
时间:2024-10-19 22:50:48编辑:阿星


解释:欺骗美式读音:tʃiːt英式读音:tʃiːt过去式:cheated过去分词:cheated现在分词:cheating第三人称单数:cheats复数:cheats例句:1、Due to his rapid response, he cheated the accident.由于他的快速反应,他在这次事故中逃过一劫。2、The student who cheated in the final exam was severely punished.这个在期末考试中作弊的学生受到了严惩。3、The cheat was eventually captured by the police at the station.这个行骗者最终在车站被警方抓获。4、She cheated in the test by copying from the boy in front.她在测验中作弊 抄袭前座男孩的答案。


cheat意思:欺骗;蒙骗;作弊;与他人有秘密性关系;对某人不忠;骗子;欺骗手段;作弊软件。例句:1、The two firms colluded to cheat the government。这两家公司合伙欺骗政府。2、There's a cheat you can use to get to the next level。有种秘技,你可以用来到达下一关。3、Many people feel cheated by the government's refusal to hold a referendum。由于政府拒绝举行公民投票表决,许多人都觉得上当受骗。4、My brother would never cheat on his wife,he's not that sort。我哥哥永远不会背着妻子在外面拈花惹草,他不是那种人。5、It's really a cheat,but you can use ready-made pastry if you want。这东西真是骗人,但如果你愿意的话,可以用现成的油酥面团。


fake,cheat,deceived 这三个词都可表示“欺骗”,其中cheat多指以不正当手段骗他人财务或信任,也指作弊行为;deceive指以某种手段使人误入歧途或落入圈套;fake主要指赝品,冒牌货 关于欺诈的英语作文 考试作弊(算欺诈么。 )(Cheating On Exams)From the first time students take an examination, they are told not to cheat. Every student can list tile evils of cheating, but a few are still caught cheating during examinations.Those who do not grasp what they should learn and do trust to luck are. likely to cheat. They do not study hard during the semester. Most of their time is slept or idled away. When they realize the exams are approaching, it is too late to memorize the knowledge of the whole term. So it seems that in order to pass they have no choice but to peep at other's paper or at the book or even to find a substitute to take the exam. Besides, the way of tests of some subjects has made cheating more easily. For example, for some examination papers, all the answer can be found directly from textbooks or notes. Therefore it is easy for some to get high marks by cheating even though the students may know nothing about the subjects.To stop cheating is file work for both the teachers and the students. For the teachers, they should attach great importance to the test of the ability of using the knowledge to solve problems rather than the mechanical memory of textbooks. For the students, it is necessary to realize that cheating in exams is shameful conduct, and the future is full of sharp petition and any success achieved by cheating won't last long. So let us make a cheating-free campus and establish an honest academic atmosphere for today and tomorrow.找不到,,,TOT 英语作文我最厌恶的事情——欺骗 诸位:请允许我给他一个真实的故事,让他受受教育吧!Last Sunday, I went for an outing with my clas *** ates. I enjoyed myself so much that I fot to finish my English assignment.The next morning, our English teacher told us to put our writing books on the desk so that he could check it. He is very strict and I did not know what would happen if he found out I did not finish my homework. So I took my Chinese writing book instead of my English book. When the teacher found this out, I pretended to be very surprised, "Oh, I'm very sorry, I thought that was my English book because they have the same cover. I can bring my English writing book to school in the afternoon!" On hearing this, the teacher said, "OK!" I narrowly escaped his punishment.In fact, I didn't do my homework. Now I realize I was wrong. It is the first step for a student to be a cheater. 网络诈骗为题的英语作文 青春是花一样的季节,多姿多彩;青春是多梦的风铃,潇洒活跃。 生活在这个五彩缤纷的世界里,任何人对任何上有色彩的事物都抱有着强烈的好奇心。 一探究竟的心理往往都可以在人们的身上看到。 毕如网络。 网络,网络是什么?又是如何接近我们的呢? 网络,一开始,如果我们不去触摸它,不去认识它,那它也就不会在我们的身上存活。 因为网络就像一个绝代美女,一旦她微笑着婷婷袅袅的向我们走来。 我们就不可能忽视得了她的存在。 她每靠近我们一步,那使人无法抗拒的美就会使我们的心跳加速一倍。 而当她终于走近了,我们却看不清她的面目。 恍惚之间只看得到一张面皮。 那就是网络。 网络它确实是很神奇的。 它像百科全书,包罗万象;它像万花筒,变化多端;它像雨后的彩虹,展现出虚幻的美丽;它像软软的靠垫,让人想紧拥在怀中。 它可以是任何东西,也可以任何东西都不是——这正是它的魅力所在。 2005年3月日,重庆沙坪坝区回龙坝镇,14岁的罗华,王东,熊海连续48小时在网络游戏《传奇》营造的虚拟暴力社会中度过。 当三人迷迷糊糊的沿着铁路线往熊海家走时,又累又饿,就在铁轨边睡着了,突然间罗华感觉到火车冲了过来,他本能地滚下了铁轨,而另外两个同学却被轧过了。 事发前,但人在网吧通宵玩网络游戏,其中熊海连续沉湎网吧游戏长达三个通宵。 罗华说:“如果不是网吧玩昏了头,我的同学一定会被惊醒,他们就绝不会死”。 想想,就像罗华他讲的一样,如果不是电脑玩昏了头,这样的悲剧能造成吗? 互联网带给人们的是虚拟的世界,但虚拟的互联网却可以带给青少年实实在在的犯罪行为。 导致青少年缺乏社会责任感,在网络的世界里从可以信口开河,却不必承担法律责任和道德谴责,这种默许会在无形中助长这些孩子们撒谎的勇气和胆量,则这种观念容易在现实生活中形成。 不良信息的输入还会常常让学生感到疲劳导致成绩下降,兴趣爱好减少,与同学朋友疏远,反感父母说起互联网等等不良影响。 网络也许是迄今出现的善与恶最完美的结合,因为它所代表的文化特质可以使每个人心中的善或恶发挥到极至。 所以我们应该正确看待网络,争取把我们的善发挥出来,拒绝恶魔的到来。 青少年也应该在家庭和学校的监督下了解自己因网络所失去的东西,经常写上网的生活日记,利用有效管理时间的方式找更有意义的事做。 任何事物都有两面性,当然也包括网络。 只要我们正确的利用网络,正确的学习网络,那对于青少年的成长只有益每有弊。 如果你爱一个人,那么就让他上网——因为那里是天堂; 如果你恨一个人,那么就让他上网——因为那里是地狱。 青春是花一样的季节,多姿多彩;青春是多梦的风铃,潇洒活跃,在这个花样的季节里,我们应正确看待网络,构现出靓丽的青春,美丽的年华!Youth is the flower season, colorful; youth is the dream of Campanula, natural active. Living in this colorful world, anyone has a strong curiosity about anything that has a color.. The psychological that can be found in the people's body can often be seen in people. Finish as neork.What is the neork? How is it close to us?The Inter, the beginning, if we do not touch it, do not recognize it, it will not survive on our body. Because the neork is like a peerless beauty, once she *** iled Tingting curl is walking to us. We can't ignore her existence. Every step of her close, the beauty that makes us irresistible can speed our heart beat.. And when she finally came, we can't see her face. Beeen trance only see a dough. That's the Inter.It is really amazing to the Inter.. It like an encyclopedia in everything; it like a kaleidoscope and variety. It is like a rainbow after the rain, showing the illusory beauty; it like a soft cushions, let a person want to hug in the bosom. It can be anything, nor anything - it's the charm of it.On 29 March 2005, Chongqing Shapingba District Hui Longba Town, 14 year old Luo Hua, Wang Dong, Xiong Hai continuously for 48 hours in neork game "legend" to create the virtual violence society spent. When three people in a dazely along the railway line to bear sea when walking home, tired and hungry, beside the rails asleep, suddenly feel the Luo Hua to the train rushed over, he instinctively rolled down the track, and o other students was rolling over. Before the incident, but people in the Inter bar all night playing online games, which bears the sea continuously addicted to Inter games for three nights. Luo Hua said: if the Inter is not a cafe to play a head, my clas *** ates will be awakened, they will never die ".Think, like Luo Hua he speaks of the same, if not the puter games faint head, such a tragedy can cause?The Inter brings people's virtual world, but the virtual Inter can bring the juvenile real criminal behavior..Lead to young people lack a sense of social responsibility, in the neork world from lip service, but do not have to bear t... 校园诈骗 英语120字作文 From the first time students take an examination, they are told not to cheat. Every student can list tile evils of cheating, but a few are still caught cheating during examinations.Those who do not grasp what they should learn and do trust to luck are. likely to cheat. They do not study hard during the semester. Most of their time is slept or idled away. When they realize the exams are approaching, it is too late to memorize the knowledge of the whole term. So it seems that in order to pass they have no choice but to peep at other's paper or at the book or even to find a substitute to take the exam. Besides, the way of tests of some subjects has made cheating more easily. For example, for some examination papers, all the answer can be found directly from textbooks or notes. Therefore it is easy for some to get high marks by cheating even though the students may know nothing about the subjects.To stop cheating is file work for both the teachers and the students. For the teachers, they should attach great importance to the test of the ability of using the knowledge to solve problems rather than the mechanical memory of textbooks. For the students, it is necessary to realize that cheating in exams is shameful conduct, and the future is full of sharp petition and any success achieved by cheating won't last long. So let us make a cheating-free campus and establish an honest academic atmosphere for today and tomorrow. 我欺骗了妈妈,背英语单词,作文 My MotherI love my mother.My mother is a beautiful woman.She not only gave me life,but also have taken all the troubles away to bring me up.And she almost arranged everything well for my life.I want to say thank you to my mom! 因为自己的利益而欺骗别人。 英语作文 俄文 原版如下: ЕСЛИ ЖИЗНЬ ТЕБЯ ОБМАНЕТ 假如生活欺骗了你 Если жизни тебя обманет, 假如生活欺骗了你, Не печалься,не сердись! 不要悲伤,不要生气! В день уныния смирись: 烦恼时要保持静: День веселья,верь,настанет. 请相信,快乐的日子会来临。 Сердце в будущем живёт; 我们的心向往未来; Настоящее уныло: 现在则令人悲伤: Всё мгновенно,всё пройдёт; 一切都是暂时的,一切都会消逝; Что пройдёт,то будет мило. 而逝去的又使人感到可爱。 А.С.Пушкин 普希金 (中文版本的是经过了修改的,这是原著) 英文: If by life you were deceived, Don't be di *** al,don't be wild! In the day of grief, be mild . Merry days will e, believe. Heart is living in tomorrow; Present is dejected here; In a moment,passes sorrow; That which passes will be dear 什么是友谊?这是涉及与别人无须为金钱或目标。 这是需要感情和财富是友谊,不管其背景,年龄,性别或个性。 友谊可以纯洁。 我们听到, nowdays然而,如何才能被骗的朋友。 许多人相处的人,因为他们有很多钱。 这是doultful这是真正的友谊。 在朋友,我们可以找到幸福。 如果您在麻烦您的朋友会帮助你通过,或至少安慰你。 当你很高兴,他们一起分享你。 他们还为你聊天,在任何时候。 这是一个奇妙的感觉,如谚语所说的“相亲相爱很容易,但让frieds是硬” ,因此,它是crutial ,我们应该相处,我们的朋友。 在我的舆论,这是一种欺骗羞愧您的朋友。 世界将更加美好,如果它充满了充满友谊 转载请注明出处作文大全网 » 欺骗的英文是什么?



cheat怎么读 cheat的意思


2、v.欺骗; 蒙骗; (尤指在游戏、比赛、考试等中)作弊,舞弊; 与他人有秘密性关系; 对某人不忠(或不贞);

3、n.(尤指游戏中的)作弊者,骗子; 欺骗手段; 欺诈行为; (电脑游戏的)秘技,欺骗程序,作弊软件;

4、[例句]The two firms colluded to cheat the government.这两家公司合伙欺骗政府。

5、第三人称单数:cheats 复数:cheats 现在分词:cheating 过去式:cheated 过去分词:cheated

