
时间:2024-06-30 06:43:49编辑:阿星


complete作形容词时意为(用以强调)完全的、彻底的、全部的、完整的、整个的、包括,含有(额外部分或特征)。做动词时意为完成、结束、填写(表格)使完整、使完美。 complete是一个很常见使用率也很高的英语单词,那么你知道这是什么意思吗?下面咱们就来说说complete是什么意思。 详细内容 01 complete 英 [kəmˈpliːt] 美 [kəmˈpliːt] adj.(用以强调)完全的,彻底的;全部的;完整的;整个的;包括,含有(额外部分或特征) v.完成;结束;填写(表格);使完整;使完美 第三人称单数: completes 现在分词: completing 过去式: completed 过去分词: completed 派生词: completeness n. 02 同义词辨析 finish v. (使)完成,(使)结束 最普通用词,指完成某事,常后接名词或动名词,但不可后接动词不定式;也指事件、活动或时期等结束。 After finishing his homework, he went to bed. 做完家庭作业后,他就睡觉了。 accomplish v. 完成,实现 较正式用词,尤指通过努力成功地完成某事。 She failed to accomplish the task because she was in poor health. 她因健康状况不佳而未能完成任务。 close v. (使)结束 尤指(使)某事物以某种方式结束。 The chairperson closed the conference by extending his thanks to all the participants. 大会主席向所有与会者表示感谢,就此结束了这次会议。 complete v. 完成,结束 尤指经历较长时间后完成或做成某事物,通常用被动语态。 Installation of the pipelines was completed last week. 管道安装上星期完工。 end v. (使)结束 指局势、过程、活动等自然结束或被人为终止。 The war between these two countries ended in 1898. 这两个国家之间的战争于1898年结束。 terminate v. [正式](使)结束,(使)终止 指合同、协议等终止或使之终止;也作医学术语,指终止妊娠。 The agreement was terminated yesterday. 协议昨天已经终止了。 03 双语例句 The rebels had taken complete control 叛乱分子完全控制了局面。 A complete tenement block was burnt to the ground 整幢公寓大楼被付之一炬。 The list may not be complete. 这个单子可能不全。 The diary comes complete with a gold-coloured ballpoint pen. 这个日记本配有一支金色的圆珠笔。 The work of restoring the farmhouse is complete 修复农舍的工作已经完成。 Peter Mayle has just completed his first novel. 彼得·梅尔刚刚完成他的第一部小说。 She completed her degree in two years 她用两年的时间修完了课程,拿到了学位。 Simply complete the coupon below 填写下面的订货单即可。




英语单词complete有两层含义: 做形容词时,它的意思是完全的,彻底的,全部的,完整的,整个的。 做动词时,它的意思是完成,结束,填写;使完整,使完美。第三人称单数:completes;现在分词:completing;过去式:completed;过去分词:completed 扩展资料   complete同义词辨析   finish、accomplish、close、complete、end、terminate都可以表示“结束,完成”的意思,具体用法如下:   finish v. (使)完成,(使)结束。普通用词,指完成某事,也指事件、活动或时期等结束。   accomplish v. 完成,实现。较正式用词,尤指通过努力成功地完成某事。   close v. (使)结束。尤指(使)某事物以某种方式结束。   complete v. 完成,结束。尤指经历较长时间后完成或做成某事物,通常用被动语态。   end v. (使)结束。指局势、过程、活动等自然结束或被人为终止。   terminate v. (使)结束,(使)终止。指合同、协议等终止或使之终止。   complete例句分享   The work of restoring the farmhouse is complete.   修复农舍的工作已经完成。   The business has complete autonomy.   该商店有完全的自主权。


completed读 [kəm'pliːtɪd]Adjective:1.successfully completed or brought to an end;"his mission accomplished he took a vacation""the completed project""the joy of a realized ambition overcame him"2.(of a marriage) completed by the first act of sexual intercourse after the ceremony3.caught;"a completed forward pass"例子:1.He has returned the completed form with your remittance.他已经把填好的表格连同你的汇款一并寄回了。2.Please put your completed form in the box provided.请你将完成的表格放在预备好的盒子里。3.Their project to establish a new national park will be completed next year.他们建造一个新的国家公园的工程将于明年完工。4.He has returned the completed form with your remittance.他已经把填好的表格连同你的汇款一并寄回了。5.The project was completed ahead of the schedule.这项工程提前完工。6.Not having completed the design of this device in last month, I am very sorry.上个月没有完成这台装置的设计,我很抱歉。7.The soldiers eventually completed the endurance tests.士兵们最终完成了耐力测验。8.All the arrangements should have been completed prior to our departure.全部安排都应该在我们出发之前完成。


completed英音读法为[kəmˈpliːtɪd],美音读法为[kəmˈpliːtɪd],英语单词介绍如下:一、基本释义:完成,结束,填写表格,使完整,使完美,是complete的过去分词和过去式。二、双语例句如下:1.The building of the hotel complex is completed ahead of schedule.该饭店综合楼提前完工了。2.Then, each person completed the same measures assessing their financial decision-making choices.然后,每个人完成同样的评估她们财务决策的选择的测试。3.The main structure of the construction project must be completed by the contractor itself.建设工程主体结构的施工必须由承包人自行完成。

