
时间:2024-10-16 10:20:52编辑:阿星


关于阿晃的简介 :阿晃(コウ�9�9ヤガミ)


守护神:希腊-汉密斯 罗马-墨格利
宝 石 : 红缟玛瑙
幸 运 日 : 礼拜三
幸运数字 : 8和4
幸 运 色 : 灰色
幸运地点 : 小城市
随身携带的东西:剑[ムラサメ(刀)] ,宝石(ムラサメ刀のつけ根にはめ込まれている)







最近几年经常参与组织我校和我省的“CCTV杯”全国大学生英语演讲大赛,因此听了许多选手的英语演讲。这些演讲,有的精彩,有的平淡;有的激扬,有的低婉……有的演讲听了后虽然没有达到“三月不知肉味”的地步,但至少是使人有很过瘾的感觉;而有的演讲听了后却使人有意欲未尽的感觉   在平时的工作和生活中,偶尔也要做客或请客吃饭。在宴席上也吃过些不同地方、不同民族的风味菜。喔 还有一件事 几天前帮我指导的ABC天丅口语的助教才和我提过,如果要掌握好英语是轻松的!一定要拥有一个恰当的学习情境与练习口语对象,这取决于外教资质 标准口音很重要 不间断每日口语练习 一对一加强化教学就有更.好.的进步效率 上完课需要重复复习课程录音音频,来进一步深化知识..实在是真的没人帮忙 那么就上可可或沪江取得课外教材阅读 多说多练很快的语境就加强起来 学习效益肯定会迅速明显的!后来,突然觉得听英语演讲和吃宴席之间其实有许多相似的地方   首先,听演讲的人听到的和吃宴席的人吃到的往往是选手和厨师的最后工作成果,其实在此之前选手和厨师已经做了许多我们没有看到的工作   首先,不论是英语演讲还是宴会往往都有一定的主题。到饭店里订宴席时(尤其是大型宴会)店方往往会询问宴会的主题,是儿童的生日宴?老人的寿宴?公司的庆祝宴?还是婚宴?大家可以想象一下,如果店方把红白宴席搞混了可能会带来什么样的后果。同样道理,英语演讲也是需要有一定主题的。如果选手的演讲海阔天空、没有确定的主题,评委进行评判时就比较困难了。正因为如此,历年的“CCTV杯”全国大学生英语演讲大赛都规定了主题。例如00年的主题是“Unity and Diversity”;00年的主题是“Global Citizensp Begins at Home”;而今年的主题是“1+1=?”   有了宴会的主题,饭店才好准备与宴会主题相关的食材。例如,如果要准备0桌的喜宴,饭店要计划买多少只鸡、多少斤肉、准备多少喜酒、多少蔬菜……同样道理,了解了演讲主题后演讲选手和指导教师也才好在充分理解演讲主题的基础上收集相关的素材   在准备宴席的过程中,饭店一般都会多准备一些食材。例如,有的婚宴计划有0桌的客人,而店方一般都会多准备几桌的食材以备不时之需。同样道理,几年来“CCTV杯”全国大学生英语演讲大赛的定题演讲时间都是分钟。但是选手所准备的演讲素材一般都数倍甚至数十倍于这个要求   食料到位后,备菜的师傅会对蔬菜等材料进行挑选、洗涤和加工。与宴席主题相的食品是不能上桌的,质量有问题的食材甚至要扔掉。这个过程与演讲选手挑选素材类似。演讲选手收集的素材中,有的可以用在定题演讲中,有的由于政治、内容和文化差异等方面的原因而不能使用,有的则可以作为回答问题或即兴演讲的备用素材。在校级比赛中经常可以看到一些选手由于没有收集足够的素材而无法对素材进行精挑细选。他们把所有能找到的素材堆砌起来才够分钟,其演讲效果当然不会太好   菜洗好、备好后必须经过烹调才能食用。而厨师烹调的过程与选手写定题演讲稿的过程类似。厨师在烹调过程中,要在食材中加入油、盐、酱、醋、糖等作料。而选手写演讲稿时也要根据演讲内容和演讲计划对演讲素材进行内容上的补充和语气、语法、用词等方面的修改和加工,使演讲素材为自己的演讲目的和内容服务   在烹调过程中,先烹调哪一道菜,后烹调哪一道菜厨师心中必须有一个通盘的考虑。例如,他必须考虑哪一道菜肴作为开胃菜要先烹调?哪一道菜是主菜要放在中间进行烹调?哪一道菜作为甜点最后准备?而这样的考虑与宴席中上菜的顺序密切相关。演讲选手在撰写演讲稿的过程中也要有类似的考虑。例如,选手必须考虑哪些内容要放在前面作为引入的内容?哪些内容放在中间作为演讲的高潮?哪些内容放在最后作为结尾?   对于到饭店里吃饭的人来说,每一道菜的准备过程并不清楚,一般也没有必要弄清楚。对于顾客来说,关键是端上来的菜要色、香、味俱全、饭店的服务到位。与此类似,对于听众来说,他们一般不关心演讲选手的准备过程,他们所关注的是选手在场上的发挥和表现如何。因此,下面我们从顾客和听众的角度来看吃宴席和听演讲相似的地方   到饭店吃饭,人们首先观察到的是服务人员的衣着是否干净整洁、服务员是否礼貌。如果答案是肯定的,不一定能够为饭店加分;但如果答案是否定的,则肯定有减分的效果。而一个选手一上台,首先映入观众和评委眼帘的是他她的着装、礼仪和外表。如果选手缺乏基本的礼仪,在观众和评委心中可能会造成减分的效果   饭店里的菜肴上桌后,大家首先看到的是菜肴的颜色如何。而演讲选手一开口,其语音是否标准、悦耳,评委和听众一听就知道了。可以说,选手的语音类似于菜肴的颜色。有的菜肴的颜色令人赏心悦目,而有的选手的语音也令人“过耳难忘”。所以,高明的厨师在准备宴席时会注意菜肴的颜色搭配;而各高校在推荐选手时也会特别注意选手的语音素质   有的菜肴虽然颜色鲜艳但是吃起来并不怎么样。而有的选手的演讲虽然语音是一流的,但是其内容却空洞乏味,听了后并没有给人以知识和启示。这两种情况都难于得到顾客和评委的高分。所以我们看到,能进入 “CCTV杯”全国大学生英语演讲大赛半决赛的选手的演讲(稿)一般都有深刻的内容和意义,其目的就是让人听了后有收获、有启迪。如果言之无物,虽然不象前几年的“大头奶粉”那样毒害生命,但至少也会耽误别人宝贵的时间   在校级演讲比赛中我们不时可以看到,有的选手的演讲自始至终都保持一种语调。在这样的演讲中,其内容精彩的地方与平淡的地方使用同一个语调、演讲的引入和高潮之间在语调上也没有差别。结果让人听了后有一种单调乏味的感觉。这就象是宴席中所有的菜都是一个味道一样。为了避免这样的情况发生,厨师在烹调菜肴时就会想办法使各种菜肴在味道方面有各自的特点。因此我们可以看到,宴席上的菜肴,有的辣、有的香、有的甜、有的酸、有的味道重、有的味道淡……而优秀的演讲选手也会在充分理解和解读演讲辞的基础上赋予不同的内容不同的语调和语气。因此我们可以听到,他们在讲到愉快的内容时语调欢快;讲到痛苦的内容时语气哽咽;讲到故事的引入部分时语气平缓;而讲到高潮时声音激扬……他们通过声音、语气、语调和手势等演讲技巧把演讲内容如行云流水般地呈现给听众   有时候在吃宴席的过程中还要临时再点上几个菜。这有点象我们“CCTV杯”全国大学生英语演讲大赛中的即兴演讲和回答问题。由于是临时点菜,饭店不可能提前烹调好,也不可能临时到市场上去采购材料,而厨师也不能临时才从菜谱上学习烹调技术。这就要求饭店要有备用的食材,厨师平时就要进行大量的学习训练。只有这样,顾客点菜时厨师才能根据要求临时烹调出理想的菜肴。而演讲比赛的选手也和厨师一样,在回答问题和进行即兴演讲时也不能临时才查阅有关资料。只有平时进行大量的训练和积累,选手们才能在回答问题或即兴演讲部分得高分   我们应该注意的是,在宴席上临时点的菜同样采用色、香、味等标准进行评判,而回答问题和即兴演讲也同样要接受评委在语音、内容和演讲技巧方面的评判。另外,如果说宴席上的大部分菜肴由于可以提前准备而只能反映饭店和厨师的部分水平的话,那么临时点菜更能反映饭店和厨师的真实水平。同样道理,由于定题演讲可以提前准备从而只能反映选手的部分能力,而回答问题和即兴演讲由于时间的局限更能反映出选手的真实水平

求英语作文:the trashman。急急急急急急~~~~

Now, people's lives gradually increased, however, the garbage is also caused great distress.
First of all, they will be cleaned with the focus on the garbage, and then classify. Finally, the reuse of useful cycles, of no value to the centralized destruction.
However, people often think that garbage workers work very hate, because it makes them all up and down look dirty. In my opinion, the garbage man like thousands on thousands of other work, their work should also be respected.
Garbage workers also loves his occupation, they put the city clean up more clean and happy, proud for oneself are engaged in the occupation!
One can become the master of his trade provided he is diligent and tries hard. One may distinguish himself in any trade. Garbage workers will get everyone's respect. Let us start from the side, protect the environment, the earth will be more beautiful!

求一篇题为“难忘的经历”的英语作文 400字左右~急急急急急急急急

An Unforgettable Travel
My families plan to visit the interesting place p of Shanghai.We are led to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower ,a famous tourist attraction,which is on every Shanghainese's lips.It is a magnificent building located in Pudong New Area,it is the tallest building,so it's very easy to see this building,even if you are several miles away it.As we get to the high floor of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower,we see the attractive viwswhich includes the Huangpu River through the window.At the moment,l suddenly moved by the builders put their soul and energy to this building and let it be a landmark of this city.
This is the trip l never forget.

just for ur reference...

As a student ,I don’t have any great event to talk about ,but here I want to share my experience of preparing for the high school entrance examination.
During the first three years of junior school ,we were very happy and free .But we often heard that Grade 4 would be a hell. After the final exam of Grade 3 in June, everything blew onto our faces : teachers’ changing , harder and harder texts , terrible pressure and of course the graduate exam .Where your position was on the listboard became the most important thing in our life .We had to study hard day and night ,always from 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. the next day.
But I must say that it’s really an unforgettable memory in my life. Under the pressure we lived our life to the fullest, and enjoyed the true interesting things that we may have never cared before. Grade 4 in junior school was a turning point in my life. My attitude to learning, my world outlook and my philosophy of life all changed. I turned to be positive and strong. I also gained many people’s true & pure friendship, both teachers ’ and classmates’. In some way, I like that kind of life, as it taught me many things I’d never learned before.
Teachers also helped me a lot. I still can’t forget that my history teacher talked to me until 10:00 p.m. on April 30th, 2003, for my application. My head teacher also encouraged me, so did my Chinese teacher. I should say, all my teachers worked very hard and always neglected their sleep and meals. Even if some of them were about 50 and often fell ill, they never left us one day .
The last and greatest challenge was of course the final exam, also my high school entrance exam. I felt very well and comfortable except my chemistry physics exams. The result proved that I couldn’t have done worse in them. But in total, my mark is O.K. So then I became a student in the best high school of Hubei Province.
We, teachers and students, got together in East Lake Hotel on June 4th, 2003. At the moment of saying goodbye, I felt that my time of junior had gone ,and my senior time was coming .
Today, I looked at my graduate photos again ,and ,I smiled .
He once hesitated ,struggled, feared and doubted, like an ordinary man would do. But he just "stays at the door of fate", as the name of his newly-written book says, and waits till the door opens instead of leaving during the half way. Then there comes a wholly new world where the beautiful dream lies 。

An unforgettable experience
I found a temporary job during my summer vacation to deliver newspapers from house to house.At first, I thought it very easy.But to my surprise, when I went to people’s houses, they looked me up and down. I could feel that they looked down upon me. I was badly hurt. I came to another house. A black dog jumped out suddenly. I was frightened and screamed with fear. But no one came to help me. At that time, I came to realize that delivering newspapers was not a easy thing. I wanted to give up, but I couldn’t.I tried my best to do the job better.
From this unforgettable experience, I have learnt that if we put our heart into it, nothing is difficult and nothing is impossible. a memorable experience inadvertently open drawer, i also see that, from broken can't remember a few years ago of usefu that is Primary 6 students of a number of school in the examination, the previous day, the teacher told us: “ students, this time examination paint, all will be to bring good pencil .” day evening, i review to very late, there are no packing for examination to take.The next morning, i open ones a look at,? is 7: 30! kasori, the examination to better late than never! i rush dressed, on the pencil, rubber, and so on a brain with schoolbags satoichi, on the race to the schools.
to Ch'en i tozai a way out.Pencil, rubber, pen, feet ... huh?! missin with !, from examination only 5 minutes,? i schoolbags ts'ai everything and seated around asking in the hope of a ruler.However, the miracle bottom|go does not occur, bags, think about, on the ground done, nothing.Fiddlesticks, piteously, not with , paint Dougal what to do.
Teachers have been holding comes in, and i Hankyu like skillets on karinca.Suddenly, i have heard me as a sound: “ What? to throw things? ” go back to a look at, do not know.The so-called shows, although i feel that he is not what free, or forget with in form him.He Tuma a will, said: “ i to you.” i'm wondering, suddenly see him to his new“ plastic ” sound on the teals, one stop gave me, said: “ to to use.” i received that sank, a surge of appreciation from the hearts of the rise, May i also not and what, in relation to, start the examination, i too, start anxiously additional, with that truncated feet carefully painted Figure ... 5db once again sounded, examination to an end.i long to consumers.i had, he would like to say, but do not know what he seems to understand what i thought, laugh, said: “ not Hsieh, mutual help should be, that, from on your.”, he picked things away.Looking to leave the back and look at the Look in the hands of the , aritane not feeling.
This matter has been in the past several years, but i still remember very clearly, it will also continue to stay in etiquete.It allows me to humans, i will be this kind of girl continue to spread, hope that all can less, and it passing .

