
时间:2024-09-27 02:05:15编辑:阿星


  诱惑是存于世上的一种奇怪的东西,你会为之疯狂而不能自已,而它之所以存在,是因为人的一生不断地被欲念 *** ,所以为诱惑折磨一生。 人存于世上,首要面对的是物质上的诱惑,然后才是精神上的诱惑。精神诱惑,指追求浮名、执著于表现突现自我、或是指对知识领域过度探求。权势、地位、名利、金钱,这些都是诱惑。抵挡诱惑,这样才能更好。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    诱惑的英语说法1:   allure    诱惑的英语说法2:   attract    诱惑的英语说法3:   temptation   诱惑的相关短语:   诱惑性 Seductive ; alluring ; attractive   拒绝诱惑 resist the temptation ; repel the temptation   美女诱惑 Beauty Temptation ; Girl Seducer ;   抗拒诱惑 resistance to temptation ; anti temptation ; resist temptation   深度诱惑 Dark-temptation ; dark conviction ;   迷情诱惑 Sensation teptation    诱惑的英语例句:   1. I only resist things like chocolate if I feel really gross.   我只有在觉得自己胖得很难看的时候才能拒绝巧克力这类东西的诱惑。   2. The country had resisted the seductions of mass touri *** .   该国抵挡住了大兴旅游业的诱惑。   3. Don't succumb to the temptation to have just one cigarette.   不要经不住诱惑,只抽一支菸也不行。   4. In the play, talk is the sublimation of erotic attraction.   该剧以谈话这种方式不露痕迹地来展现 *** 诱惑。   5. Women find his chiselled features irresistible.   女人抵挡不住他那轮廓分明的脸庞的诱惑。   6. the lure of filthy lucre   不义之财的诱惑   7. the temptation of easy profits   轻而易举获利的诱惑   8. It's the biggest financial incentive ever dangled before British footballers.   这是历来对英国足球运动员的最大经济诱惑.   9. Lured by the lust of gold, the pioneers pushed onward.   开拓者在黄金的诱惑下, 继续奋力向前.   10. Directors may be tempted to act in their own self - interest.   董事们可能会受诱惑为谋求自身利益行事.   11. The enticements of the big city lured her away from her home.   大城市的种种诱惑吸引了她离家出走.   12. Higher education grants are a carrot with which to entice students.   高等教育的助学金是吸引学生的诱惑物.   13. Push against temptation and you will get muscle in your character.   如果你能 *** 诱惑,你的性格就会坚强起来.   14. He left home because of the lures of life in the city.   他离家是由于都市生活的诱惑.   15. The attractions of the big city soon led him astray.   大城市的诱惑很快把他引上邪路.


问题一:“诱惑”用英语怎么说? 你要的是“诱惑”这个词的英语如何表达吧?以下应该是你要的答案:
引诱; 诱惑(物); 魔道; [古]考验
resist temptation
*** 诱惑, 不受诱惑
a strong temptation to *** .
fall into [give way to, yield to] temptation 受诱惑
lead ( *** .) into temptation 使人入迷

问题二:“诱惑”用英语怎么说? tempt

问题三:诱惑 英语怎么写啊 诱惑: [ yòu huò ]
1. temptation
2. entice

1. 我不能抵挡诱惑。
I can't resist the temptation.
2. 他受到各种诱惑的包围。
He was surrounded by temptations.3. 在广告的诱惑下他们花了钱。
They spent money allured by the tempter of advertisements.
4. 对我们来说金钱是种诱惑物。
Money is a kind of allurement for us.
5. 她禁不住诱惑, 又吃了一块巧克力.
She yielded to temptation and had another chocolate.
6. 桌上那包糖果对那孩子是个难以抗拒的诱惑.
The bag of sweets on the table was too strong a temptation for the child to resist.
7. 他诱惑他们买了一辆新汽车, 其实他们并不真正需要.
He inveigled them into buying a new car, even though they didn't really want one.
8. 他把那小女孩诱惑得离开了家.
He enticed the young girl away from home.

问题四:诱惑的 *** 女英文怎么翻译 5分 兼可
诱惑的 *** 女
Seductive stockings
诱惑的 *** 女
Silk stockings female temptation
诱惑的 *** 女
The temptation of the silk stockings female

问题五:诱惑的英文是什么? 诱惑 [yòu huò]
[释义] allure; tempt; entice; attract; beguile;
But it is impossible to eliminate the temptation.

上一篇:pinky sawika
