
时间:2024-08-12 21:43:18编辑:阿星



探索者传说 第五集 插曲。


Lady Asrune Rowan

White grows the lily, Red grows the rose 圣洁的百合花,鲜红的玫瑰
Here lies my laddie, See how he grows 我的宝贝快点睡,快点长大小宝贝
One day he'll leave me, To cross shadowed sea
Pray god protected him, keep him safe with me

The rose shows its wisdoms, from love lost on youth
Protector of passions and soilder of truth
For royal resplendence I bow to its bloom
But thorns rest beneat it, and there lies my doom

White grows the lily, Red grows the rose
Here lies my laddie, See how he grows
Soon must he leave me, To cross shadowed sea
Pray god protected him, let him stay free

The Lily knows little, but innocence scorned
On banner of blood shed for villians adorned
like pale ghosts in moonlight, I fear for their fate
to grow on a gravesite, may yet be too late

White grows the lily, Red grows the rose
Here lies my laddie, See how he grows
Now he must leave me, And cross shadowed sea
Pray god protected him, return him to me

This garden is weary, its soil is tolled
Of deacades in termoil, its left bled for gold
My son is a child, but man he'll soon be
with red rose upon him, he'll die by lily

White grows the lily, Red grows the rose
Here lies my laddie, oh how the wind blows!
Now he has left me, to lie neath green lee
Pray god protect him, keep him safe for me

探索者传说第一季 共有多少集?

《探索者传说》改编自Terry Goodkind的著名畅销奇幻系列小说《真理之剑》(Sword of Truth)。
故事的主角名叫Richard Cypher,是一个居住在危险森林里的年轻人,充当着人们的森林向导。Richard的勇气、力量和智慧逐渐让他成为当地人的实际领袖,但生性谦和的他并不喜欢政_治-与之相反的,他的兄弟却对政_治充满了热情。


父亲被人神秘谋杀后,Richard一直想找出真凶。某天,他遇到了一位遭四名男子追杀的美貌女性,名叫Kahlan Amnell。Richard救下了Kahlan,但麻烦随之而来。

Kahlan不知用什么方法穿越了魔法边界,来到西土世界寻找老巫师--也叫第一巫师。据说,这位老巫师在魔法边界形成之前,就从中土世界来到西土世界隐居。Richard认为Kahlan需要帮助,于是带她去见自己唯一信任的人、他最好的朋友、他的导师--Zedd。很快,Richard发现 Zedd隐藏了一些惊人的秘密,有些甚至瞒了他一辈子。Zedd并不是表面上那样普通的老人,他就是Kahlan要找的人--中土世界的第一巫师。

Kahlan带来了一条坏消息:D'Hara王国的邪恶统治者Darken Rahl已经率领大军越过D'Hara与中土世界的魔法边界,向中土世界发动了进攻。Darken Rahl将继承亡父的遗愿,通过武力手段征服目前不堪一击的中土世界。Kahlan希望Zedd能指认一位 "真理的探索者"来力挽狂澜,Zedd再三考虑后,决定让Richard--自己的亲孙子--来担此重任,并将真理之剑赠送给Richard。从此以后,Richard和Kahlan踏上了一条艰苦的冒险之路,他们的终极目的是阻止Darken Rahl打开奥登魔盒--个能毁灭全世界的装置。


