
时间:2024-08-05 08:29:38编辑:阿星


aspect n. 方面;方向;形势;外貌; 例句: Climate and weather affect every aspect of our lives. 气候和天气影响我们生活的每个方面。 扩展资料   She felt she had looked at the problem from every aspect.   她觉得她已从各个角度考虑了这个问题。   This was one aspect of her character he hadn't seen before.   这是他过去没有了解到的她的`性格的一个方面。   Students may pursue research in any aspect of computational linguistics.   学生可以在计算机语言学的任何方面进行研究。   Yuriko saw eye to eye with Yul on almost every aspect of the production.   百合子和尤尔几乎在产品的每一个方面都意见一致。


在...方面的英文译为:In the aspect of...,在文学方面则是:In the aspect of literature。aspect方面; 面貌; 方位,方向; 形势Her eye, accustomed to what was usual in the aspect of the room, saw instantly what was unusual. 她的眼睛,对屋里的事物都十分熟悉,立刻看出有些不同平常的情形。扩展资料:in...respect也有在某方面的意思in respect of 网络解释1、关于,就......而言:in praise of 称赞 | in respect of 关于,就......而言 | in search of 寻找,搜找2、关于;涉及:in question 所谈论的;质疑 | in respect of 关于;涉及 | in stock 存货3、涉及:in residence 住校 | in respect of 涉及 | in respect that 因为例句:1、No one could rival him in this respect. 这方面无人能与他匹敌。2、Equality is first shown in respect. No respect, no love. 平等首先是尊重,没有尊重就不会有仁爱。3、We change in that respect. 我们在那方面这样变化。


在...方面的英文译为:In the aspect of...,在文学方面则是:In the aspect of literature。aspect方面;面貌; 方位,方向; 形势。Her eye, accustomed to what was usual in the aspect of the room, saw instantly what was unusual.她的眼睛,对屋里的事物都十分熟悉,立刻看出有些不同平常的情形。表示“在……方面”到底该用什么介词,与所搭配的词语有关:1. I am good at math.我数学方面很强。此处用at,因为在be good at这一搭配中习惯上用介词at。2. He is an expert on ENT.他在耳鼻喉方面是个专家。此处用on,因为expert后通常接介词on, at, in(所以此处用介词in或at也是对的)。又如:He is an expert in skin disease.他是治疗皮肤病的专家。He is an expert at teaching children.他是教小孩的能手。3. She always helps me with computer.她总在电脑方面帮助我。此处用with,与动词help的搭配有关(help sb with sth表示“在某方面帮助某人”)。4. We made rapid progress in English.我们在英语方面有很大进步。此处用in,与make progress的搭配有关(make progress in / with sth表示“在某方面最得进步”)。又如:He makes no progress in his studies.他的学业没有进步。We made great progress with our work.我们在工作上取得了很大的进步。


在...方面英文翻译是In terms of。词汇分析音标:[ɪn tɜ:mz of] 释义:依据;按照;在…方面;以…措词短语Further in terms of 进一步而言In terms of civilization 在文明这方面In terms of thought 在思想方面In terms of syntax 在语法方面拓展资料1、It can not be measured in terms of money. 这是不能用金钱衡量的。2、So think of your priorities not in terms of what activities you do, but when you do them. 所以,不要从做什么的角度,而是要从什么时候做的角度来考虑你的重点。3、After all, our privacy and security on these sites -- in terms of how much we share with othersand what we consume -- is ultimately up to each of us. 最重要的是我们在这些网站上的隐私和安全—从我们与他人分享的东西的多少和我们消费的东西的角度—最终取决于我们每一个人。4、Well, nothing in terms of the math. 当然,那是从数学角度来说的5、Why do we have to define professionalism in terms of basic supply and demand? 为什么我们必须依据基本的供给和需求来定义一个职业?

