yesterday once more mp3

时间:2024-06-26 18:46:27编辑:阿星

《yesterday once more》的歌词

歌曲:Yesterday Once More(昨日重现)歌手:卡朋特乐队作词:理查德·卡朋特,约翰·贝蒂斯作曲:理查德·卡朋特,约翰·贝蒂斯歌词(翻译版):When I was young (当我小时候)I'd listen to the radio (聆听收音机)  Waiting for my favorite songs (等待着我最喜欢的歌曲)  When they played I'd sing along (当歌曲播放时我和着它轻轻吟唱)  It made me smile (我脸上洋溢着幸福的微笑)  Those were such happy times (那时的时光多么幸福)  and not so long ago (且它并不遥远)  How I wondered (我记不清)  where they'd gone (它们何时消逝)  But they're back again (但是它们再次回访)  just like a long lost friend (让一个久无音讯的老朋友)  All the songs I love so well (所有我喜爱万分的歌曲)  Every shalala every wo'wo (每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo)  still shines (仍然光芒四射)  Every shing-a-ling-a-ling (每一个shing-a-ling)  that they're starting to sing (每一个他们开始唱的)  so fine (都如此悦耳)  When they get to the part (当他们唱到他)  where he's breaking her heart (让她伤心之处)  It can really make me cry (我哭泣)  just like before (像从前那样)  It's yesterday once more (昨日重现)  Shoobie do lang lang (无比惆怅)  Shoobie do lang lang (无比惆怅)  Looking back on (回首往事)  how it was in years gone by (回望曾经)  And the good times that I had (幸福时光)  makes today seem rather sad (今日已沧海桑田)  So much has changed (变了很多)  It was songs of love (那是旧情歌)  that I would sing to them (我唱给他们的)  And I'd memorise each word (至今我仍能记得每一个文字)  Those old melodies (那些旧旋律)  still sound so good to me (仍然悦耳动听)  As they melt the years away (可以把岁月融化)  Every shalala every wo'wo (每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo) still shines (仍然光芒四射)  Every shing-a-ling-a-ling (每一个他们开始唱的shing-a-ling)  that they're starting to sing (每一个他们开始唱的)  so fine (都如此悦耳)  All my best memories (我美好的回忆)  come back clearly to me (都清晰地浮现在眼前)  Some can even make me cry (我哭泣)  just like before (像从前那样)  It's yesterday once more (昨日重现)  Shoobie do lang lang (无比惆怅)  Every shalala every wo'wo (每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo)  still shines (仍然光芒四射)  Every shing-a-ling-a-ling (每一个shing-a-ling)  that they're starting to sing (他们开始唱的)  so fine (都如此悦耳)  Every shalala every wo'wo still shines (每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo,仍然光芒四射)  扩展资料:卡朋特乐队由著名的歌星卡伦·卡朋特与她哥哥理查德·卡朋特组成,令人婉惜的是卡伦·卡朋特年仅32岁便过早地离去,死于神经性厌食症。这是由于她为了保持身材的苗条,长期服用轻泻剂,与长期节食的严重后果,1983年2月4日她死于深爱她的父母怀中。卡伦·卡朋特嗓音优美,演唱亲切自然,略带伤感,加之他们运用了多轨录音技术,因此他们的唱片无论在艺术上或技术上都非常成功,是当代流行音乐的精品。参考资料:Yesterday Once More_百度百科

yesterday once more歌词 歌词全文英文版


When I was young,Id listen to the radio,Waiting for my favorite songs,When they played Id sing along,It made me smile,Those were such happy times,and not so long ago,How I wondered,where theyd gone,But theyre back again,just like a long lost friend,All the songs I love so well,Every shalala every wowo,still shines,Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,that theyre starting to sing,so fine,When they get to the part,where hes breaking her heart,It can really make me cry,just like before,Its yesterday once more,Shoobie do lang lang,Shoobie do lang lang,Looking back on,how it was in years gone by,And the good times that I had,makes today seem rather sad,So much has changed,It was songs of love,that I would sing to them,And Id memorise each word,Those old melodies,still sound so good to me,As they melt the years away,Every shalala every wowo,still shines,Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,that theyre starting to sing,so fine,All my best memories,come back clearly to me,Some can even make me cry,just like before,Its yesterday once more,Shoobie do lang lang,Every shalala every wowo,still shines,Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,that theyre starting to sing,so fine,Every shalala every wowo still shines。

2、《Yesterday Once More》是由卡朋特乐队演唱的一首歌曲。

yesterday once more歌词英文版

《yesterday once more》歌词:When I was yong, 当我年轻时, I’d listen to the radio, 常听收音机, Waiting for my favorite songs。 等待心爱的歌曲。 When they played I’d sing along, 听到播放时便随声歌唱。 It made me smile。 这使我欢畅。 Those were such happy times, 那时多么幸福的时刻! And not so long ago。 就在不久以前。 How I wondered where they’d gone。 我想知道他们曾去何处, But they’re back again, 但我所有深爱的歌曲 Just like a long lost friend。 他们现在又回来, All the songs I love so well。 正如老友失散又重聚。 Every sha-la-la-la 每一句sha-la-la-la Enery wo-wo still shines, 每一句wo-wo仍闪烁, Every shinga-linga-ling, 每一句shinga-linga-ling, That they’restarting to sing so fine。他们又开始唱得如此动听。 When they get to the part 当他们唱到一个地方 Where he,s breaking her heart, 令她伤心断肠, It can really make me cry, 这真能叫我哭出来, Just like before, 正如从前一样, It’s yesterday once more。 仿佛昔日又重来 Looking back on how it was 回头看 In years gone by, 岁月如何消逝 And the good time that I had 这些过去的好时光 Makes today seem rather sad。 使今天显得令人哀伤。 So much has changed。 变化多大啊! It was songs of love 我向他们唱 That I would sing to them, 爱的歌曲。 And I’d memorize each word, 我会记住每一句歌词。 Those old melodies 那些古老的曲调, Still sound so good to me, 在我听来还是那么好, As they melt the years away。 好像他们把岁月融消。 Every sha-la-la-la 每一句sha-la-la-la Enery wo-wo still shines, 每一句wo-wo仍闪烁, Every shinga-linga-ling, 每一句shinga-linga-ling, That they’restarting to sing so fine。他们又开始唱得如此动听。 All my best memories 我所有美好的记忆 Come back clearly to me。 清晰的重现。 Some can even make me cry, 有一些仍能使我哭出来, Just like before, 正如从前一样, It’s yesterday once more。 仿佛昔日又重来。 Every sha-la-la-la 每一句sha-la-la-la Enery wo-wo still shines, 每一句wo-wo仍闪烁, Every shinga-linga-ling, 每一句shinga-linga-ling, That they’restarting to sing so fine。他们又开始唱得如此动听。扩展资料一、基本信息《昨日重现》(Yesterday Once More)是二十世纪七十年代欧美经典的英文歌曲之一。是卡朋特乐队的代表作歌曲。始创于1973年,曾被无数个歌手翻唱过。曾入围奥斯卡百年金曲。理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝迪斯为回应七十年代早期的怀旧风创作了这首歌曲。卡伦·卡朋特嗓音优美,演唱亲切自然,略带伤感,加之他们运用了多轨录音技术,是当代流行音乐的精品。这首夺金单曲在美国和英国两地都取得亚军的成绩。现在这首歌已成为永恒畅销单曲之一。此外,法国歌手Claude Fran?ois翻唱了该曲,芬兰也有歌手也将此歌改编成芬兰语。二、创作背景1、卡朋特乐队由著名的歌星卡朋特与她哥哥理查德·卡朋特组成,卡伦·卡朋特1950年生于美国康耐狄格州,从小在哥哥的影响下学习乐器,成了一名鼓手,大她三岁的哥哥理查德是个非常有才华的青年,担任钢琴伴奏和制作人,并创作了大量歌曲。2、后来在著名经纪人德纽文的帮助下,进入了美国流行乐坛。1970年一曲《靠近你》(CloseToYou)荣登排行榜首,这使卡朋特乐队一炮走红,70年代中他们不断有佳作闻世,成为无数美国青年的偶像,尼克松总统称卡朋特兄妹是最出色的美国青年。3、令人婉惜的是卡伦·卡朋特年仅32岁便过早地离去。她死于神经性厌食症。这是由于她为了保持身材的苗条,长期服用轻泻剂,与长期节食的严重后果。4、1983年2月4日她死于深爱她的父母怀中。卡伦·卡朋特嗓音优美,演唱亲切自然,略带伤感,加之他们运用了多轨录音技术,因此他们的唱片无论在艺术上或技术上都非常成功,是当代流行音乐的精品。参考自百度百科——昨日重现

歌曲《yesterday once more》的歌词是什么?


When I was young,Id listen to the radio,Waiting for my favorite songs,When they played Id sing along,It made me smile,Those were such happy times,and not so long ago,How I wondered,where theyd gone,But theyre back again,just like a long lost friend,All the songs I love so well,Every shalala every wowo,still shines,Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,that theyre starting to sing,so fine,When they get to the part,where hes breaking her heart,It can really make me cry,just like before,Its yesterday once more,Shoobie do lang lang,Shoobie do lang lang,Looking back on,how it was in years gone by,And the good times that I had,makes today seem rather sad,So much has changed,It was songs of love,that I would sing to them,And Id memorise each word,Those old melodies,still sound so good to me,As they melt the years away,Every shalala every wowo,still shines,Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,that theyre starting to sing,so fine,All my best memories,come back clearly to me,Some can even make me cry,just like before,Its yesterday once more,Shoobie do lang lang,Every shalala every wowo,still shines,Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,that theyre starting to sing,so fine,Every shalala every wowo still shines。

2、《Yesterday Once More》是由卡朋特乐队演唱的一首歌曲。


《昨日重现》(Yesterday Once More)是卡朋特乐队演唱的歌曲,始创于1973年。理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝迪斯为回应七十年代早期的怀旧风创作了这首歌曲。那么《昨日重现》的中文歌词是什么?

1、 填词:理查德·卡朋特,约翰·贝蒂斯。

2、 谱曲:理查德·卡朋特,约翰·贝蒂斯。

3、 歌曲原唱:卡朋特乐队。

4、 歌词:当我小时候,聆听收音机,等待着我最喜欢的歌曲,当歌曲播放时我和着它轻轻吟唱,我脸上洋溢着幸福的微笑,那时的时光多么幸福,且它并不遥远,我记不清,它们何时消逝,但是它们再次回访,像一个久无音讯的老朋友,所有我喜爱万分的歌曲,每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo,仍然光芒四射,每一个shing-a-ling,每一个他们开始唱的,都如此悦耳,当他们唱到他,让她伤心之处,我哭泣,像从前那样,昨日重现,无比惆怅,无比惆怅,回首往事,回望曾经,幸福时光,今日已沧海桑田,变了很多,那是旧情歌,我唱给他们的;

5、 至今我仍能记得每一个文字,那些旧旋律,仍然悦耳动听,可以把岁月融化,每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo,仍然光芒四射,每一个他们开始唱的shing-a-ling,每一个他们开始唱的,都如此悦耳,我美好的回忆,都清晰地浮现在眼前,我哭泣,像从前那样,昨日重现,无比惆怅,每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo,仍然光芒四射,每一个shing-a-ling,他们开始唱的,都如此悦耳,每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo,仍然光芒四射。



Yesterday Once More(昨日重现)作曲 : Richard Carpenter and John Bettis作词 : Richard Carpenter and John Bettis歌手:CarpentersWhen i was young i'd listen to the radiowaiting for my favorite songs当我年轻时, 常听收音机,等待心爱的歌曲。When they played i'd sing along,it made me smile.Those were such happy times and not so long ago听到播放时便随声歌唱。这使我欢畅。那时多么幸福的时刻!就在不久以前。how i wondered where they'd gone.But they're back again just like a long lost friend我想知道他们曾去何处,但我所有深爱的歌曲 他们现在又回来,all the songs i love so well.Every shalala every wo'wo正如老友失散又重聚。每一句wo-wostill shines.Every shing-a-ling-a-ling仍闪烁,每一句shinga-linga-ling,that they're startingto sing so fine他们又开始唱得如此动听。When they get to the partWhere he's breaking her heart当他们唱到一个地方令她伤心断肠,It can really make me cryjust like before.这真能叫我哭出来,正如从前一样,It's yesterday once more.(shoobie do lang lang)仿佛昔日又重来无比惆怅Looking back on how it was in years gone byand the good times that I had回头看岁月如何消逝这些过去的好时光makes today seem rather sad,so much has changed.使今天显得令人哀伤。变化多大啊It was songs of love that i would sing to themand i'd memorise each word.我向他们唱爱的歌曲。我会记住每一句歌词。Those old melodies still sound so good to meas they melt the years away那些古老的曲调,在我听来还是那么好,好像他们把岁月融消。every shalala every wo'wo still shinesevery shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁,每一句shinga-linga-ling,that they're startingto singso fine他们又开始唱得如此动听。all my best memorise come back clearly to meSome can even make me cry我所有美好的记忆清晰的重现。有一些仍能使我哭出来,just like before.It's yesterday once more.正如从前一样,仿佛昔日又重来。(shoobie do lang lang)Every shalala every wo'wo still shines.无比惆怅每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁,Every shing-a-ling-a-lingthat they're starting to sing每一句shinga-linga-ling,他们又开始so fineEvery shalala every wo'wo still shines.唱得如此动听。每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁。扩展资料创作背景:《Yesterday Once More》(译名:昨日重现)是二十世纪七十年代欧美经典的英文歌曲之一。始创于1973年,曾被无数个歌手翻唱过。曾入围奥斯卡百年金曲。理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝迪斯为回应七十年代早期的怀旧风创作了这首歌曲。这首夺金单曲在美国和英国两地都取得亚军的成绩。现在这首歌已成为永恒畅销单曲之一。《昨日重现》的其他版本:《昨日重现》(Yesterday Once More)是卡朋特乐队演唱的歌曲,始创于1973年。理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝迪斯为回应七十年代早期的怀旧风创作了这首歌曲。

yesterday once more中文歌词是什么?

歌曲:Yesterday Once More(昨日重现)歌手:卡朋特乐队作词:理查德·卡朋特,约翰·贝蒂斯作曲:理查德·卡朋特,约翰·贝蒂斯歌词(翻译版):When I was young (当我小时候)I'd listen to the radio (聆听收音机)  Waiting for my favorite songs (等待着我最喜欢的歌曲)  When they played I'd sing along (当歌曲播放时我和着它轻轻吟唱)  It made me smile (我脸上洋溢着幸福的微笑)  Those were such happy times (那时的时光多么幸福)  and not so long ago (且它并不遥远)  How I wondered (我记不清)  where they'd gone (它们何时消逝)  But they're back again (但是它们再次回访)  just like a long lost friend (让一个久无音讯的老朋友) 扩展资料相信大家都听过这首歌《Yesterday Once More》,尤其是最近几年来,网络的发达和短视频的红火,很多老歌又重新焕发了它的岁月青春。许多老歌以前觉得不好听,现在再细心听起来,却是回味无穷,就像一壶老酒,越久越香,听得懂的人估计都是有故事的人。有人说,喜爱听这首的人,大概都已经是大叔大妈级别的人了,或者是80后以前的人了。可是,据网上网友的评论,其实有很多的90后00后都对这首歌很喜爱。

yesterday once more是什么歌

  歌名:yesteday once more
  填 词:Richard Carpenter,John Bettis
  谱 曲:Richard Carpenter,John Bettis
  专辑:《Now & Then》

  When I was young
  I’d listen to the radio
  Waiting for my favorite songs
  When they played I’d sing along
  It made me smile
  Those were such happy times
  And not so long ago
  How I wondered where they’d gone
  But they’re back again
  Just like a long-lost friend
  All the songs I love so well
  Every sha-la-la-la
  Every Wo-o-wo-o
  Still shines
  Every shing-a-ling-a-ling
  每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling
  That they're starting to sing
  So fine
  When they get to the part
  Where he's breaking her heart
  It can really make me cry
  Just like before
  It’s yesterday once more
  (Shoobie do lang lang)
  (Shoobie do lang lang)
  Looking back on how it was in years gone by
  And the good times that I had
  Makes today seem rather sad
  So much has changed
  It was songs of love that I would sing to them
  And I memorize each word我记住的每个字眼
  Those old melodies那些古老旋律
  Still sound so good to me对我仍然那么动听
  As they melt the years away好像融掉了岁月
  Every Sha-la-la-la
  Every Wo-o-wo-o
  Still shines
  Every shing-a-ling-a-ling
  每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling
  That they're starting to sing
  So fine
  All my best memories
  Come back clearly to me
  Some can even make me cry有些令我哭了
  Just like before一如往昔
  It’s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现
  (Shoobie do lang lang)
  Every Sha-la-la-la
  Every Wo-o-wo-o
  Still shines
  Every shing-a-ling-a-ling
  每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling
  That they're starting to sing
  So fine
  Every Sha-la-la-la
  Every Wo-o-wo-o
  Still shines仍然闪亮
  每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling
  That they're starting to sing
  So fine如此欢畅
  *这里的“Shoobie do lang lang”是和音伴奏,无实际意义,不翻译。

  卡朋特乐队(Carpenters)是美国歌星理查德·卡朋特和卡伦·卡朋特兄妹二人组成的演唱组合,1970年代和1980年代初期风靡一时。卡朋特兄妹于1965年开始组织乐队,1969年11月15日,卡朋特乐队的单曲《Close to You》(靠近你)一举走红,其后,他们在整个1970年代大获成功。《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现)、《Top of the World》(世界之颠)、《Please Mr. Postman》(请等一下,邮差先生)等歌曲广为人知。

yesterday once more英语歌

Yesterday Once More

When I was young
I'd listen to the radio
Waitin' for my favorite songs
When they played I'd sing along
It made me smile.

Those were such happy times
And not so long ago
How I wondered where they'd gone
But they're back again
Just like a long lost friend
All the songs I loved so well.

Every Sha-la-la-la
Every Wo-o-wo-o
Still shines
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling
That they're startin' to sing's
So fine.

When they get to the part
Where he's breakin' her heart
It can really make me cry
Just like before
It's yesterday once more.

Lookin' back on how it was
In years gone by
And the good times that I had
Makes today seem rather sad
So much has changed.

It was songs of love that
I would sing to then
And I'd memorize each word
Those old melodies
Still sound so good to me
As they melt the years away.

Every Sha-la-la-la
Every Wo-o-wo-o
Still shines
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling
That they're startin' to sing's
So fine.

All my best memories
Come back clearly to me
Some can even make me cry.

Just like before
It's yesterday once more.








When I was young 当我年轻时 I'd listen to the radio 我喜欢听收音机 Waiting' for my favorite songs 等待我最喜爱的歌 When they played I'd sing along 我常随着一起清唱 It made me smile. 笑容满面


  英文歌曲推荐——A字头歌曲   1、《A Groovy Kind OfnLove》-Phil Collins   2、《A Love SonBeautiful》-Michael Boton   3、《A Whole NewnWorld》-阿拉丁主题曲   4、《Again》-JennifernLopez   5、《Against AllnOdds》-Phil Collins Against All Odds(如此艰难)这是作者菲尔·柯林斯(PhilnCollins)自写、自唱、自己打鼓的歌曲,是同名电影"再看我一眼"的插曲,在美国连续三周占据排行榜冠军。这首歌曲之所以成为情歌中的经曲,精彩的并不是它的歌词,而是它抑扬顿挫、感天动地的旋律和演唱。   6、《Against AllnOdds》-Westlife、Mariah Carrey   7、《All BynMyself》-Celine Dion   8、《All For Love》-BryannAdams   9、《All I Ask OfnYou》-剧院魅影主题曲-Sarah Brightman   10、《All I Have TonGive》-Backstreet Boys   11、《All Of You》-JulionIglesias Diana Rose   12、《And I Love YounSo》-Salena Jones   13、《Angel》-RobbienWilliams   14、《As Long As You LovenMe》-Backstreet Boys   15、《As Time GoesnBy》有一首歌叫《卡萨布兰卡》(Casablanca),有许多人认为是电影《卡萨布兰卡》的主题曲,其实电影的.真正主题曲是这首《随时光流逝》   16、《Ave Maria》-CelinenDion   英文歌曲推荐——B字头歌曲   1、《Baby I LovenYou》-Jennifer Lopez   2、《Baby One MorenTime》   3、《Back At One》-BriannMcKnight   4、《Beauty And ThenBeast》-Celine Dion   5、《Because I lovenYou》   6、《Because Of You》-98nDegrees 这是一首感人至深的歌曲,“Because ofnyou”从一开始就牵动着听者的心灵。即使不知道歌词的人,也可能因为这首歌凄婉的曲调而扼腕感伤。Kelly如泣如诉而又富有弹性的声音,让人从中听到一种震慑人心的控诉,听到一个女子掩藏在坚强外表下的忧愁和委屈。   7、《Because You LovednMe》-Celine Dion   8、《Bye Bye Bye》   英文歌曲推荐——C字头歌曲   1、《Can YounCelebrate》-安室奈美惠(日语)   2、《Can You Feel ThenLove Tonight》-Elton John   3、《Close TonYou》-Carpenters   英文歌曲推荐——D、F、H、I、J字头歌曲   1、《Dreaming OfnYou》   2、《Everyday》-PhilnCollins   3、《FirstnLove》-宇多田光(日语)   4、《First Time》-RodnStewart   5、《Happy EvernAfter》   6、《How Deep Is YournLove》-爱有多深   7、《I Believe》(韩语、中文) InBelieve是范逸臣主唱的一首歌,收录于专辑《无乐不作》,词阿怪,曲金亨熙。   8、《I Do》-98nDegree   9、《I Just Call To Say InLove You》   10、《I knew I lovednyou》-Savage Garden   11、《I Swear》-All FornOne 这位乡村界的天王,葛莱美奖、美国音乐奖乡村音乐类的常胜军。All-4-One的成名曲I Swear、I Can Love You LikenThat便是翻唱自蒙哥马利的代表作。   12、《I Will FollownHim》-修女也疯狂主题曲   13、《Je MappellenHelene》-我的名字是伊莲(法语)   英文歌曲推荐——L、M、N、O、P、Q、R、S字头歌曲   1、《Love Is AllnRound》-坠入爱河   2、《Love Will Keep UsnAlive》-The Eagles   3、《Lovefoo》-ThenCardigans   4、《Loving You》《Lovingnyou》由MinnienRiperton(蜜妮莱普顿)和丈夫共同谱写,本歌于1975年一月首度进榜,十一个星期后,就在四月五日夺得了全美的冠军,也让全球歌迷注意到了这个惊人的美声。   5、《My Heart Will GonOn》-Celine Dion   6、《No Matter What》-BoynZone   7、《Nothing Compares TonYou》-卢巧音   8、《PerfectnMoment》   9、《Say Yes》(日语)   10、《ScarboroughnFair》-Sarah Brightman   11、《SummernSnow》-Sissel   12、《SweetnDream》-韩国恋人主题歌-张娜拉   英文歌曲推荐——T、U、V、W、X、Y、Z字头   1、《The First Time EvernI Saw Your Face》-一见钟情   2、《The Look OfnLove》   3、《The Music Of ThenNight》-剧院魅影   4、《The One YounLove》-Glenn Frey   5、《The Power OfnLove》-Celine Dion Jennifer Rush于1984写下了这首“The power ofnlove”爱的力量,并亲自演唱,在这之后的1985年,Air Supply翻唱了这首歌,1986年初,JennifernRush的原唱版本正式登陆,1987年,美国当红女歌手 Laura Branigan(罗拉 布兰尼根) 再次翻唱,1994年,声誉日隆的新天后 CelinenDion(席琳迪翁) 再次灌录这首曲子,而且把它唱上了四周冠军宝座,美国告示排行榜的冠军曲。   6、《The Power Of ThenDream》-Celine Dion   7、《The SweetestnDays》   8、《This Love》-SarahnBrightman   9、《Time To SaynGoodbye》-Sarah Brightman(婚礼结束时用)   10、《To LovenSomebody》-Beegee   11、《Two BecomenOne》-Spice Girls   12、《When A Man Loves AnWoman》-当男人爱上女人-Percy Sledge   13、《When I NeednYou》-当我需要你   14、《Yo TenAmo》-流星花园电影原声   15、《You Have BeennLoved》-George Michael


之前也有推荐给别人 私以为是比较用心的总结
1.《Gotta Have You》_The Weepies

2.《Forever Now》_Bang Gang


4.《Almost Lover》_A Fine Frenzy

5.《If You Want Me》_Glen Hansard

6.《Not Looking Back》_The Secret

7.《Untouchable》_Taylor Swift

8.《Need You Now》_Lady Antebellum

9.《Forget To Begin》_The Hampdens
声音沙哑。最爱的歌词为“I disappear when you turn on the light."

10.《Into The Fire》_Thirteen Senses

