
时间:2024-09-25 01:24:19编辑:阿星


默克尔2021年卸任,不再寻求连任。安格拉·多罗特娅·默克尔(Angela Dorothea Merkel,1954年7月17日-),德国女政治家,现任德国总理(The Chancellor of Germany)、德国基督教民主联盟(Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands)主席。1973年至1978年,默克尔在德国莱比锡大学(Universität Leipzig)攻读物理学,1986年获得物理学博士学位,1989年11月踏入政坛。默克尔工作认真勤奋,沉稳务实,成绩骄人,在德国政坛素有“铁娘子”之称。家庭环境默克尔于1954年7月17日出生于汉堡。安格拉·默克尔的父亲叫霍斯特·卡斯纳,是一位新教牧师,母亲则从事教育工作,教授拉丁文和英语。默克尔一岁时,他们一家移居迁往勃兰登堡(Brandenburg)的坦布林,默克尔的少年时光是在那里渡过的。威严的父亲自默克尔很小的时候起就向她灌输了一种观念:必须永远比同龄人更出色。后来,这个信条便成了默克尔毕生的座右铭。前东德的生活背景对默克尔产生了巨大影响,她作为牧师的女儿,并在每间屋子都可能存在东德警察告密者的社会里度过生命的前36年,养成了很好的掩饰或控制情绪的能力。除了德语外,默克尔会说俄语与英语,当人家评论她身为东德人的背景时,她说:“真的有话可说的人,是连化妆(掩饰)都不需要的。”以上内容参考:百度百科-安格拉·默克尔人民网-默克尔12月放弃竞选党主席:2021年卸任,不再寻求连任


Angela Merkel (Angela Merkel) F, in July 1954 was born in Hamburg, Germany. She 1973-78 in the former East German Leipzig University studying physics, from 1978 to 1990 in the former East German Academy of Sciences Institute of Physical and Chemical Center, 1986 obtained a doctorate in Physics.

Merkel in November 1989 to join former East Germany "democratic awakening" organization. In 1990, her former East Germany as the last government's deputy spokesman, the same year in August to join the German-based RCD, and after the reunification of Germany's federal election. 1991-1998, she served as vice chairman of Christian Democratic Union. 1991-1994, she of the Federal Ministry of Women and Youth Minister, from 1994 to 1998 the Federal Environment, Nature Conservation and Reactor Safety Minister.

Merkel 1998-2000 Renji NLD general secretary, in April 2000 from Renji RCD, from September 2002 to November 2005 concurrently by the RCD-based Christian Social Union and a coalition of parliamentary party Caucus Chairman. November 2005, she Union Party and Social Democratic Party as a coalition government prime minister, and continue to serve as Chairman of the China Democratic League.

August 1997, Merkel was as the Federal Environment, Nature Conservation and Reactor Safety Minister's visit to China. May 2006, her first visit to China as prime minister. August 26, 2007 to 29, Merkel an official visit to China and attended from 2007 to 2010, Germany in the series of cultural activities "in Sino-German counterparts," the opening ceremony.

Merkel work seriously hard-working, calm and pragmatic, results impressive. She therefore in Germany's political arena has been called the "Iron Lady" said. Merkel Christian. She married her husband is a professor at the University of Bolin Hong, with no children.
安格拉·默克尔 (Angela Merkel) 女,1954年7月生于德国汉堡市。她1973年至1978年在原民主德国莱比锡大学攻读物理学,1978年至1990年在原民主德国科学院物理化学中心研究所工作,1986年获得物理学博士学位。






默克尔2021年下台,不再寻求连任。安格拉·多罗特娅·默克尔(1954年7月17日-),德国女政治家,德国总理,基督教民主联盟(Christlich Demokratische Union)主席。从1973年到1978年,默克尔在德国莱比锡大学学习物理。1986年获得物理学博士学位,1989年11月步入政坛。默克尔工作勤奋、冷静、务实,政绩突出,被誉为德国政坛“铁娘子”。

