
时间:2024-10-16 07:02:03编辑:阿星


梅毒英文名称是syphilis,梅毒螺旋体的英文缩写是TP。梅毒是由TP引起的性传播疾病。感染后产生感染性免疫感染,两周后产生特异性 lgM抗体,感染四周出现特异性lgG抗体。检测方法是血球凝集试验,TPHA、TPPA等。酶联免疫吸附实验ELISA。用血浆反应素环状实验RPR、甲苯胺红不加热试验TRSUT,胶体金SPY等方法可验出。免疫荧光实验DFA在显微镜下可见TPOf Or Relating To Or Infected With Syphilis.梅毒的,与梅毒有关的或患梅毒的。Syphils Serodiagnosis Analyzer梅毒血清诊断分析仪Syphilitic Spinal Muscular Atroph梅毒性脊髓病性肌萎缩Kahn Flocculation Test康恩梅毒絮状沉淀试验Aortitis Syphilitica Obliterans闭塞性梅毒性主动脉炎


梅毒 英文 syphilis; verole; 短语搭配primary syphilis一期梅毒 ;[性病]初期梅毒 ; 原发梅毒 ; 翻译latent syphilis隐性梅毒 ; 潜伏梅毒prenatal syphilis又称胎传梅毒 ; 先天梅毒 ; 遗传梅毒 ; 翻译双语例句1、Number 606, as he temporarily called it , effectively destroyed the syphilis without destroying the rat.数字606,当他暂时叫了它,有效地没有破坏老鼠破坏了梅毒。2、Mercury had been only moderately effective on late stages of syphilis and was not effective on very deep lesions.水银仅仅在梅毒的迟了的舞台上是中等有效的并且不在很深的损害上是有效的。3、Arsenic was also widely available at the time, handed out in the form of Fowler's Solution as a treatment for everything from rheumatism – something Austen complained of in her letters – to syphilis.砷在当时以福勒氏溶液(亚砷酸钾溶液)的形式被广泛使用:该溶液被作为一种医治百病的药剂——从风湿病到梅毒——奥斯汀在信中曾抱怨过此事。

