
时间:2024-09-23 00:43:11编辑:阿星




  在1994年72)题a leader of the new school contends中,school是“学派”的意思,而不是“学校”的意思;

  在1996年74)题elegant system中,elegant是“完美,完善”的意思,而不是“优雅”的意思;

  在2001年75)题And home appliances will become so smart that……中,smart是“智能化”的意思,而不是“聪明”的意思;

  在2003年75)题like the concept of set in mathematics中,set是“集,集合”而不是“一套,放置”等意思……。


  如:I‘ll see her home tonight.今晚我送她回家。

  India is the home of elephants.印度是大象的生长地。

  He‘s at home with the classics.他精通古典文学

  New homes are for sale.新房出售。

  She‘s at home where she is.她在哪儿都自由自在。

  Maternity home costs in America have gone up sharply.


  Much is produced here for home market.这里为国内市场生产了许多产品。

  He looks on London as his home.他把伦敦看成是他的故乡。






  This light is too poor to read by.


  Aluminum is a light metal.


  Will you light the fire for me?



  The Earth is not completely round.


  Let's go into the hall and have a look round.


  They are dancing in a round


  He worked round the day.


  The boy's eyes rounded with excitement.



2012年考研英语翻译试题的特点表现在以下三个方面:1. 五个句子超纲或较难的词汇较多;2. 句子结构有些太复杂,有一些特别难分析的句子;3. 话题也是广大考生不太熟悉的话题。2012年研究生入学考试英语一的翻译文章出自美国杂志《Nature》,题目是Universal Truths。这篇文章的理论性比较强,对于大家来说应该会感觉很有难度,大家首先要理解文章大意,依据专业性来定词义。比如empirical approach(经验主义方法),因此难度是近三年最难的翻译文章,也是这次考试大家最感到吃力的试题部分。总体而言,今年的翻译试题感觉是“难懂难翻”。

  我在今年冲刺班上反复强调的翻译必考的句子成分,尤其是后置定语,比如50题的strong co-dependencies between particular types of word-order relations,属于我冲刺班提到的必考的名词短语的现象,以及一些常用从句的翻译,比如49题的两个后置定语which are considered to represent biases that result from cognitive constraints.,属于翻译必考的从句。47题的it seems reasonable to suppose that 句型;以及最难的48题从句特多,构成理解的障碍。这些都是我在启航翻译课堂上反复提到必考的知识点,因此没掌握的学生肯定翻译不出来。下面我们把5个句子的参考译文提供出来,让2012年考生了解自己翻译分数的同时,给2013年的考生提供翻译考试的一种整体备考思路。文章原文如下,选入2012考研英语一翻译真题时有部分删改:

  Since at least the days of Aristotle, a search for universal principles has characterized the scientific enterprise. In some ways, this quest for commonalities defines science: without it, there is no underlying order and pattern, merely as many explanations as there are things in the world. Newton's laws of motion, the oxygen theory of combustion and Darwinian evolution each bind a host of different phenomena into a single explicatory framework。

  46. In physics, one approach takes this impulse for unification to its extreme, and seeks a theory of everything — a single generative equation for all we see. It is becoming less clear, however, that such a theory would be a simplification, given the proliferation of dimensions and universes that it might entail. Nonetheless, unification of sorts remains a major goal。


  本句主语是one approach,谓宾语是takes this impulse for unification to its extremes,连接词and 连接的是一个并列的谓语动词seeks,破折号后面的内容起到对前面补充说明的作用,这句话难在某些词义很难把握,比如take…to extremes,其实这个词组在启航翻译练习里讲到过。


  46. 在物理学上,一种方法(物理学上的一种方法)把这种统一性的冲动发挥到了极点,并努力寻找一种万能的理论—— 一条的为我们都明白一切所创造或生成的公式或方法。

  This tendency in the natural sciences has long been evident in the social sciences too. 47. Here, Darwinism seems to offer justification, for if all humans share common origins, it seems reasonable to suppose that cultural diversity could also be traced to more constrained beginnings。


  本句以逗号来理解就显得相对容易,主干是Darwinism seems to offer justification,逗号之间的是一个for引导的原因状语从句,其后还有一个If引导的条件状语从句,这一点我在我的基础班里提到过三个引导词一起出现的情况,比如because if once(因为如果一旦),it seems reasonable to suppose 属于It做形式主语的情况,that在句中做动词suppose的宾语。


  47. 在这里,达尔文的理论似乎提供了一个理由或依据,因为如果所有的人类都有共同的起源,那么文化多样性也能够追溯到更多可控的起源,持这样的观点似乎是有道理的。

  Just as the bewildering variety of human courtship rituals might all be considered to be forms of sexual selection, perhaps the world's languages, music, social and religious customs and even history are governed by universal features. 48. To filter out what is unique from what is shared might enable us to understand how complex cultural behavior arose and what guides it in evolutionary or cognitive terms。


  本句中的不定式to filter out…from结构在句中做主语,其谓语是might enable to,符合我在冲刺班上讲到的6种谓语必用情况中情态动词做谓语中的一种,what is unique和 what is shared做介词out和 from的宾语,后面how连接的是一个做动词understand的宾语从句,连接词and连接的what从句和前面的how构成两个并列的宾语从句。


  48. 从我们的共性中过滤出独特性能够使我们理解复杂的文化行为是怎样出现的,以及用进化或认知的概念来说,是什么在引导这种文化行为。

  That, at least, is the hope. But a comparative study of linguistic traits published online today (M. Dunn et al. Nature doi:10.1038/nature 09923; 2011) supplies a reality check. Russell Gray at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and his colleagues consider the evolution of grammars in the light of two previous attempts to find universality in language。

  The most famous of these efforts was initiated by Noam Chomsky, who postulated that humans are born with an innate language-acquisition capacity — a brain module or modules specialized for language — that dictates a universal grammar. A few generative rules are then sufficient to unfold the entire fundamental structure of a language, which is why children can learn it so quickly. Languages would diversify through changes to the 'parameter settings' of the generative rules。

  49. The second, by Joshua Greenberg, takes a more empirical approach to universality, identifying traits (particularly in word order) shared by many languages, which are considered to represent biases that result from cognitive constraints. Chomsky's and Greenberg's are not the only theories on the table for how languages evolve, but they make the strongest predictions about universals。


  The second属于词组省略现象,应该和上一段的第一句中initiated by Noam Chomsky提出的首创理论相对应,因此second可以理解为第二个观点或看法,后面的by Joshua Greenberg表示由谁来提出,identifying是一个分词短语,起到对前面主句内容补充说明的作用。后面的shared by many languages属于黄涛老师提到的必考的6种后置定语情况,具体可以参加《考研句子阅读新思维》这本书的第一章有详细的论述。最后是一个which引导的定语从句,那which指代那一部分内容很关键,因为其后是复数are,所以which不能指代整个句子,就近往上找到languages,但我们把其词义代进去,发现词义不合适,所以再往前找到一个复数名词traits,其词义就和后面的biases(偏见)合适。其中that属于黄涛英语基础班提到的5大考点的必考点,引导的是一个定语从句。



  Gray and his colleagues have put them to the test by examining four family trees that between them represent more than 2,000 languages. 50. Chomsky's grammar should show patterns of language change that are independent of the family tree or the pathway tracked through it, whereas Greenbergian universality predicts strong co-dependencies between particular types of word-order relations. Neither of these patterns is borne out by the analysis, suggesting that the structures of the languages are lineage-specific and not governed by universals。


  本就前半部分结构简单,主谓宾很清楚,然后是That引导的定语从句,但是因为that后的动词是are,所以该定语从句不修饰change,而是修饰其前面的复数名词patterns,翻译时要指代出来,tracked through it做后置定语,whereas属于《考研句子阅读新思维》一书里提到的常考的并列结构;介词between做后置定语,修饰前面的名词co-dependences.


  50. 乔姆斯基的语法应该说明了语言变化的模式,这些模式和语言这个家族或通过这个家族所追溯的这个路径是无关的,而格林伯根的普遍性预测了某些特定词序关系之间的紧密的相互依赖性。

  This does not mean that cognitive constraints are irrelevant, or that there are no other universals dictated by communication efficiency. It is surely inevitable that cognition sets limits on, say, word length. But such 'universals' seem likely to be relatively trivial features of languages, just as may be the case for putative universals in music and other aspects of culture。

  The conclusion? We should perhaps learn the lesson of Darwinism: a 'universal' mechanism of adaptation says little in itself about how a particular feature got to be the way it is, or about how it works. This truth has dawned on physicists too: universal equations are all very well, but the world actually consists of particular solutions, and these are generally the result of contingent history. One size does not always fit all。


  46. 在物理学上,一种方法(物理学上的一种方法)把这种统一性的冲动发挥到了极点,并努力寻找一种万能的理论—— 一条的为我们都明白一切所创造或生成的公式或方法。

  47. 在这里,达尔文的理论似乎提供了一个理由或依据,因为如果所有的人类都 有共同的起源,那么文化多样性也能够追溯到更多可控的起源,持这样的观点似乎是有道理的。

  48. 从我们的共性中过滤出独特性能够使我们理解复杂的文化行为是怎样出现的,以及用进化或认知的概念来说,是什么在引导这种文化行为。


  50. 乔姆斯基的语法应该说明了语言变化的模式,这些模式和语言这个家族或通过这个家族所追溯的这个路径是无关的,而格林伯根安尼的普遍性预测了某些特定词序关系之间的紧密的相互依赖性。








  其实词义表达的难点我们在课堂上训练过。难点之一在于单词的词义是灵活多变的,和派生词语多,今年有一些较难词汇,其实这些派生词并不难,只要大家能追根溯源,就能知道或猜测出它们的意思。难点之二在于固定短语的表达,比如04年的固定动词短语be obliged to sb. (感谢某人),比如今年_________,







The human nose is an underrated tool. Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals, (1) ____ this is largely because, (2) _____animals, we stand upright. This means that our noses are (3) ______to perceiving those smells which float through the air, (4) _____ the majority of smells which stick to surfaces. In fact, (5) ____, we are extremely sensitive to smells, (6) _____ we do not generally realize it. Our noses are capable of (7) _____ human smells even when these are (8) _____ to far below one part in one million. 1.[A]although [B]as [C]but [D] while [答疑编号1000020201]「参考答案」C「答案解析」although 表示让步;but表示转折关系; while 表示时间或者对比。四个选项中,but是表示转折的并列连词,but后面的内容是语句重心所在。While也可以表示对比、转折,但作为从属连词也有让步含义。从本题前后的语义关系来看,后半句语义应当是重心所在。因此,正确答案为C.

  2. [A] above [B] unlike [C] excluding [D] besides [答疑编号1000020202]「参考答案」B「答案解析」…this is largely because, animals, we stand upright. "而这在很大程度上是因为人类直立行走,这一点与动物……" 人类直立行走,而动物却不同。因此,正确答案为B.

   3. [A] limited [B] committed [C] dedicated [D] confined [答疑编号1000020203]「参考答案」A「答案解析」选项A. be limited to 被限制在……;B. be committed to 被交给……,答应承担……义务;C. be dedicated to 奉献,献给;D. be confined to 限制在,局限于。根据句意可以排除B、C项。be confined to有"把……局限/限制于"的含义,但是它一般用于具体范围的"局限、限制",与句子的语境不符。因此,正确答案为A.

  4.[A] catching [B] ignoring [C] missing [D] tracking [答疑编号1000020204]「参考答案」C「答案解析」选项A. catching 抓住;B. ignoring 忽略;C. missing 错过;D. tracking 跟踪,追溯。前面说我们的鼻子只能闻到浮在空气中的气味,对于大部分停留在表面的气味当然是"闻不到".首先可以排除A、D项,ignore含有"有意不……"的意思,显然不符合语境。故正确答案为C.

   5. [A] anyway [B] though [C] instead [D] therefore [答疑编号1000020205]「参考答案」B「答案解析」由于本句中的in fact提示了转折关系,因此要选择转折的逻辑关系词。选项A. anyway 无论如何(表示让步);B. though 虽然(表示让步或转折);C. instead 相反;D. therefore 因此(表示结果)。四个选项中,只有though能与in fact连用表示转折(不过,事实上……)。因此,正确答案为B.

   6. [A] even if [B] if only [C] only if [D] as if [答疑编号1000020206]「参考答案」A「答案解析」"事实上,我们对气味极其敏感,……我们一般没有意识到。" 选项A. even if 即使(表让步);B. if only 但愿(后常接虚拟语气,表示愿望);C. only if 如果(用于表达条件关系,only表强调);D. as if 似乎(用于表达比较关系)。四个选项中只有A项 even if 用于表达让步关系"即使".因此,正确答案为A.

  7.[A] distinguishing [B] discovering [C] determining [D] detecting [答疑编号1000020207]「参考答案」D「答案解析」本题目选择动名词,在句子中充当谓语的动作内容。选项A. distinguishing 区别;B. discovering 发现;C. determining 决定;D. detecting发现,发觉,感知。我们的鼻子只能是感知(引申为闻到)人的气味".因此,正确答案为D.

  8. [A] diluted [B] dissolved [C] dispersed [D] diffused [答疑编号1000020208]「参考答案」A「答案解析」本题目选择动词过去分词形式,构成 "be…to "的短语。选项A. diluted 稀释的(可以用在液体或气体的稀释);B. dissolved 溶解(通常指固体溶解为液体);C. dispersed 散开;D. diffused 扩散,弥漫。气味应该是被稀释或冲淡到百万分之一。因此,正确答案为A. Strangely, some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another。(9)____others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers. This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate (10) ______smell receptors in the nose. These receptors are the cells which sense smells and send (11) ______to the brain. However, it has been found that even people insensitive to a certain smell (12) _____can suddenly become sensitive to it when (13)_____ to it often enough.

  9. [A] when [B] since [C] for [D] whereas [答疑编号1000020209]「参考答案」D「答案解析」"奇怪的是,有些人发现他们可以闻到一种花香,却闻不出另一种,……有些人却对两种花香都很敏感。" 显然构成一种对比关系,只有whereas能用于引导表示转折关系的并列句。因此,正确答案为D.

  10. [A] unusual [B] particular [C] unique [D] typical [答疑编号1000020210]「参考答案」B「答案解析」"这意味着有些人的鼻子里缺少某种基因,这种基因是激发人鼻子里的……气味感知器所必需的。"选项A. unusual 不寻常的;B. particular 特别的,特定的;C. unique 独一无二的;D. typical 典型的。这种"气味感知器"具有感知气味这种特定的功能。因此,正确答案为B.

  11. [A] signs [B] stimuli [C]messages [D]impulses [答疑编号1000020211]「参考答案」C「答案解析」"这些感知器是一种细胞。这种细胞能够感知气味,并且向大脑传递……"选项A. signs 标记;B. stimuli刺激;C. messages 信息,信号;D. impulses 冲动,推动。身体的各个器官向大脑传递的是信号。因此,正确答案为C.

  12. [A] at first [B]at all [C]at large [D] at times [答疑编号1000020212]「参考答案」A「答案解析」"然而,……对某种特定气味不敏感的人也能突然变得敏感起来。"在本句中,供选的状语修饰整个句子。选项A. at first 起初;B. at all 根本;C. at large 全面地,详细地,无拘无束地; D. at times 有时。由于谓语部分的频度状语"突然"体现了时间的交替关系,句子应该表达起初不敏感。因此,正确答案为A.

  13. [A] subjected [B] left [C] drawn [D] exposed [答疑编号1000020213]「参考答案」D「答案解析」"然而,起初对某种特定气味不敏感的人也会突然变得敏感起来,当他们经常……在这种气味中时。"选项A. be subjected to 遭受,屈服于;B. be left to 被留给……;C. be drawn to 被拖到……;D. be exposed to 暴露在……(经常接触)。语境表达的是人处于某种气味所笼罩的环境中。因此,正确答案为D. The explanation for insensitivity to smell seems to be that the brain finds it (14) _____ to keep all smell receptors working all the time but can (15) _____ new receptors if necessary. This may (16) ______explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells——we simply do not need to be. We are not (17) ______of the usual smell of our own house, but we (18) _____ new smells when we visit someone else's. The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors (19) ______for unfamiliar and emergency signals (20) _____the smell of smoke, which might indicate the danger of fire.

  effectiveness efficiency

  14. [A] ineffective [B] incompetent [C] inefficient [D] insufficient [答疑编号1000020214]「参考答案」C「答案解析」选项A. ineffective 无效的,不起作用的;B. incompetent 不能胜任的;C. inefficient 效率低的;D. insufficient 不足的,不够的。根据语境,首先可以排除B、D项。ineffective 和 inefficient一个强调效果,一个强调效率。大脑发现让所有的气味感知器一直处于工作状态会使气味感知器的效率降低。因此,正确答案为C.

  15. [A] introduce [B] summon [C] trigger [D] create [答疑编号1000020215]「参考答案」D「答案解析」选项A. introduce 介绍,引进;B. summon 呼唤,号召;C. trigger 扣动扳机,一触即发;D. create 创造,产生(从无到有)。trigger the receptors"激活受体"是常见的搭配,但"激活"应该是对现已存在的食物而言。从空格后面的new来判断,只有create才符合逻辑。因此,正确答案为D.

  16. [A] still [B]also [C] otherwise [D] nevertheless [答疑编号1000020216]「参考答案」B「答案解析」"这……可以解释为什么我们通常对自己的气味不敏感——我们根本不需要(对自己的气味敏感)。"选项A. still 仍然;B. also 也;C. otherwise 否则;D. nevertheless 然而,虽然如此。"this"这个词就表明了逻辑关系应该是并列,翻译成"也",表示和前面的句子是相同或者相近的含义。因此,正确答案为B.

  17. [A] sure [B] sick [C] aware [D] tired [答疑编号1000020217]「参考答案」C「答案解析」此句的意思是:我们意识不到自己家里的气味,但当我们去拜访他人时就会留意到新的气味。因此,选aware of. sure of "确信",sick of "厌倦",tired of "厌倦"都不合句意。

  18. [A] tolerate [B] repel [C] neglect [D] notice [答疑编号1000020218]「参考答案」D「答案解析」选项A. tolerate 忍受;B. repel 抵制;C. neglect 忽略;D. notice 注意到。句子中的 "but"提供了信息,前后两个句子含义相反。前面提到"没有注意到自己房间的气味",后面就应该是闻到新的气味。因此,正确答案为D.

   19. [A] available [B] reliable [C] identifiable [D] suitable [答疑编号1000020219]「参考答案」A「答案解析」选项A. available 可达到的,可工作的;B. reliable 可靠的;C. identifiable 可辨认的;D. suitable 适合的。 "大脑会使气味感知器工作来处理随时接受不熟悉和紧急信号",故选available,符合句子含义。

  20. [A] similar to [B] such as [C] along with [D] aside from [答疑编号1000020220]「参考答案」B「答案解析」选项A. similar to 相似于;B. such as 例如;C. along with 和……一起;D. aside from 除……之外。烟的气味恰恰被包含在前面相邻的"不熟悉和紧急信号"之中,应该选择表示列举意义的短语。因此,正确答案为B.

