
时间:2024-08-09 06:29:00编辑:阿星



  Jack is a little goose. He has a lovely hat. He likes wearing it very much. But when he sits, his hat can’t stay on his head.


  He puts his hat down and begins to play game with the hat. When he gets tired of the game, things are not the same.


  He can’t find his hat. Where is it? Jack thinks hard. He looks up and down, and walks here and there. He can’t find his hat yet.


  At this time, his mother comes in. As soon as she sees Jack, she cries, “Oh, my dear! Don’t be foolish. Your hat is on your head.”


  Jack feels very foolish. He doesn’t want to wear his hat on his head.



  Once there were three foxes, they worked together. They lived a happy life.

  Little by little, the youngest fox became lazy, and often quarreled with the other foxes. The eldest had to leave, and the second fox was driven off, too.

  Looking at the warm house with a lot of good food in it, the youngest fox smiled.

  The eldest fox opened a new hill again.

  The second eldest fox dug a pool. Two of them because rich soon.

  The youngest fox ate up the food left by the other two foxes. In the end it felt so cold and hungry that it could not stand up.








  One day, Zhuang Gong, King of the State of Qi, went out in a chariot to hunt.


  On the way, he saw a small insect raise both its arms, trying to stop the wheels of the chariot. Zhuang Gong of Qi was curious and asked the driver:


  "What kind of insect is it?"


  "It is a mantis," the driver replied promptly. "This kind of insect only knows how to advance but not retreat, blindly underrating its enemies and overrating its own abilities."


  Hearing the driver's reply, Zhuang Gong smiled to himself and remained silent.



  Long long ago, several people had a jar of wine among them and all of them wanted to drink it by himself。 So they set a rule that every one would draw a snake on the 4 12 ground and the man who finished first would have the wine。 One man finished his snake very soon and he was about to drink the wine when he saw the others were still busy drawing, so he decided to draw the feet to the snake。 However, before he could finish the feet, another man finished and grabbed the jar from him, saying, "Who has ever seen a snake with feet?” The story of "Draw a snake and add feet to It。” tells us going too far is as bad as not going far enough。



  A waggoner was once driving a heavy load on a very muddy road.


  Suddenly the wheels of the wagon sank into the mire, and the horse could not pull them out.


The waggoner threw down his whip. He knelt down and prayed to Hercules. “Hercules, help me,please,“ he said.


  But Hercules appeared to him, and said, “Man, don’t kneel there. Get up and put your shoulder to the wheel.“



1、The fox and the grapes
Hungry fox saw the vine hanging from a string of crystal clear grapes, slobber DC, want to eat off, but also
Can't reach. At the moment, feel helpless to go, he said while walking his own comfort:" this has not cooked grape, sure
Are sour."
That is to say, some capacity is small, do not a thing, on the pretext that premature.
2、The little boy and the Scorpion
There is a child in the front wall to catch the grasshopper, while to catch a lot. Suddenly he saw a scorpion, he thought that is the grasshopper,
Then two go to catch him. The scorpion his sting, said: "come, if you really dare to do like this, even you catch a grasshopper
Grasshopper will completely lose."
This story warns people, to distinguish good and bad, to treat them differently.
3、The wolf and the crane
Wolf mistakenly swallow a piece of bone, very hard, running around, looking for a doctor. He met the egret, stipulated fees to invite him
Bone removed, Lusi their head into the wolf's throat, and drew out the bone, so the wolf to be a good reward. The wolf answered
Say:" Hey, friend, you can wolf mouth all is well. Withdraws head, can not meet, how to speak reward?"
This story illustrates, the bad guys do no reward, and be thankful if you say the essence of credit.
4、The widow and the hen
A widow woman kept a hen, hen lays an egg every day. She thought some more chicken feed barley, a day will be two
Egg. Therefore, such a day to feed her, the result looks more and more fat hen, an egg a day is not even under the.
This story explained that, some people because of greed, want more benefits, the results are even deprived of the existing.
5、Standing on the roof of the goat and Wolf
The little goats on the roof, saw a wolf from the pass underneath, and cursed him, laughing at him. The wolf said:" Oh, man, scold
I is not you, but you are in the ground."
This story illustrates the advantages and the secret, often give a person with strong courage to fight.
6、Mountain Earthquake
One time, a mountain happened a big earthquake, vibration sounds like a loud moan and shout. Many people gathered
At the foot of the mountain to watch, do not know what had happened. While they were assembled in anxious, worried about seeing something bad omen, only
Saw a mouse running from the mountain.
Don't make much ado about nothing.
山 震
7、Good and evil
Weak forces of good, evil away to heaven by. Asked Zeus is good at, how can we return to earth to. Zeus told
He, you don't go, one of the world's visit. Evil and people very close, so continuously to find him
Are. Good because down from the sky, on the very slow to very slow.
That is to say, people is not easy to meet good, but every day of the injury or harm.
善 与 恶
8、Two pockets
Prometheus created man, and in each of them hanging round her neck has two pockets, a pack the faults of others, the other
Of their own equipment. He put the loaded others faults pocket hanging in the chest, the other is hanging behind his back. Hence it is that men are
Quick to see the faults of others, and their total however invisible.
This story explained that people often like to find fault with others, but ignore their shortcomings.
9、The hunting dog
An old dog young and strong never yielded to any beast of the forest, the elderly, in a hunting, met a
Wild boar, he bravely rushed to bite pig ears. Because of his dental aging weakness, not snapped, wild boar
Run away. Master came running greatly disappoint one's hopes, give him a meal. Old dogs raised his head and said:" master ah! This cannot be
Blame me not. My brave spirit and the youth are the same, but I can't resist the natural law. I used to act by
Your praise, it should not be your blame."
That is to say, the birth and death is the inexorable law.
老 猎 狗
10、The ants and beetles
Summer, other animal have a leisurely life, only the ants run around in the fields to collect, wheat and barley, give yourself a
Winter food storage. Surprised todung beetle asked him why he was so diligent. Ant at the time said nothing.
Winter came, a heavy rain washed cow dung, dung beetle hungry, where ant went begging, ants said to him:" hey,
Buddy, if at the time when I work, you not criticize me, but also to work, we would not have the hungry."
It is said that, despite the changing situation, the people can avoid disaster save.
祝你学习进步 天天向上


1. One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him. Luckily, an elephant comes along. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and monkey. Three friends are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home. Then, three of them become good friends.一天, 一只猴子在河边骑车。这时他看见树下有一只狮子,狮子向他跑来。他非常的害怕,掉进河里。他不会游泳,大叫起来。兔子听见了,跳进水里,但他却没有办法救猴子。幸运的是,一只大象过来了。大象非常强壮,救出了兔子和猴子。他们来到大象的家,在那里吃了一顿大餐。从此他们成了好朋友。2. An old man has a cat. The cat is very old, too. He runs very quickly. And his teeth are bad. One evening, the old cat sees a little mouse. He catches it, but he can’t eat it because his teeth are not strong enough. The mouse runs away.The old man is very angry. He beats his cat. He says: “You are a fool cat. I will punish you!” the cat is very sad. He thinks:“When I was young, I worked hard for you. Now you don’t like me because I’m too old to work. You should know you are old, too.”一个年迈的老人养一只猫。这只猫也非常老了。她跑得很快,但是牙齿很糟糕。一天王还是那个,这只老猫看见一只小老鼠。它抓住了小老鼠,但是它却吃不了它,因为它的牙齿不够锋利了。这只小老鼠逃跑了。老人很生气,他打了小猫,并且对它说:“你这只蠢猫!我要惩罚你!”猫非常伤心,它想:“在我还年轻的时候,我为你努力工作。现在你却因为我太老了不能工作而不喜欢我。你应该知道你也老了。”3.AN ASS having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on to give them such beautiful voices. They replied, "The dew." The Ass resolved that he would live only upon dew, and in a short time died of hunger.驴子听见蚱蜢唱歌,被美妙动听的歌声所打动,自己也想能发出同样悦耳动听的声音,便 羡慕地问他们吃些什么,才能发出如此美妙的声音来。蚱蜢答道:“吃露水。”驴子便也只吃露水,没多久就饿死了。望采纳,谢谢。


  Where is this? How do I turned into a frog? This is how to return a responsibility! I said, surprised.

  Really *** elly! This is what taste! A bad *** ell from my nose wipe nasal, "cough cough!! Xun the shit out of me!" "Are you new here?" Yi? Who is speaking? Turned out to be an old willow pond. "Yes, I've just e here," I answered. This exactly is what flavor, willow uncle? "What is new here. This is the truck's emissions of waste gas, I already used to it." "Why so *** elly? Before, I am a human! I didn't feel?" What are you people? "" yes! "" you are too unreasonable, to the emissions do not say, still litter, disorderly spit spit... Before the willow uncle say that finish, I was ashamed, and so I jumped away shyly.

  "Ah!" What is this? An empty mineral water bottle came, squarely hit on my head, I am very painful, on the ground to call. Suddenly a tortoise chimed in: "alas these humans also too outrageous! Hit a guest again, when it's time to change! I'm waiting for." Listen to the old tortoise I more ashamed, he went down.

  Just came out on a sticky thing, a look, "ah!" The original is mouth spit! "These things I don't know how many times, anyway have countless Numbers. A cat says...

  Son get up, you see all at! e on! e on! Mom said anxiously. Don't know what the dream means that? I think it's because it's too do not care for the environment, I think people are so lack of awareness of environmental protection. People ah! When will you get rid of this bad habit! I'm waiting for.
  Lamb's birthday is ing, it has invited many boys who attend.

  One day, the *** all white rabbit thought: I most like to eat carrots. Simply I picked a few of the biggest, best, are reluctant to eat at ordinary times, take out to it! The *** all white rabbit carried off carrot!

  Puppy thought: my favorite food is hot bones! Simply I cook some hot bone sent!!!! The dog with a pot of hot bone, full set out from the home also happily!

  The lamb, there can be noisy! Little brown bear brings sweet honey; The cat brought delicious fish...

  Lamb also prepared a vanilla cake. A lamb thought, we carefully prepared food, it is in order to celebrate my birthday, I will not eat, but they are also a kindness, I put these get back to them, they will surely like to eat!

  Birthday began, everyone lined up, one by one to the lamb gifts, lamb al Jefferson said: "thanks! Thanks!"

  Send out gifts, such as the lamb so thankful to everyone said: "very thank everybody to e to my birthday, also very thank you give my gift, because I know that these gifts are everyone's work achievement, is a gift, so I accepted. But one thing I also for everybody." Say that finish, it put the hot bone to the dog, returned the carrot to the *** all white rabbit...

  After things, we doubt ask: "why do you want to give something back to us?

  Lamb and *** iling replied: "your thoughts I have accepted, this is my gift to you!"

  Everyone nodded, and eat up their delicious food, lamb eat vanilla cake, too! . They spent this birthday happy!
  Once upon a time, there was the busines *** an bought a lot of salt in the town. He put salt into the bag, and then loaded on a donkey. "Go! Go home!" Busines *** en to pull the REINS, but feel salt bag is too heavy, the donkey was very unwilling to love heart don't want to walk. Towns and villages separated by a river. When crossing the river, stagger the donkey fell into the river.

  Bag of salt by water soluble salt, all ran away. "Ah! Salt all lost. Alas! Damn! What a stupid donkey!" The merchant grumbled. But the donkey was happy, because less luggage. "This is a good way, well! It remember, next time you can according to lose weight.

  " The donkey and busines *** en, however, was not aware of. The next day, the merchant took the donkey to the town to again. This time is not salt, but cotton. Cotton piled like a hill on a donkey. "

  Go! Go home! Today's luggage is big size, but not heavy." The busines *** an said to the donkey, and pull the REINS. The donkey the appearance of a pair of very heavy, slow walk. Soon came to the river, the donkey thinking of yesterday's. "Yesterday is indeed in this neighborhood, today have to do the *** ooth!"

  Then, the donkey intentionally rolled into the river again. "Well!" When the donkey, although want to stand up, suddenly feel can't stand up. Because cotton, the water bees heavier. "A poor, that's too bad!" The donkey hem bray, while carrying the water saturated with heavy luggage, go back to the village.







问题一:一小段有趣的、简短的英文故事,快!!! Ten Candies
Mother asks her son, “Jim, if you have ten candies, and you eat four, then how many candies do you have?”
妈妈问儿子:“吉姆, 如果你有10块糖,吃了4块,那你还有几块糖?”
“Ten.” Jim says.
“Ten?” Mother asks.
“Yes, Mum. Four candies are in my stomach and six candies are out of my stomach. Four and six is ten, isn’t it right?”

问题二:非常简短的英语幽默故事 来源:百度知道
zhidao.baidu/...0_1001,[email protected] _2_4.4_3_534,[email protected] [email protected] _0_10_title
Big Head
“All the kids make fun of me”the boy cried to his mother.“They say I have a big head”
“Don't listen to them.”his mother forted him.“You have a beautiful head .Now stop crying and go to the store for ten pounds of potatoes”
“Where's the shopping bag?”
“I haven't got one,use your hat.”
Good Boy
Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?
I gave it to a poor old woman, he answered.
You're a good boy, said the mother proudly. Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?
She is the one who sells the candy.
“我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。 “你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?”
Where is the father?
Two brothers were looking at some beautiful paintings.
Look, said the elder brother. How nice these paintings are!
Yes, said the younger, but in all these paintings there is......>>

问题三:幽默英语小故事 Big Head
“All the kids make fun of me”the boy cried to his mother.“They say I have a big head”
“Don't listen to them.”his mother forted him.“You have a beautiful head .Now stop crying and go to the store for ten pounds of potatoes”
“Where's the shopping bag?”
“I haven't got one,use your hat.”
Good Boy
Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?
I gave it to a poor old woman, he answered.
You're a good boy, said the mother proudly. Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?
She is the one who sells the candy.
“我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。 “你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?”
Where is the father?
Two brothers were looking at some beautiful paintings.
Look, said the elder brother. How nice these paintings are!
Yes, said the younger, but in all these paintings there is only the mother and the children. Where is the father?
The elder brother thought for a moment and then explained, Obviously he was painting the pictures.

问题四:谁有短小有趣得英文小故事,方便背 Midway Tactics
Three peting store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall. Observers waited for mayhem to ensue.
The retailer on the right put up huge signs saying, Gigantic Sale! and Super Bargains!
The store on the left raised bigger signs proclaiming, Prices Slashed! and Fantastic Discounts!
The owner in the middle then prepared a large sign that simply stated, ENTRANCE.
West Point
My father, brother and I visited West Point to see a football game between Army and Boston College. Taking a stroll before kickoff, we met many cadets in neatly pressed uniforms. Several visting fans asked the recruits if they would pose for photographs, to show our son what to expect if he should attend West Point.
One middle-aged couple approached a very attractive female cadet and asked her to pose for a picture. They explained, We want to show our son what he missed by not ing to West Point.


有趣的英语小故事   一枚硬币会经历什么?下面是我整理的有趣的英语故事,欢迎大家阅读!   一枚硬币的'旅程   One day, Dora’s mother gave her a coin, It was a bit dirty, so Dora washed it. Then it started talking to Dora.   Today I talked to a coin, When it was made, it was nice and clean. People took the coin to a bank. It stayed there for a few days. A person at the bank gave the bank gave the coin to a man. My mother went to buy some cake from the man’s shop. The man gave the coin to her as part of her change. She dropped the coin. A street cleaner saw it and picked it up. He returned it to my mother. She gave it to me as pocket money. I washed the coin to make it clean again.   一天,多拉的母亲给了她一枚硬币。它有点儿脏,所以多拉把它洗了洗。听听这个硬币的英语故事。   今天我和一枚硬币谈话了,当它被铸造的时候,它很好看而且干净.人们把钱存到银行。它在那儿待几天.银行的人把这枚硬币给了一名男子。我的母亲从这名男子的商店里买一些蛋糕。这名男子将这枚硬币作为零钱的一部分找给她。她掉了这枚硬币。一位街道清洁工看到了并把它捡起来。他把她还给了我母亲。母亲把它当零花钱给我了,我洗了这枚硬币,让它再次变干净。   The Two Soldiers And The Robber   两个士兵和强盗   Two Soldiers travelling together were set upon by a Robber. One of them ran away, but the other stood his ground, and laid about him so lustily with his sword that the Robber was fain to fly and leave him in peace. When the coast was clear the timid one ran back, and, flourishing his weapon, cried in a threatening voice, “Where is he? Let me get at him, and I’ll soon let him know whom he’s got to deal with.” But the other replied, “You are a little late, xiaogushi8.com my friend: I only wish you had backed me up just now, even if you had done no more than speak, for I should have been encouraged, believing your words to be true. As it is, calm yourself, and put up your sword: there is no further use for it. You may delude others into thinking you’re as brave as a lion: but I know that, at the first sign of danger, you run away like a hare.”   两个士兵一起赶路,途中被一个强盗所劫。其中一个士兵马上逃跑了,另一个则勇敢地握着剑立在原地,强盗不得不其他而逃。这时候,那个胆小的士兵跑过来,抽出剑,壮着胆子大喝一声:“他去哪里了?让我来对付他,我要让他知道面对的是什么人。”然而,那名勇敢的士兵说:“你来晚了,我的朋友。要是你刚才能帮我就好了,即便只是嘴上这样说也好,因为我会受到你这番话的鼓舞,并且相信这些话都说真的。而现在,还是请你把剑收好,已经没有必要再用它了。你只能欺骗其他人,让人们以为你像雄狮一样勇敢;而我却知道,在遇到危险时,你会像兔子一样落荒而逃。”   The Flu   Larry has the flu. His nose is running. He coughs a lot. He sneezes a lot. When he coughs, he covers his mouth. When he sneezes, he covers his mouth. When his nose is running, he wipes his nose with a tissue. Larry's mother is taking care of him. She makes hot soup for him. She gives him fresh orange juice. She makes him comfortable in his bed. She turns on the TV so he can watch TV in his bed. She turns out the light so he can sleep in his bed. She gives him medicine so he will get better. Larry will get better soon. ;

