
时间:2024-09-15 03:04:08编辑:阿星


农夫的英文:farmerfarmer的发音:美 [ˈfɑrmər]英 [ˈfɑː(r)mə(r)]farmer的意思:n.农场主;农人复数:farmers 例句:1.The farmer: I tied its left leg to the pole and went on milking, after I finished another bucket, it kicked that over with its right leg.农夫:我用绳子把她左腿绑在了柱子上接着挤,结果刚好一桶接满,她又用右腿把桶踢翻了。2.For the first time I got a closer look of how the fields are plowed, and so I got to talk to a local farmer.我第一次清楚地看到了这些田是怎么耕的,并和当地一个农民聊了起来。3.When he fell asleep, a farmer began to knock at the door and got him up.当他睡着的时候,一个农民开始敲门于是便起床了。4.At the solemn funeral service a few days later, the farmer stood near the casket and greeted folks as they walked by.几天后在肃穆的葬礼上,农夫站在棺材边招呼走过来吊唁的人。


farmer英语读音是: 英 ['fɑːmə(r)]     美 ['fɑːrmər]。    farmer 核心词汇 n. 农夫;农民;农场主。The farmer has a shepherd dog.农夫有一条牧羊犬。The farmer was pleased to see his piles of corns on the cob.农夫很高兴地看着成堆的玉米。词义辨析: farmer, agriculturist, peasant, peasantry这组词的共同意思是“农民”。其区别是:1.peasantry是农民的统称,包含有farmer, peasant和agriculturist,还可指农民地位、农民身份或粗野无知的农民行为。例如:The idea was supported by landless British peasantry.无地的英国农民都支持这个意见。The peasantry in China now is improving.当今的中国农民地位不断提高。2.farmer拥有很大面积的土地, peasant拥有少量的土地; agriculturist不一定拥有土地。3.farmer的土地一般为私人所有; peasant的土地为国有化土地; agriculturist的土地即可以是私有的,也可以是国有的。

