armed and gorgeous

时间:2024-10-06 06:48:07编辑:阿星


gorgeous的意思是:华丽的,灿烂的;极好的。gorgeous,英语单词,主要用作形容词,用作形容词译为“华丽的,灿烂的;极好的”。例句:For instance, in 1957 most of the cars were gorgeous.例如,在1957年大部分的汽车都是华丽的。All of this in harmony with the usability of a clock and calendar makes it a truly gorgeous decoration for your screen!所有这些与时钟和日历的实用性相协调,使它成为您屏幕上真正华丽的装饰!I love the architecture of the city, and there is a huge culture here. We have museums everywhere, and you can find gorgeous places on each corner.我喜欢这座城市的建筑,这里有着巨大的文化。我们到处都有博物馆,你可以在每个角落找到美丽的地方。


gorgeous的意思是华丽的、极好的。gorgeous与beautiful的区别:单词gorgeous包含beautiful没有的意思。如:壮丽的,辉煌的,华丽的,绚丽的。单词beautiful和gorgeous都有漂亮的,好看的,性感的,极好的,出色的...等意思,都可以形容人和物。除了一些含义上的不同,其它没什么区别。例如:She looks like a princess in that beautiful skirt.她穿上那条漂亮的裙子看上去像一位公主。上面的句子中将gorgeous换成单词beautiful,翻译过来只是说裙子漂亮,但是显示不出是如何漂亮,而用gorgeous,就是说因为颜色艳丽所以比较漂亮,这样表达起来更形象。双语例句:1、Surprisingly,these gorgeous antiques are quite affordable.令人吃惊的是,这些华丽的古董并不太昂贵。2、For instance,in 1957 most of the cars were gorgeous.例如,在1957年大部分的汽车都是华丽的。3、Pipe is a stunning combination of a flexible and practical reading lamp with gorgeous design.管阅读灯是一个组合灵活、实用、设计华丽的阅读灯。4、Take day trips to the gorgeous university town of perugia and the lago di bolsena.花上一天时间游览佩鲁贾和拉戈迪博尔塞纳华丽的大学城。5、Well if you 're designer hyun gun jang , you tailor them into gorgeous geometric dresses.嗯,如果你是设计师hyungunjang,你就会把它们裁剪成华丽的几何型的连衣裙。


gorgeous词义:华丽的、漂亮的 Gorgeous可以用来形容任何美丽的事物,它比beautiful和pretty还要高级一些,指能引起人感官上的冲动,经常用来称赞女生。双语例句:It was absolutely gorgeous。那真是美丽绝伦。The cosmetics industry uses gorgeous women to sell its skincare products 。化妆品行业常找一些性感美女来推销护肤产品。She has a reputation for brilliance. Also, she is gorgeous。她以才华出众而闻名。此外,她还非常漂亮。There were many gorgeous females busy browning themselves。有许多漂亮的女性忙着晒黑自己。'Isn't it a gorgeous day, Father?' — 'Yes, indeed!' “爸爸,今天天气是不是很棒?”——“是的,确实很棒!”It's a gorgeous day 。这天过得很愉快。All the girls in my house are mad about Ryan, they think he's gorgeous。跟我同住的女孩都对瑞安很痴迷,她们觉得他非常性感。Some of the Renaissance buildings are gorgeous。一些文艺复兴时期的建筑美得令人惊叹。Male models used to be gorgeous — all chiselled jaw, perfect pecs and golden tan。以前男模是很帅的——都有着棱角分明的下巴、完美的胸肌和金棕色的皮肤。'Hey, you're gorgeous,' he slurred。“嗨,你真漂亮,”他含混地说。

