
时间:2024-08-05 04:00:38编辑:阿星


问题一:开个玩笑,英文怎么说 Play a joke

问题二:开个玩笑而已 用英语怎么说 比较随意一点的说法可以用:never mind,just kidding!(别介意,只是个玩笑)
如果是郑重一点的道歉可以用: sorry,i'm only joking.(对不起,我只是开玩笑。)
顺便说,回应朋友过火的玩笑时可以说:“i'm in no mood for your fooling!”(我可没心情开玩笑!)

问题三:我和你开个玩笑, 英语怎么说 我和你开个玩笑, 英语么说
书面语:Only do I kid with you.
1.I am just kidding with you.
2.I'm just telling a joke to you.

问题四:美式英语口语的“开个玩笑”怎么说,求专业解释 Just kidding! [口语上用的]

问题五:开个玩笑,别当真。用英语怎么说 A joke,don not take it seriously.

问题六:上帝和我们开了一个玩笑,用英语怎么说? The God makes a joke with us

问题七:你只是个玩笑 用英语怎么说? You are just a joking.


开玩笑英语: 1、make fun of:开玩笑;嘲弄 2、play a trick:开玩笑;捉弄 3、crack a joke:开个玩笑 扩展资料   例句:   他经不起开玩笑。   He can't take a joke.   她喜欢跟朋友们开玩笑。   She delights in playing jokes on her friends.   他开玩笑说,考虑到我们要激发出来的'后果,我应该把这种病毒全部扔进垃圾桶。   He joked that I should throw it all in the trash because of what we would unleash.   如果你让某人做什么事情而他们需要更多的一些时间,你或许会这样和他们开玩笑: “什么?   If you have asked someone to do something and they need a bit more time, you might joke withthem: "What?   他说:“你会在你祖母葬礼上为了开开玩笑而扔你死去的祖母吗?”   "Do you throw your dead grandmother around for a joke at her funeral?" he said.

