next to

时间:2024-08-02 15:18:31编辑:阿星

英语next to用法是什么?

用法:next to是一个常见的介词词组,后接名词、形容词,也可以表示“在……旁边,在……附近”,相当于介词near。
例句1:Tollets are situated on B deck at the rear of the ship and on A desk next to the snack bar.(2014年12月六级)
结构分析:Tollets是主语,are situated是谓语,on B deck是地点状语,at the rear ofthe ship是后置定语,and是连接词,on A desk是地点状语,next to the snack bar是后置定语。
例句2:I heard the mew of a cat near the house。
结构分析:I是主语,heard是谓语,the mew of a cat是宾语,near the house是后置定语。

next和next to的区别和用法

嗯,这是初中词汇,我还记得区别和用法,分享如下,请参看表格。【词汇释义】next英 [nekst] 美 [nekst] n.下一个;下一位;下一件;紧接在后的事(或物)adv.紧接着;随后;下次;居后地,次于;用于询问,表示吃惊或困惑adj.接下来的;下一个的;紧接着的;紧随其后的;紧邻地,贴近的;居后的,次于的prep.紧靠……旁边,贴近;居于……之后,次于next to英 [ˈnekst tə] 美 [ˈnekst tə] prep.旁边;紧邻;在…近旁;仅次于;紧接;几乎;与…相比【用法】1、next表示“下一个”紧接在后的;次于的;贴近的;紧邻的接下去;然后;居后地;依次的,下一位;下一个;next是一个英语单词,可以用作名词、动词、形容词和副词。2、next to意思是“隔壁”,“接近”“紧挨着”,后面接地点名词,不能单独使用。next 双语例句1.The next scene takes the story forward five years. 下一个场面是描述故事中五年后的情况。2.The next crossing point is a long way downstream. 下一个渡口在下游方向很远的地方。3.Our house is the one next to the school. 我家的房子就是学校旁边的那座。4.Economic growth is expected to average 2% next year. 明年经济增长预计平均可达2%。5.Chinese will be on the school schedule from next year. 从明年开始中文将排进学校的课程表。6.The new rules come into operation from next week. 新规定从下周起实施。7.By this time next week we'll be in New York. 下星期的这个时候我们将在纽约。8.The new computer system comes on stream next month. 新的计算机系统下月投入使用。9.I could come next week, or the week after. 我可能下周来,或者再下一周。10.Production of the new aircraft will start next year. 新飞机的生产将于明年开始。next to 双语例句1.Our house is the one next to the school. 我家的房子就是学校旁边的那座。2.Can I sit next to you? 我可以坐在你旁边吗?3.The horse came next to last in the race. 这匹马在比赛中跑了个倒数第二。4.Next to her I felt like a fraud. 和她相比,我觉得自己是滥竽充数。5.There was this strange man sitting next to me on the plane. 在飞机上有个奇怪的人坐在我身旁。6.I was standing right next to her, but she didn't even acknowledge me. 我就站在她身边,可是她理都不理我。7.We sat next to each other. 我们紧挨着坐在一起。8.Charles knew next to nothing about farming. 查尔斯对耕作几乎一无所知。9.He got undressed in a small cubicle next to the pool. 他在游泳池旁的小更衣室里脱掉了衣服。10.‘ Not his best performance, ’ she commented to the woman sitting next to her. “这不是他的最佳表现。”她对坐在她旁边的女士议论道。

