(一)风月无边 叩响一别经年的梦。两行散漫的脚印给旷野于冷冷的相思,添几分菊香,韵味绵长。 国道108就是世界上最危险的公路——著名的川藏公路,自然景观却是变化最大、风景最为奇特。 十月的天空时而阳光艳丽,白云飘浮,长风浩荡;时而风变支幻,飞石走沙,雨雪迷蒙。 穿过国内最长、海拔最高的隧道——二郎山隧道,一路向西,次第经过大雪纷纷的折多山、雀儿山、巴郎山和古道重镇——康定,进入藏区,在清澈见底的河畔,鳞次栉比的藏式民居从平地向着缓缓的山地蔓延,民居大多是白墙红壁花窗,“品”字滴水屋檐,在蓝天白云、青山绿水的映衬下,鲜艳的颜色显得更加突出。 侧耳聆听千年雪峰在阳光下动人地呤唱,一股激情全都融化在那片绝尘的缱绻之中。 走在世界屋脊的边缘,每一次倾听,每一次眺望,把自己挥放在自然,于深远博大中,选取流浪的停泊点。 入夜,怀抱诗歌浪迹于涯的我,寻找今夜的驿站,夜宿草原,听一曲古朴的情歌,人都觉得渺小了许多。 (二)夜听月色 风在林梢,很轻很轻,这夜筑巢。 潺潺流淌的月光,从一根弦流过另一个弦,在篝火的狂放中轻摇曼舞。风轻云淡,和着几声虫鸣浅唱,在星光的清辉里,撒一溜乐音迷失。 夜气的潜流把月光揉成化不开的思绪,照亮子夜,风声也透明。斑驳的思想在我不再寂寞的心中行呤。 绕过一段尘嚣,我触摸到了月光的细节。隔世的琴音渐渐深入蒙垢的心灵,平时红尘中点点滴滴的哀怨,在空旷的回响中升成了警世的预言。 万物入梦的时节,月以斜逸的姿势,显出风雅的韵律,在冰冷的苍穹散落雪花,展读一番圣洁的心事。 在苍茫的秋色里,我从袅袅的月光中,轻掬一缕温柔,让这美丽的心事映照草原的牛羊,独自美丽着自己的孤梦。 午夜的村庄,安静如斯,美丽如初。 (三)感受生命 行囊在脊背上扬起尘烟。 一路行来,一路险。川藏公路线是生命的补给线,同时也让人感到了生命的脆弱和珍贵。海拔4000多米的折多山横亘在康定到甘孜的路上,是川藏线上最为艰险的道路之一。缓缓行在路上,纵人一种强烈的、说不尽的震撼和景仰:在山垭口极目远眺,远处雪山连绵起伏,如一座座银色的金字塔般,岿然屹立,皑皑白雪闪耀着夺目的银光,雪的洁白涤荡着我们纤尘满溢的心灵,一种圣洁从心底由然而生。 是谁使我流泪,是谁的热血奔涌,滋养年年岁岁的思想,花开不败。 面对自然的伟大,泪水打湿我的梦境,一如头顶那轮月亮,开始慢慢圆满。 (四)佛文化 悠悠雪山,潺潺溪流孕育了藏区特有的佛文化。在藏区,有着众多的寺庙,晨钟暮鼓中,喃喃的颂经声,沿岁月流泻,滴穿了多少的冰川、雪峰。寺院里独有的器乐,在每一个重大的日子里,从红墙黄瓦中,怡悦的音符缓缓流动,如缕如烟。 在色曲河畔的德格,有一座当地最为着名的“德格吉祥聚院”,即德格印经院。当地人说,德格印经院是我国藏区木刻雕版印刷折发源地,现仍保留着全藏区最齐全的精美古老的刻版和最完整规范的印经工序。目前,该院共藏着各类经书800多部,传世印经版20多万块,涉及佛教、医学、工艺、历史等方面,藏书总量几乎占藏族文化典籍的70%以上。 在通往拉萨的路上,秋意渐浓,层林尽染,一个又一个磕着长头的虔诚的信徒,他们是去拉萨朝圣的,几个月前就从家乡出发,天天餐风露宿,在川藏公路上,一步一叩,趴拜前行,用他们的身体丈量到圣地的路有多远。所有艰辛的泪水,所有痛苦的经历,都融进了这长长的磕头中了;所有虔诚的祈祷,所有幸福的向往,都萌动于那离太阳最近的地方。 一个太阳照射的民族,永远自强不息。 (五)心灵涤荡 有人说:不走川藏线,不知生命的依恋;走过川藏线,令人心胸更宽广。是的,高山的倩影,流水的柔形,缓缓而来,以其伟岸,以其清澈,扭开你想象的闸门。蓝天白云,纵横交错的溪流,色彩斑谰的海子,五彩缤纷的森林和灌丛,峭立的雪峰,以及夏日冰雪消融在雪线下形成的瀑布,交相辉映,十分的壮观,散发出让人难以抗拒的魅力。 秋水澄静,此时的心空被洗濯得一尘不染。在灵秀的.流水中,小小的鱼儿蜿蜒徐游,宛若月光下沐浴的女子,打开圣洁的羞涩,通体透明的柔姿,生成一朵朵出水的芙蓉。 我在这静默的水边,无声地清理自己奔驰的思绪,让自己在夕阳的晚饭照中,随着美丽的秋声纷纷扬扬。 目睹夕阳下无边的美丽,我感受了生命的真实意义。 (六)美丽的传说 所有的故事都走向美丽,包括那悠悠的传说,在记忆里直达的新路海。 新路海又名“玉龙拉措”,这里有高原海子宁静幽深的终极之美。它色泽蓝绿,澄清明净,像极了一颗平躺的心,在耀眼的冰川雪峰、郁郁郁葱葱的山野怀抱里,兀自沉醉。空气清冽,山风呜呜,山脚下的草原如茵、野花如织,成群的牦牛和山羊尽情享受着上天的恩赐,你不得不感叹,生在此地的牛羊比尘嚣中的我们幸运多了。 这里流传着一个动人的故事,相传格萨尔王的爱妃珠牡来到新路海边,这里的湖光水色,深深地打动了她的心,她徘徊湖边,流连忘返,那颗眷恋美丽河山的心,仿佛已经深入海底。后来,人们为了纪念她对山川的热爱之情,将这一海子取名为“玉龙拉措”,即“珠牡倾心的湖”之意。 美丽的珠牡,湖边徘徊的身影,如今已化为深蓝色的湖水。透过冥冥的时间薄雾,你和湖水已慢慢地融为一体。
心灵鸡汤,就是“充满知识、智慧和感情的话语”,柔软、温暖,充满正能量。可以怡情,作阅读快餐。这也是“心灵鸡汤”风靡不衰的原因。大众化口味,励志化包装,快餐式文字,无需动脑就可脑洞开启。当前快节奏的生活和无处不在的压力,偶尔也需要这种激励味十足的“语言艺术治疗”。下面我为大家带来阅读,希望大家喜欢! :完美新世界 He was 9—in a Sunday school class of 8-year-olds. Eight-year-olds can be cruel. The third-graders did not wele Philip to their group. Not just because he was older. He was “different.” He suffered from Down’s syndrome and its obvious manifestations: facial characteristics, slow responses, symptoms of retardation. One Sunday after Easter the Sunday school teacher gathered some of those plastic eggs that pull apart in the middle—the kind in which some ladies’ pantyhose are packaged. The Sunday school teacher gave one of these plastic eggs to each child. On that beautiful spring day each child was to go outdoors and discover for himself some symbol of “new life” and place that symbolic seed or leaf or whatever inside his egg. They would then open their eggs one by one, and each youngster would explain how his find was a symbol of “new life.” So … The youngsters gathered 'round on the appointed day and put their eggs on a table, and the teacher began to open them. One child had found a flower. All the children “oohed” and “aahed” at the lovely symbol of new life. In another was a butterfly. “Beautiful,” the girls said. And it’s not easy for an 8-year-old to say “beautiful.” Another egg was opened to reveal a rock. Some of the children laughed. “That’s crazy!” one said. “How’s a rock supposed to be like a ‘new life’?” Immediately the little boy spoke up and said, “That’s mine. I knew everybody would get flowers and leaves and butterflies and all that stuff, so I got a rock to be different. Everyone laughed. The teacher opened the last one, and there was nothing inside. “That’s not fair,” someone said. “That’s stupid,” said another. Teacher felt a tug on his shirt. It was Philip. Looking up he said, “It’s mine. I did do it. It’s empty. I have new life because the tomb is empty.” The class fell silent. From that day on Philip became part of the group. They weled him. Whatever had made him different was never mentioned again. Philip’s family had known he would not live a long life; just too many things wrong with the tiny body. That summer, overe with infection, Philip died. On the day of his funeral nine 8-year-old boys and girls confronted the reality of death and marched up to the altar—not with flower. Nine children with their Sunday school teacher placed on the casket of their friend their gift of love—an empty egg. :鼓励的力量 Some of the greatest success stories of history have followed a word of encouragement or an act of confidence by a loved one or a trusting friend. Had it not been for a confident wife, Sophia, we might not have listed among the great names of literature the name of Nathaniel Hawthorne. When Nathaniel, a heartbroken man, went home to tell his wife that he was a failure and had been fired from his job in a customhouse, she surprised him with an exclamation of joy. "Now," she said triumphantly, "you can write your book!" "Yes," replied the man, with sagging confidence, "and what shall we live on while I am writing it?" To his amazement, she opened a drawer and pulled out a substantial amount of money. "Where on earth did you get that?" he exclaimed. "I have always know you were a man of genius," she told him. "I knew that someday you would write a masterpiece. So every week, out of the money you gave me for housekeeping, I saved a little bit. So here is enough to last us for one whole year." From her trust and confidence came one of the greatest novels of American literature, The Scarlet Letter.