
时间:2024-10-16 10:10:48编辑:阿星


  convenient释义:便利的;方便的。以下是我为大家整理的convenient的 反义词 和例句,以供参考。   considerable的反义词:   inconvenientl   convenient的反义词例句:   He came at an inconvenient time.   他在不方便的时候来了。   Come, if it is not inconvenient to you.   要是没有什么不方便的话,就请来吧。   convenient的英语例句:   Internet makes it convenient for us to get in touch with each other.   互联网使得我们相互联系便利了。   Please come whenever it is convenient to you.   方便的时候,请随时来。   I live just by the market, and it's very convenient to go shopping. 我家就住在商场旁边, 买东西很方便。   It's not convenient to talk here.; This isn't the right place to talk. 这里谈话不方便。   Except that unlike before, we don't have the convenient and simple cancellationof the factorials. That happened before, because they were there. 除了和以前不一样的一点,我们没有方便,简单的阶乘的相消,这在以前发生过,因为它们存在。   But it would be convenient—if it would work. 但如果它能行得通——交易就会变得很方便。   As a famous lawyer, it was convenient for him to do that. 作为一名著名的律师,这样做对他来说很方便。   When you do, you make life more convenient for customers and expand thepossibilities of what your app can do. 当你这样做的时候,对客户来说生活会更加便利,并且扩展了你的应用程序的能力。   However, it might not be convenient in one case. 然而,在某种情况下,这种解决方案不大方便。   Obviously, this would not be convenient for users who have multiple feeds. 很显然,这对于拥有多个提要的用户来说是很不方便的。   Firstly, TV is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but a comparativelycheap one. 首先,电视不仅是一种方便的消遣形式,而且相对来说价钱便宜。   Although the formatting of the highlight styles might seem convenient, you mightfind you need to change the formatting later. 虽然突出显示样式的格式化好象很方便,但后来您将可能会发现需要更改这种格式化。   Even though this approach only lets you use one particular constructor, it makesa very convenient shortcut if that's the one you want. 即使这种 方法 只允许您使用一种特殊的构造函数,如果这正是您需要的,那么它将提供一种非常方便的快捷方式。   This is very convenient for users, because it corresponds well with the essentialdesign of that ubiquitous input device, the mouse. 这对于用户来说非常方便,因为这非常符合鼠标这个无处不在的输入设备的关键设计。   You can back up to whatever medium is most convenient. 备份到任何一种存储介质,这是最方便的。   It might be convenient to have the test and production system together, or itmight look wasteful to assign a dedicated test system. 将测试和生产系统放在一起可能比较方便,或者,分配一个专用测试系统可能看起来比较浪费。   A good technique is to time box these "extra requests." 4 Schedule a convenientfive-minute meeting with your friend in which he or she explains the issue to thebest of his or her ability. 一个好的技巧是对这些额外的要求进行时间限制 4和你的朋友约定一个方便的五分钟会面,会面中他或她将尽他或她的能力解释所面临的情况。   Our house is in a very convenient area. 我们的房子在一个很方便的小区。   These collections of themed content provide convenient containers that can then be positioned in the page layout by the theme designer. 这些主题化内容的集合提供了方便的容器,主题设计人员可以将它们定位在页面布局中。   Having a small home garden is not as convenient as relying on agribusiness, andyet it’s worth the price of inconvenience. 拥有一个小型的家庭花园是没有像依托农业综合企业那么方便,但它值这个不便利的价。   Finally we have a device that offers convenient and conformable consumption ofinformation, like the Web, like newspaper, like books. 最后我们会有一个能够提供便捷和舒适的信息消费的机器,就像网络,就像报纸,就像书籍。   These choices are convenient, but they’re not our own. 这些选择很方便,但它们毕竟不是我们自己。

bother to do的翻译

bother to do 跟bother doing的区别为:一、指代不同1、bother to do:费心去做。2、bother doing:花费时间精力。二、侧重点不同1、bother to do:以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语。2、bother doing:以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。三、引证用法不同1、bother to do:bother的基本意思是“打扰”“搅扰”,指使人受到烦扰或在精神上烦恼; 尤指把某人弄得焦急不安,心烦意乱,心情不能平静或专一,在句中多半用于否定结构。2、bother doing:bother可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。表示“某事或某人使某人操心或焦急”时以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语;表示“为某事而操心或焦急”时以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。


convenient反义词:inconvenient。在convenient前面加上否定前缀——“in”,即为该词反义词inconvenient。翻译为不便、不方便的,打扰人的,麻烦的。反义词辨析:1.inconvenient adj. 不方便的。通常用it来作形式上的主语而将真正的主语,动词不定式短语。2.burdensome adj. 繁重的。主要用作形容词,作形容词时译为“繁重的;累赘的;恼人的”。3.bothersome adj. 麻烦的。用作形容词,作形容词时译为“麻烦的;令人讨厌的”。4.unfavorable adj. 不利的。造句:1、This is certainly more convenient than the traversal methods I discussed.这无疑比我所讨论的遍历方法更方便。2、This unit is simple with frame with convenient operation and very good rectifying effect.该装置结构简单,操作简便,校正效果很好。3、A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in towns.在城镇骑自行车常常比开车更方便。4、Is it convenient for us to come now?我们现在来方便吗?

