
时间:2024-07-23 03:01:46编辑:阿星


(技术宅男类- -,偏友情?)生活大爆炸、it狂人


这些都是我自己看过喜欢的~有些大家都挺喜欢的我就死get 不到笑点。


主创:特雷·帕克、马特·斯通1997年播出的剪纸摆拍动画剧集(后改为电脑制作),讲述了科罗拉多州虚构的南方公园小镇内发生的种种荒诞奇事,剧集大多是夸张丑化的事理性象征来嘲讽美国的时事、世俗观念。在结构上大都以半封闭结局,常用夸张惊奇的搞笑场景演绎极为严肃的主题。部分内容极为恶俗,有大量的血腥暴力、性暗示等情节,并不适宜儿童观看。一经播出就获得了数百万观众的喜爱,获得过艾美奖、登过《时代周刊》、《滚石》的杂志封面。内容涉及种族歧视、娱乐圈丑闻、时事政治、宗教斗争、阶层矛盾等,毫不留情地嘲讽各界精英、明星甚至是神话人物。另有衍生电子游戏《南方公园:真理之杖》,是一款IGN评分高达9.0的优秀角色扮演游戏。 主演:科甘·迈克尔·基、乔丹·皮尔国内又称“黑人兄弟”始播于2012年的喜剧短片电视节目,每期都是播放两名主演共同制作的数篇搞笑短片。节目涵盖各个社会话题,侧重于美国黑人文化和种族关系。基和皮尔的短片多以生活片段为主,短则两三分钟。其中最为著名的就是奥巴马与他的愤怒翻译系列,奥巴马本人则在脱口秀节目吉米秀中对此评价道:“It's pretty good stuff - It's good stuff.” 主持人:乔恩·斯图尔特国内又称“囧司徒每日秀”同样是以讽刺政治时事和新闻传媒为主的脱口秀节目,其内容上极为辛辣尖锐,在世界各地都有为数众多的年轻观众。乔恩·斯图尔特本人曾连续获得过十一次艾美奖,《每日秀》则一共赢走十八项黄金时段的艾美奖。每日秀的受众大多为年轻群体,在网络平台上的播放量也是极为惊人。《每日秀》以讽刺美国时事为主的同时也邀请大量名人座谈,其中包括总统奥巴马、JK罗琳、吉姆·帕森斯、成龙等。 主持人:史蒂芬·科尔伯特国内又称“扣扣熊报告”作为一个政治讽刺类节目,科尔伯特以其诙谐夸张的幽默话语点评时政要闻。虽然播放时段是在深夜党,但收视率仍然很高。科尔伯特报道已经停播,科尔伯特本人将取代大卫·莱特曼接手脱口秀节目《深夜秀》。科尔伯特报道有其见解上的独特性,主持人科尔伯特常在节目中添加一些古怪的小元素:推销科幻小说或是香水、举行莫名其妙的投票活动。科尔伯特报道常和每日秀联动,两位艾美奖的常胜将军也互为好友,并在对方的节目中做客。乔恩·斯图尔特还是“扣扣熊报告”的制片人。

谁能帮我做一个daily show啊?

Planning an Evening Out (2) 计划晚间的外出活动

It's OK to make plans with friends at the last minute. It's more polite, however, to make them ahead of time.

1.A: How about going to hear a country-and-western singer tonight?
B: I'd enjoyed that.
A: I' pick you up around 8:00.
B: OK. I'll see you then.

2.A: Do you feel like going to see Paul and Claire tonight?
B: I'd like that very much.
A: How does 7:30 sound?
B: Fine. See you late.

3.A: Would you like to go to a party tonight?
B: That sounds like a good idea?
A: Would 7:00 be OK?
B: That's fine. I'm looking forward to it.

4.A: Why don't you have dinner with me tonight?
B: I'd love to.
A: Let's say about 6:00?
B: That's OK with me.

2).Buying Theater Tickets 买戏票
Going to the theater is very popuar and shows are often sold out far in advance. It is a good idea to buy your tickets in advance if you want to see a particular show. It is not necessary to tip the person who shows you to your seat in a theater.
人们很喜欢看戏,而且戏票常常是很早就预售一空. 如果你想看某一场演出,最好是提前买票. 没有必要给剧院领座的人付小费.

1.A: I'd like to reserve two seats for tomorrow night.
B: Would you like orchestra seats?
A: Isn't there anything less expensive?
B: Not unless you want the matinee.

2.A: Can I still get tickets for tonight's performance?
B: The front balcony is still availavle.
A: Aren't there any other seats?
B: No, I'm afraid that's it.

3.A: Are there any seats left for Saturday night?
B: I still have a fiw seats in the mezzanine.
A: I suppose there's nothing cheaper, is there?
B: No. Nothing. I'm sorry.

4.A: Is there anything available for tonight?
B: There are some seats in the rear mezzanine.
A: Isn't there anything else available?
B: No, the show is almost sold out.

Sports 运动
Both team sports and individual sports are extremely popular in the United States. Don't be afraid to try a sport you haven't played before. People are usually willing to help beginners.

1.A: Would you like to go running?
B: I'd enjoy that. Where would you like to go?
A: We could go to the park. There shouldn't be many people there now.
B: Good. Just let me change.

2.A: How about going for a bike ride?
B: Sure. Where?
A: Let's call Harry and ask him. He always knows the best places to go.
B: That's a good idea. I'll get ready.

3.A: Let's go swimming.
B: OK. Where should we go?
A: Why don't we go down to the lake? It's not too far from here.
B: Fine. I'll be ready in a minute.

4.A: How about going hiking with us?
B: Sounds good to me. Where do you want to go?
A: Let's go up to the mountains. It should be beautiful there.
B: OK. Just give me a few minutes to get ready.




