
时间:2024-09-15 16:29:51编辑:阿星



第六季回归时,萨姆和狄恩温彻斯特兄弟还将从事他们的猎魔旅程,两兄弟始终被杯具和血缘所牵绊着,继续他们危险神圣的使命。接下来的一季,狄恩和萨姆面对的最大敌人:the devil himself。在天启狂袭而来之时,兄弟俩和少数跟随他们的猎人还有反叛的天使castiel,想方设法阻止路西法,拯救地球。最终,他们发现将路西法打回地狱结束天启的方法——但代价是萨姆的生命。第六季将是神秘而阴暗的一季。从第五季天启后,天堂和地狱完全跌落在混乱之中。现在,恶魔、天使和怪物在混乱的地球上游荡。离开猎魔工作并且发誓再也不干这行的狄恩又被拖回了他的往日生活——除了从地狱逃出来的萨姆还有谁能把他再拉回去。两人重新在一起打击从地狱逃出来不断增加的邪恶力量,但很快他们意识到他们不再是过去的自己,他们的关系也不再像从前一样,没有什么像表面上那样了(到底是什么样的呢,纠结中)。第六季由Jared Padalecki 饰演Sam Winchester, Jensen Ackles 饰演Dean Winchester, Misha Collins饰演 Castiel(大家担心的卡天使也要回归,而且是常规演员哦)。
"Returning for its sixth season, this haunting series follows Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers bound by tragedy and blood to their dangerous, other-worldly mission. This past season, Dean and Sam faced their toughest foe yet: the Devil himself. As the Apocalypse raged on around them, the brothers, aided only by a dwindling band of fellow hunters and rebel angel Castiel, sought a way to stop Lucifer and save the planet. Ultimately, they discovered a way to force Lucifer back into Hell and end the Apocalypse - but at tremendous cost: Sam's life. Season six will be a season of mystery and shadow. Heaven and Hell have been left in complete disarray since the apocalyptic events of season five. And now, monsters, angels and demons roam across a lawless and chaotic landscape. And so Dean Winchester, who has retired from hunting and sworn never to return, finds himself being pulled back into his old life - pulled back by none other than Sam Winchester, who has escaped from Hell. The two reunite to beat back the rising tide of creatures and demon-spawn, but they quickly realize that neither are who they used to be, their relationship isn't what it used to be, and that nothing is what it seems. The series stars Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester, Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester and Misha Collins as Castiel."


《邪恶力量》(Supernatural),又译《凶鬼恶灵》、《狙魔人》、《超自然档案》、《神秘力量》,是由美国CW电视台播出的讲述灵异超自然现象的电视剧。第六季回归时,萨姆和迪恩·温彻斯特兄弟还将从事他们的猎魔旅程,两兄弟始终被猎杀和血缘所牵绊着,继续他们危险神圣的使命。接下来的一季,迪恩和萨姆面对着最大的敌人:the devil himself。第五季在天启狂袭而来之时,兄弟俩和少数跟随他们的猎人还有反叛的天使castiel,想方设法阻止路西法,拯救地球。最终,他们发现将路西法打回地狱结束天启的方法——但代价是萨姆的生命。而第六季将是神秘而阴暗的一季,而第五季的最后一个镜头——路灯闪烁,Sam遥望着痛苦的Dean给所有SPN迷留下了希望和期待。从第五季天启结束后,天堂和地狱完全跌落在混乱之中。恶魔、天使和怪物在混乱的地球上游荡。离开猎魔工作并且发誓再也不干这行的迪恩又被拖回了他的往日生活——除了从地狱逃出来的萨姆还有谁能把他再拉回去。两人重新在一起打击从地狱逃出来不断增加的邪恶力量,但很快他们意识到他们不再是过去的自己,而他们的关系也回不到以前那样了。第六季继续由Jared Padalecki (贾德·帕达里克)饰演Sam Winchester,Jensen Ackles(詹森·阿克斯) 饰演Dean Winchester,Misha Collins(米沙·克林斯)饰演天使Castiel。

