1969) ... Production Company
The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit (1968) ... Production Company
Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (1968) ... Production Company
The Mystery of Edward Sims (1968) (TV) ... Production Company
The Young Loner (1968) (TV) ... Production Company
The Mickey Mouse Anniversary Show (1968) ... Production Company
Treasure of San Bosco Reef (1968) ... Production Company
The Gnome-Mobile (1967) ... Production Company
America the Beautiful (1967) ... Production Company
Scrooge McDuck and Money (1967) ... Production Company
The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin (1967) ... Production Company
Monkeys, Go Home! (1967) ... Production Company
Canada '67 (1967) ... Production Company
"Gallegher Goes West" (1966) ... Production Company
The Fighting Prince of Donegal (1966) ... Production Company
Run, Appaloosa, Run (1966) ... Production Company
Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. (1966) ... Production Company
"Disneyland: Concho, the Coyote Who Wasn't (#12.24)" (196


全名:迈克尔·安东尼·安格拉诺 (Michael Anthony Angarano)
现在居住:加利福尼亚州 ,洛杉矶
喜爱运动队: Mets, Knicks, and Jets
喜爱音乐/乐队:Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Green Day, and some rap..
喜爱电影:The Godfather(教父), The Godfather 2(教父2), The Sting, Rebel Without a Cause, Back to the Future I(回到未来), Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and Some Like it Hot.
喜爱演员: Charlie Chaplin(查理·卓别林), Buster Keaton, James Cagney, Marlon Brando(马龙·白兰度), Denzel name some.
游戏: Madden 2005 and Fifa
喜爱电视:Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld, American Chopper
喜爱食品:Meatballs, macaroni, and especially his moms chicken cutlet parmesan with spaghetti!
Gentlemen Broncos (2009) ...Benjamin Purvis
《功夫之王》 The Forbidden Kingdom(2008)……Jason Williams
《最后的赛季》 The Final Season (2007) ...Mitch Akers
The Bondage (2006) …… Charlie
Man in the Chair(2006) …… Cameron Kincaid (attached)
Lack Irish (2006)…… Cole
《雪天使》 Snow Angels (2006)…… Arthur Parkinson (attached)
《超人高校》 Sky High(2005) …… Will Stronghold
《亲爱的温迪》 Dear Wendy(2005) …… Freddie
《狗镇议员》 Lords of Dogtown(2005) …… Sid
《最后的愿望》 One Last Thing...(2005) …… Dylan
《尘土工厂》 The Dust Factory(2004)…… Rocky Mazzelli
《奔腾年代》 Seabiscuit(2003) …… Young Red Pollard
《保密天使》/《守密者》 Little Secrets(2002) …… Philip
《成名在望》 Almost Famous(2000) …… Young William Miller
《弦动我心》 Music of the Heart (1999) …… Nick at 7
《淘气老顽童》 I'm Not Rappaport (1997) …… 3-Yr-old Cowboy
《贫富之间》 For Richer or Poorer(1997) …… Sammy Yoder

求Locking【舞曲】 ?

《whatever you like》 重低音超级重,很有感觉。
《 blunt ashes 》 慢节奏的说唱。
《 kill you》 阿姆的说唱。
《sugar 》 很老的歌了。不过节奏还赞哦
《g-slide 》 开头小孩子超级痢疾的。
《hip hop is dead 》 NAS的经典歌曲了,超有感觉的。
《teenage life》 个人很喜欢的歌,有小朋友和嘻哈的完美结合。
《believe me》 BILLBAND 里面排名一直稳居在前五的歌~fort minor 的
《london bridge》 个人推荐~全是骂人话。
《in da club》 50 cent 的吊比歌,很嗨。电子加嘻哈。
《i do》 chingy的嘻哈我一直满喜欢的。
《low》 夜店歌,去过G的应该听过吧。
《break it off》 很适合派对的歌~ RIHANNA的。
《hypnotized》 很舒服的慢摇。 AKON的。 很喜欢
《disco inferno》 重低音很重的嘻哈 .
《bartender》 T-PAIN的慢摇
《not going back》 这首歌呢,不知道怎么说。其实情景满悲惨的。
《dirt off your shoulder》 赞的。
《 he said she said》 女的声音很性感,爆发力啊毛强的。
《petrified 》 重低音做的太吊了!
《numb encore》 JAY-Z的经典了,听过的应该晓得的。
《pocketful of sunshine》 终于找到那首07的混合曲的一首单独曲目了~!
《i can》 NAS的古典和嘻哈的结合。
《pump it》 黑眼豆豆的老歌,不过我觉得不比他们的一些红歌节奏差。
《the real slim shady》跳街舞绝对赞的歌。
《shut up》 黑眼豆豆的。很有爆发的。

《that la la la》Rihanna的。在G+听到过。
《gimme that》Chirs Brown的老歌,也许你没注意,不过节奏真的重!
《nasty girl》Chingy的嘻哈不多介绍了!相信听过的就知道有多赞。
《Ass N da Aurr》Chingy的。
《what you got》Colby O'donis的。他既是音乐制作人也是歌手,曾经在gaga的 just dance里唱过男声
《Whine up》.节奏重。
《Yamaha mama》酱爆弟弟的。不错的r&b
《i know youwant me》G+里很红的歌。
《I wanna rock》这首略显普通,可以听下哈。
《bad boys》高潮很好听的!
《dead and gone》billband上禅连过的冠军歌
《carry out》Timbaland的。个人觉得一般哈,可是他排名很不错。
《say hey》拉丁曲风的嘻哈。
《sweat dream》别忘记Beyonce!
《i'll be missing you》个人推荐!很舒服的说唱。尤其是高潮。适合在嗨后结尾
《lose yourself》阿姆的歌
《remember the name》超老的说唱了。不过依然经典。

Dear mama 慢摇
my last serenade 男的声音很好听,不能说是很节奏的流行,个人推荐,好听
right now G+放过的,AKON的。高潮赞
WHAT IS IT Baby Bash Ft Sean Kingston 朋友推荐
shut up and drive. RIHANNA 的。有点广告歌的感觉
gone going 个人推荐的很好听的慢摇。
tipsy 这首歌实在是太叼了~耳朵的冲击。
sexy can i 很早的嘻哈歌了。不过还是蛮有慢摇的感觉的。
crowded 听过了哈哈。还不错,又是一首爆发力的重低音
need a boss 喜欢。推荐推荐
family affair 又是一首夜店放烂掉的慢摇。
free your mind 摇滚加嘻哈的结合。
like a boy 节奏不重,但是很嘻哈。
harder better faster stronger 这个没有歌词,就是舞厅的电子歌曲
just a lil bit 50 cent的
baby by me ne-yo 的. 感觉节奏不错.
candyman christina aguilera的. 适合派队
christmas tree LADY GAGA 的.g+放过
gettin' it chingy 的嘻哈
one call away 推荐.重低音的节奏
balla baby 国外酒吧会选择放的歌.
dem jeans 也是推荐歌曲之一 很不错
hotel room g+里面放过的.
go girl PITBULL的.个人很喜欢他的歌.夜店歌首选.
sticky icky 很不错
dammit man

beep 朋友推荐的.
Eenie Meenie 很不错的歌哈。有Justin Bieber
candy 重低音慢摇。
gangsta Snoop Dogg新歌,节奏重
luv drunk 超舒服的慢摇。推荐!!
Empire State Of Mind G+的歌,JAY-Z的,高潮超级好听。
Church 节奏暴快的
i'm a f r 慢摇慢摇慢摇~~~
The boss 有种很有冲击的感觉,纯说唱
tambourine 可以把身体摇起来的歌,G放过。

who's that girl EVE的嘻哈。喜欢的顶!
cowboy 喜欢喜欢。
last ninght 虽然不是最新的嘻哈,不过很慢摇
tell me who you aRE。 喜欢这首歌的背景配乐。
superstar g+放过。
Put yo hood up remix 纯嘻哈的音乐,赞@!!!!
Run This TowN G+有时候会放的。
i need a girl 很好听的慢摇。
lets get it startED 黑眼豆豆的嘻哈。
kiss me thru the phone G+放过。曾经红过一段时间的。
locked up 绝对有味道的慢摇啊。。。。推荐!!
krazy G有放,太嗨了这个
insomnia G最近老是会放的歌~也是国外酒吧比较红的歌
Shoulder Lean 夜店长放的歌曲。
Swagga like us 这首歌的节奏太赞了。一听就会SHAKE~@!!
get right 北京MIXDJ会放的歌。
here we go now 这首歌总算给我找到了!!太刁了!!
Get like Me 不会让你失望的潮歌。
move shake drop 北京MIX会放的~
Snap yo fingers 爆发力的嘻哈。。太爱了!!
The one I love timbaland 的主打新歌嘻哈么。蛮好听的
Peanut Butter and Jelly 赞赞!
wall to wall 又是一首夜店红歌啊~
na-nana-na nelly 的嘻哈。
stronger g后半夜放的。
the next episode 上海夜店必放的歌

feel good inc 苹果的广告 歌,也是上海新天地必放的歌
Missy Elliot 慢摇。听了很不错呵呵
yeyeye~ 奥菲,听了立马扭起来的。
love you like mad 太好听了!!我超级喜欢的R&B
hate me now r&b和说唱的完美结合!真的好好听!!!


01. Funky Weekend / Mint Condition02. Throw Your Hands Up / L.V.03. Love Like This / Faith Evans04. Dancin' / Guy05. The Finest / Truce06. This Is Where You Belong

