at dusk

时间:2024-10-16 08:14:28编辑:阿星


dusk,英文单词,名词、形容词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“黄昏,薄暮;幽暗,昏暗”,作形容词时意为“微暗的”,作及物动词时意为“使变微暗”,作不及物动词时意为“变微暗”。短语搭配:Dusk Shroud 灰幕寿衣Dusk freeway 黄昏公路Dusk Fishing 渔舟唱晚After dusk 黄昏过后 ; 黄昏以后Dusk Sky 情浓大地Matt Dusk 表演者set dusk 在傍晚时刻Dusk index 傍晚指数双语例句:1、But we will rip it away in dusk .但我们会在黄昏之时将它掠去。2、Near dusk, you figure disappear in my sight.近黄昏、你的背影消失在我的视线。3、To you, in the dusk of campus, I said my promises.在那黄昏的校园,我说着我对你的诺言。


薄暮的英文有dusk;twilight。1、dusk作名词,意为薄暮;黄昏;昏暗;幽暗;微暗。2、twilight 作名词,意为暮光;曙光;黄昏;朦胧状态;朦胧时期;模糊时期;衰落时期;模糊状态。短语搭配:1、at twilight薄暮时分。2、at dusk黄昏时刻。3、dusk side黄昏侧。4、dusk rocket“黄昏”火箭。5、from dawn till dusk从早到晚。双语例句:1、影片放映:《薄暮:洛杉矶》。Film showing:Twilight L.A.2、每个薄暮十分,我都垂头丧气地跋涉回露营地。Disheartened,I trudged wearily back to camp each dusk.3、日落薄暮饮一灌儿啤同我的爱妻。Sunset and a beer with my wife.4、我的薄暮实在可算是我的黎明么?And shall it be said that my eve was in truth my dawn?5、我看见薄暮的江上有一叶扁舟。I saw a boat on a twilit river.6、我的薄暮实在可算是我的黎明么?Shall it be said that my eve was in truth my dawn?7、下午渐去,薄暮来临;天空是暗银色。Afternoon lowers on evening;the sky is the color of 5 unpolished silver.8、在朦胧不清的雾里或在幽暗的薄暮中?In the misty mist or the dusky dusk?9、薄暮初上,阴云密布的天空飘起了雪花。Twilight came on.Snow fell from the darkening,leaden sky.10、我更喜好薄暮因为比较凉快。I prefer evening because it's cooler.11、下午渐去,薄暮来临;天空是暗银色。Afternoon lowers on evening;the sky is the color of unpolished silver.12、还是被热浪炙烤的薄暮黄昏。Or was the heat wave baked the Twilight.13、薄暮充满紫丁香和新翻耕的泥土的香味。Twilight was sweet with the smell of lilac and freshly turned earth.14、他们在薄暮和被送回的家完成他们的巡逻。They finished their patrol at dusk and returned home.15、薄暮里,她抬起乌黑的双眸看了我一会儿。She raised her dark eyes for a moment and looked at my face through the dusk.16、即使是薄暮的事项最终也无损除夜的欢乐。Even the evening event couldnnot eventuficthe entirey spoil the joy of the New Yearnos Eve.

