
时间:2024-08-18 10:51:46编辑:阿星


learning意思如下:n:学习;知识,学问v:得知,获悉;学习,学会;认识到,从……吸取教训。(learn 的现在分词形式)。学习,是指通过阅读、听讲、思考、研究、实践等途径获得知识或技能的过程。通过阅读、听讲、研究、观察、理解、探索、实验、实践等手段获得知识或技能的过程,是一种使个体可以得到持续变化(知识和技能,方法与过程,情感与价值的改善和升华)的行为方式。相关例句1、She's still learning to read.她还在学习识字。2、Is he learning an instrument?他在学习演奏乐器吗?3、 I'm learning how to budget.我正在学习怎样编制预算。4、He's still learning how to dance.他仍在学怎样跳舞。5、He is learning to play the piano.他正在学弹钢琴。


  learning的汉语意思   英 [ˈlɜ:nɪŋ] 美 [ˈlɜ:rnɪŋ]   原级:learn第三人称单数:learns过去分词:learnt; learned过去式:learnt; learned   基本解释   名词 学问,学术,知识   动词 学习(learn的现在分词)   相关例句   名词   1. His purpose of learning is to be a doctor.   他学习的目的是想当医生。   learning的单语例句   1. English is the language of international business and learning it here from a native speaker is in demand and beneficial to Chinese enterprises " going out ".   2. Learning a foreign language has become a serious business for people in China - not least for its leading figures.   3. The path to success has been strewn with obstacles, learning by trial and error to overcome the local peculiarities of climate and soil.   4. After about six months of learning by himself, Zhang still did not feel confident about speaking English.   5. The police rushed to the boy's house, learning the truth and telling the boy that he should finish his homework by himself.   6. She said that Rico was displaying a kind of learning by inference that is called fast mapping.   7. It is a bit like when I was learning Chinese, was only by opening my mouth and not be frightened to making mistake.   8. Experts researching on how gender affects learning have found that boys and girls are different by nature and they learn in different ways.   9. She says knowing how to solve problems is more important than learning by rote, a process of establishing something in memory by repeating it.   learning的情景对话   学习   A:What are you learning?   你在学什么?   B:I’m learning how to (use computer/ speak Russian/ type more quickly).   我在学习(如何操作电脑/说俄语/快速打字)。   学校   B:Do you have any extra-curricular activities?   你参加什么课余活动吗?   A:Sure. I’m (on the soccer team/ in the film club/ learning piano).*   当然。我(参加了足球队的/参加了电影俱乐部的/在学钢琴)。   求职面试   B:What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel?   作为行政人员,你有什么样的领导才能?   A:I feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as a team will be the major goal of my leadership./I have refined my management style by using an open-door policy.   我觉得学习如何把人们的积极性调动起来,以及如何配合协同的.团队精神,是我行政工作的主要目标。/我以开放式的政策,改进我的行政管理方式。   B:How do you normally handle criticism?   你通常如何处理别人的批评?   A:Silence is golden. Just don't say anything; otherwise the situation could become worse. I do, however, accept constructive criticism. /When we cool off, we will discuss it later.   沈默是金。不必说什么,否则情况更糟,不过我会接受建设性的批评。/我会等大家冷静下来再讨论。

