
时间:2024-10-16 13:45:06编辑:阿星


洗衣服英语两种表达如下:洗衣服用英语表达:Wash clothes。重点词汇:Wash。一、读音:英 [wɒʃ] 。    美 [wɑːʃ]。二、意思是:n. 洗;洗涤。v. 洗;洗涤;洗清。三、例句:1、This dress material shrinks in the wash.这种衣料一洗要缩水。2、She has a large wash this week.这星期她有大量衣服要洗。3、We'll toss a coin to see who does the wash.我们将掷币决定谁来洗衣服。扩展资料词汇用法:1、wash用作动词的基本意思是“洗涤”,即用水、酒精、煤油、洗涤剂、肥皂等洗掉物体或身体某一部分的脏东西。2、wash也可用作及物动词,主语多为人,可指人用水洗手、洗脸、洗澡或洗衣服等。可接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。3、wash可用作不及物动词,当主语是人时,指洗手、脸等; 当主语是织物或布料时,指耐洗、经洗、不易掉色等,这时主动形式含有被动意义。


洗衣店英文:laundry造句如下:1.There was the little corner store my mom used to send me to for milk, the familiar fire station, the Laundromat.我旧地重游了街道拐角的那家迷你便利店,当年妈妈经常打发我到去那里买牛奶,还有那熟悉的消防局和洗衣店。2.He lived with the other children in the dormitories, which had been built years before in the old dairy and laundry buildings.他和其它孩子一起住在宿舍里,那些宿舍是在牛奶店及洗衣店之前很久建的。3.Working in such a laundry was known as the "8-pound livelihood" because a person had to lift an iron weighing almost 4 kilograms all day.在这种洗衣店工作被成为“8磅生计”,因为工人必须整天举着近4千克重的熨斗。4.At the hotel he found Joe, too busy all day with the laundry to have come to him earlier.他在旅馆发现了乔,乔成天忙于洗衣店事务,设工夭早来。

