
时间:2024-09-20 01:59:24编辑:阿星




03 April 2022

美国宇航局表示,其太空发射系统(简称SLS)是人类有史以来建造的最为强大的火箭。美国官员曾表示,这枚火箭旨在开启新一代载人太空 探索 。




美国宇航局去年宣布已经选择美国太空 探索 技术公司作为其合作伙伴,将下一批宇航员送上月球。美国太空 探索 技术公司已经完成了数次将宇航员送到国际空间站的任务。美国太空 探索 技术公司使用的是猎鹰9号火箭和载人龙飞船。

美国太空 探索 技术公司还在开发和测试旨在将人类送上月球的人类着陆系统(HLS)。美国宇航局的未来计划要求太空发射系统火箭将猎户座飞船上的宇航员送上月球轨道。宇航员将会从那里转移到美国太空 探索 技术公司的人类着陆系统以送往月球表面。

美国太空 探索 技术公司还开发了一种名为星际飞船的超重型太空飞行器。该公司负责人埃隆·马斯克曾表示,星际飞船旨在将宇航员送上月球,也可能是火星。与太空发射系统不同,星际飞船被设计为可重复使用。美国太空 探索 技术公司计划在今年某个时间进行一次试飞,将星际飞船送入轨道。





NASA says its Space Launch System, or SLS, is the most powerful rocket ever built. U.S. officials have said the rocket was designed to begin a new generation of human space exploration.

SLS is the first rocket designed to carry both astronauts and supplies on a single mission. It is part of NASA's Artemis program, which aims to land the first woman and first person of color on the moon.

Artemis has a goal to land American astronauts on the moon no earlier than 2025. Last year, NASA pushed back the planned launch. It would be the first moon landing by astronauts since NASA's Apollo 17 mission in 1972.

NASA is calling the first launch of the SLS rocket Artemis 1. There will be no crew on the spacecraft during the first mission. SLS will carry NASA's Orion spacecraft on a test mission to fly around the moon.

NASA announced last year that it had chosen American company SpaceX as its partner to land the next astronauts on the moon. SpaceX has already completed several missions to carry astronauts to the International Space Station. SpaceX uses the Falcon 9 rocket and Crew Dragon spacecraft.

SpaceX also is developing and testing a human landing system (HLS) designed to put humans on the moon. NASA's plan for the future calls for its SLS rocket to transport astronauts on the Orion spacecraft to lunar orbit. From there, astronauts would transfer to SpaceX's HLS to be transported to the surface of the moon.

SpaceX has also developed a super heavy space vehicle called Starship. Company chief Elon Musk has said Starship is designed to transport astronauts to the moon, as well as possibly Mars. Unlike the SLS rocket, Starship is designed to be reusable. SpaceX plans to carry out a test flight to launch Starship into orbit sometime this year.

In addition to Starship, NASA announced earlier this month that it is seeking additional proposals from American companies to develop moon landers. The landers are to transport astronauts between lunar orbit and the moon's surface.

NASA said landers should have the ability to link up with a future, lunar orbiting space station it plans to create called Gateway.

This preparation will involve engineers fully loading the rocket's main fuel tanks with liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. Then, a simulated launch countdown will take place. The countdown will stop seconds before the rocket's four RS-25 engines start. All other systems are to be fully examined and tested in the coming weeks.

During the test mission, Orion will aim to travel 450,600 kilometers from Earth, and thousands of kilometers beyond the moon. The mission is expected to last four to six weeks.

