
时间:2024-07-18 20:13:51编辑:阿星


大换血,换主持。《天天向上》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1TM9Axqt30Cl06be1X5xD1g?pwd=nvt2 提取码: nvt2 导演: 谭曼 / 毛豆豆主演: 汪涵 / 欧弟 / 田源 / 钱枫 / 金恩圣 / 大张伟 / 王一博 / 矢野浩二 / 俞灏明 / 齐思钧 / 吴泽林 / 张颜齐 / 丁真珍珠 / 沙宝亮 / 潘粤明 / 胡海泉 / 王祖蓝类型: 脱口秀制片国家/地区: 中国大陆语言: 汉语普通话首播: 2008-08-04(中国大陆)单集片长: 90分钟又名: Day Day Up天天向上的剧情简介 · · · · · ·大型礼仪公德脱口秀,用各种形式来传播中国千年礼仪之邦的礼仪文化,让国民在娱乐嬉笑之余感受中华传统美德的精髓并借此发扬光大是节目定位的深度体现,也是节目创建的一种背景,随着节目题材范围的拓宽,节目的核心气质是青春励志,并将把“青春励志”和“传统礼仪”作为必守的原则。






《自娱自乐》-----河北电视台 主持人:田源、阿浩、诚诚、郁静 \r\n《源来很快乐》------河北电视台 主持人:田源 \r\n《天天向上》------湖南卫视 主持人:汪涵、欧弟、田源、钱枫、金恩圣,俞灏明,矢野浩二 2011年七夕晚会《我们结婚吧 》------湖南卫视 主持人:田源、张丹丹 \r\n《快乐转转转》-------天津卫视主持人:田源、月亮姐姐、张鹏 \r\n《大家来相会》------广东卫视主持人:田源、毛琳 \r\n《那是我妈妈》------湖南卫视 主持人:田源、 yoyo \r\n《牦牛也笑了》------青海卫视主持人:田源、等 \r\n2012年《一见你就笑》------ 北京卫视主持人:田源、曹扬、赵韦至


天天向上2015年最后一期放的第一首英文歌叫什么 Turning Tables 播放 歌手:Adele Close enough to start a war All that I have is on the floor God only knows what we're fighting for All that I say' you always say more I can't keep up with your turning tables Under your thumb' I can't breathe So I won't let you close enough to hurt me No' I won't ask you' you to just desert me I cant give you what you think you gave me It's time to say goodbye to turning tables To turning tables Under hardest guise I see' ooh Where love is lost' your ghost is found I braved a hundred storms to leave you As hard as you try' no' I will never be knocked down I can't keep up with your turning tables Under your thumb' I can't breathe So I won't let you close enough to hurt me No' I won't ask you' you to just desert me I cant give you what you think you gave me It's time to say goodbye to turning tables Turning tables Next time I'll be braver I'll be my own savior When the thunder calls for me Next time I'll be braver I'll be my own savior Standing on my own o feet I won't let you close enough to hurt me No' I won't ask you' you to just desert me I can't give you what you think you gave me It's time to say goodbye to turning tables To turning tables Turning tables' yeah Turning' oh 2016年5月6日天天向上里放的第一首英文歌叫什么 I Wanna Know You(solo) 播放 歌手:Miley Cyrus 语言:英语 所属专辑:Disney Karaoke Series: Hannah Montana 3 天天向上常放的一首英文歌叫什么? 好多首 呢 每次要走秀 劲暴一点的歌 that's not my name 和 火 还有一些 1、SMAP -- 《Dear WOMAN》 (天天向上开场音乐)2、堀江由衣 --《樱》(日文名《桜见る运命》) (天天向上前传半山学院主题曲)3、久石让 --《Summer》 (阿毛学礼仪篇背景音乐)4、《Beautiful Days》——Arashi(岚) (这段是小屋那段前奏)5、张惠妹 --《火》6、罗文 --《钻石》7、Various -- 《Battle Without Honor or Humani》二、各期对应曲目(一)081114期 华冈艺校吴克群的《牵牵牵手 》(二)081226期 林保怡 医学院学生恰克与飞鸟 -- 《yah yah yah》(三)090123期 声优 《丑女无敌》 舞者1、慢华尔兹舞曲John Kelly & Maite Itoiz >2、伦巴是Toni Braxton的《i'm still breathing 》3、桑巴是Jaci Velasquez《Imagine me without you》4、斗牛是《斗牛士舞曲》5、拉丁是Lou Bega---Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit Of)(四)090213期 YOYO球宇宙戦队NOIZ -- 《EVERYTHING FOR MY LOVE》(五)090227期 亚洲舞王1、《Battle Without Honor Or Humanity》 -- Tomoyasu Hotei2、《hung up》-- madonna3、《Let’s Rock and Roll》4、《don't s me now》--皇后乐队5、《Play With Fire》-- hilary duff6、《Gimme Gimme Gimme》-- 阿巴合唱团7、《venus》-- shocking blue 孙燕姿翻唱(六)20090306期 女武打明星 张颂1、《情书》-- 范逸臣 (汪涵朗诵《一棵开花的树》时的背景音乐)2、《Snowdream》-- Bandari(七)090313期 花样跳绳冠军麦当娜 --《4 minutes》(八)090320期 美女啦啦队 蔡国庆久石让 《summer》(九)090327期 模特 复旦大学 北外1、The Ting Tings -- 《That's Not My Name》2、Norah Jones -- 《The Story》3、灌篮高手主题曲《想大声说爱你》 -- BAAD(十)090403期 汉唐乐府 沙画 灵巧的手1《who let the dogs out》-- baha men 2映画大奥主题歌 ---《映画 大奥 テーマ石田胜范》3《贫民窟的百万富翁》的片尾曲----《Jai Ho》 (十一)090410期 广告明星(2) “民”校风云1开场曲 :《Labels Or Love》-- Fergie2模特出场时的音乐:《Shut Up And Let Me Go》-- The Ting Tings3金敏智演唱的歌曲《Timeless》-- 细亚俊秀和张力尹(原唱)4金敏智跳舞音乐: 《Buttons》 -- The Pussycat Dolls5长生不老舞蹈团音乐: 罗志祥 --《撑腰》6民校学生出场时音乐:《步步高》-- 广东民乐7主持人与广告模特一起走秀音乐:《ONE LOVE》-- 岚(日本组合)(十二)090501期 世界城市小姐 1佳丽泳装秀 《That's Not My Name》--The Ting Tings2佳丽晚装秀 《2 Bee 1》 -- Spice Girls3开场及佳丽结束曲 《4 Minutes》 -- Madonna & Justin Timberlake4法国佳丽出场《Le Papillon蝴蝶》-- Michel Serrault & Claire Bouanich(十三)090515期 芭蕾秀、北大理科高材生1舞蹈演员跳盲人舞《Goodbye》 -- Spice Girls2地板球的背景音乐《Shake》 -- SMAP 天天向上3月9日那期,第一首英文歌的歌名叫什么 Jason Mraz 《I'm Yours》 天天向上2015.5.08期最后那首英文歌叫什么 S&M - Rihanna Na na na na Come on Na na na na Come on Na na na na na Come on Na na na na Come on e on e on Na na na na Come on Na na na na Come on Na na na na na Come on Na na na na Come on e on e on Na na na na Feels so good being bad (Oh oh oh oh oh) There's no way I'm turning back (Oh oh oh oh oh) Now the pain is my pleasure cause nothing could measure (Oh oh oh oh oh) Love is great love is fine (Oh oh oh oh oh) Outta box outta line (Oh oh oh oh oh) The affliction of the feeling leaves me wanting more (Oh oh oh oh oh) Cause I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it Sex in the air I don't care I love the *** ell of it Sticks and stones may break my bones But chains and whips excite me Cause I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it Sex in the air I don't care I love the *** ell of it Sticks and stones may break my bones But chains and whips excite me Na na na na Come on e on e on I like it-like it Come on e on e on I like it-like it Come on e on e on I like it-like it Come on e on e on I like it-like it Love is great love is fine (Oh oh oh oh oh) Outta box outta line (Oh oh oh oh oh) The affliction of the feeling leaves me wanting more (Oh oh oh oh oh) Cause I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it Sex in the air I don't care I love the *** ell of it Sticks and stones may break my bones But chains and whips excite me Na na na na Come on e on e on I like it-like it Come on e on e on I like it-like it Come on e on e on I like it-like it Come on e on e on I like it-like it S-S-S & M-M-M S-S-S & M-M-M Oh I love the feeling you bring to me oh you turn me on It's exactly what I've been yearning for give it to me strong And meet me in my boudoir with my body suit on-on-on I like it-like it Cause I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it Sex in the air I don't care I love the *** ell of it Sticks and stones may break my bones But chains and whips excite me Cause I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it Sex in the air I don't care I love the *** ell of it Sticks and stones may break my bones But chains and whips excite me Na na na na Come on e on e on I like it-like it Come on e on e on I like it-like it Come on e on e on I like it-like it Come on e on e on I like it-like it S-S-S & M-M-M S-S-S & M-M-M S-S-S & M-M-M S-S-S & M-M-M 曹格在天天向上唱的第一首英文歌是什么? 曹格出场 歌名【Born A Champion 生而为王】 新专辑主歌 没正式发行 贴吧一个视频有试听 :tieba.baidu./p/3260322268 最近天天向上放的一首英文歌。 是 justin bieber baby 梁翘柏在天天向上唱的那首英文歌叫什么?他唱的第一首歌 改变过的 moves like jagger 你可以去听下尚雯婕在我是歌手里面唱的 个人觉得改编的更好点 唱的好很多 谁知道上个星期5天天向上女兵出来的时候放的第一首英文歌叫什么 si loin de vous 绝对是这个 6.12天天向上最后一个学校唱的第一首歌叫什么 西南科大快闪串烧歌曲: 第1首歌 歌名:后会无期 原唱:邓紫棋


just the way you are
Oh her eyes, her eyes哦,她的眼睛
Make the stars look like they're not shining让星星看起来失去光泽
Her hair, her hair她的头发,她的头发
Falls perfectly without her trying不须整理完美般的垂落
She's so beautiful她是如此美丽
And I tell her every day我每天都告诉她
Yeah I know I know是的,我知道我知道
When I compliment her当我赞美她
She won't believe me她不会相信我
And its so, its so即使如此
Sad to think she don't see what I see她也会因为没有看到我所看到所感到遗憾
But every time she asks me do I look okay但每一次她问我我漂亮么
I say我都会说
When I see your face当我看到你的脸
There's not a thing that I would change你的一切都是如此完美,无可改变
Cause you're amazing你是如此的美丽
Just the way you are皆应是你
And when you smile,当你微笑
The whole world stops and stares for a while整个世界都会为你停止和凝视了
Cause girl you're amazing因为你是如此美丽
Just the way you are皆应是你

Her lips, her lips她的嘴唇,她的嘴唇
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me如果她愿意让我,我可以亲吻他们整天
Her laugh, her laugh她的微笑
She hates but I think it’s so sexy她不喜欢但我觉得它是如此性感
She's so beautiful她是如此美丽
And I tell her every day我每天告诉她
Oh you know, you know, you know哦,你知道
I'd never ask you to change我从来没有要求你改变
If perfect is what you're searching for如果完美是你要追寻的,
Then just stay the same那就什么也不要改变
So don't even bother asking你甚至不用屡次来问我
If you look okay如果你觉得
(ok)You know I say 那就ok咯
When I see your face当我看到你的脸
There's not a thing that I would change你的一切都是如此完美,无可改变
Cause you're amazing你是如此的美丽
Just the way you are皆应是你
And when you smile,当你微笑
The whole world stops and stares for a while整个世界都会为你停止和凝视了
Cause girl you're amazing因为你是如此美丽
Just the way you are皆应是你(重复)
When I see your face当我看到你的脸
There's not a thing that I would change你的一切都是如此完美,无可改变
Cause you're amazing你是如此的美丽
Just the way you are皆应是你
And when you smile,当你微笑
The whole world stops and stares for a while整个世界都会为你停止和凝视了
Cause girl you're amazing因为你是如此美丽
Just the way you are皆应是你yeah~


i remember quite clearly now when this s
tory happened

the autumn leaves were floating and meas
ured down to the ground

recovering the lake where we used to swi
m like children
on the sun would dare to shine
that time,we used to be happy
well,i thought we were

but the truth was that -- you had been l
onging to leave me
not daring to tell me

on that precious night watching the lake
vaguely conscious
you said: our story was ending

now i'm standing here
no one to wipe away my tears
no one to keep me warm
and no one to walk along with
no one to make me feel
no one to make me whole
oh ! what am i to do ?
i'm standing here alone
it doesn't seem so clear to me

what am i supposed to do about this burn
ingheart of mine
oh ! what am i to do ?
or how should i react ?
oh ! tell me please !

the rain was killing the last days of su

you had been killing my last breath of l
since a long time ago ......

i still don't think i'm gonna male it th
rough another love story
you took it all away from me

and there i stand , i knew i was gonna b
e the ...
the one left behind

but still i'm watching the lake vaguely
and i knew ----
my life is ending

now i'm standing here
no one to wipe away my tears
no one to keep me warm
and no one to walk along with
no one to make me feel
no one to make me whole
oh ! what am i to do ?
i'm standing here alone
it doesn't seem so clear to me

what am i supposed to do about this burn
ingheart of mine
oh ! what am i to do ?
or how should i react ?
oh ! tell me please !
ha ----
ha ----


下一篇:天天爱消除 脚本