
时间:2024-10-11 14:27:21编辑:阿星


勋章的英文是:medal。词组短语:1、 bronze medal;copper medal铜牌。2、 a gold medal金质奖章。3、 a medal for benny边城壮士。4、 a putty medal小奖赏。5、 air medal空军奖章。6、 albert medal艾伯特奖章。7、 alvert medal阿伯特章。8、 ancient medal古代奖牌。9、 april medal四月例赛。10、 aquinas medal阿奎纳斯奖章。例句:1、Maybe you will get an english medal too.也许你还可以得到一颗英国奖章。2、He received a medal for his heroism.他由于英勇而获得一枚奖章。3、Five medals of honor were awarded on august.在八月曾颁发了五枚荣誉勋章。4、The medal he won was his boast.他获得的那枚奖章是他的骄傲。5、Cram ran a fine race to take the gold medal.克拉姆在赛跑中成绩突出夺得金牌。6、Every medal has its reverse.每一个奖章都有它的反面。7、He got a medal for bravery.他因勇敢而获得一枚奖章。8、The feat earned skorzeny a hatful of medals.由于这一功绩,斯科尔兹内获得了许多勋章。9、When the action isn't successful they hold up all the medals.战役一失利,所有的奖章都给扣住了。10、The award of a gold medal had crowned her school education.她圆满地完成了中学学业,获得了金质奖章。


奖章的英语是medal。名词是奖章,勋章。动词是(在比赛中)获得奖牌(或奖章)。词性变化名称是medallist,_medalist。时态是medaled,medalled,medaling,medalling。双语例句1、那块奖章上刻有“功勋卓著”的字样。The medal bears the inscription "For distinguished service."2、杜富尔被授予他的国家的最高英勇奖章。Dufour was awarded his country's highest medal for bravery.3、市长在一次正式的市招待会上给他颁发了一枚金质奖章。The mayor presented him with a gold medal at an official city reception.4、这太了不起了,应该颁发一枚奖章并接受总统的电话祝贺。This is so extraordinary, it rates a medal and a phone call from the president.

