
时间:2024-10-11 18:32:26编辑:阿星


黑丝的英文翻译是black silk。词汇分析音标:[blæk sɪlk]释义:黑丝短语Black Silk Sandstone 黑色绸纹砂岩Black silk stockings 黑翻译公司 ; 黑色翻译公司Black Silk Pack 黑色丝质包black silk and 黑丝臀拓展资料1、She always dressed in plain black silk. 她总是身穿黑色的无花纹的丝绸服装。2、Just then I noticed, for the first time, that our master wore his fine green coat and his black silkembroidered cap. 这时我才发现,老师穿着他那件漂亮的绿上衣,戴着黑色绣边丝帽。3、The magician was cloaked in black silk. 魔术师的身上罩著黑丝斗篷。4、Black stripe is the congregation of the black silk. 黑条缺陷是黑丝缺陷的密集形态。5、Red and black silk curtains hung all around the walls, alternating in color. 红色和黑色的丝帘相互交替着挂满墙面。


黑丝的英文翻译是black silk。词汇分析音标:[blæk sɪlk]释义:黑丝短语Black Silk Sandstone 黑色绸纹砂岩Black silk stockings 黑翻译公司 ; 黑色翻译公司Black Silk Pack 黑色丝质包black silk and 黑丝臀扩展资料:魔术师的身上罩着黑丝斗篷。The magician was cloaked in black silk. 在现在这个时刻,黑丝更像是为所有人挽回面子用,多过武器的作用。Also at times like this, this aircraft is more of a face saver for everyone then a weapon.18-8不锈钢冷轧薄带表面黑丝的成因与消除Formation Cause and Elimination of Black Silky Defects on The Surface of 18-8 Stainless Steel Cold Rolled Thin Strips ES复合短纤维生产过程中丝束经过卷曲机旋转侧面板处时产生黑丝。The reason causing black fiber during tow passing by the rotary side plate of a crimping machine was analyzed for ES composite staple fiber. 他们俩都被阴暗而巨大的死网网住,冉阿让感到那只极其可怕的蜘蛛在暗中抖动的黑丝上来回爬行。They were both caught in the immense and gloomy web of death, and Jean Valjean felt the terrible spider running along those black strands and quivering in the shadows.

