
时间:2024-10-28 18:52:48编辑:阿星



Notting Hill

It may be a paradox to say that a film can sparkle slowly, yet that's the only way I can describe this charming romantic comedy. The star(dom)-crossed lovers don't know that they are Meant For Each Other ... yes, this is the standard RomCom setup. But the -way- they don't know? That is put across in a most British and deliberate pace and setting. And it makes the ending that we all know is coming gather color and charm.

"Notting Hill" takes over a third of its running time to show William (Hugh Grant) as he is immersed in his daily life, wanting to be supportive of his friends, yet searching for his own inner life. The five closest friends all show something he lacks: "happy" conformity, a loving marriage transcending obstacles, a sister who takes bold risks for finding love, and a roommate that sees through pretense and says so (and, yes, is delightfully vulgar).

That very British character-in-a-wry-setting pattern borrows from "Four Weddings and a Funeral," but the only friends there that I could consistently believe -mattered- to Grant's character were the gay couple, one comic, the other showing profound emotion. Here, all of the lead character's circle deeply cares about him, as he does about them. This makes all the difference.

Where it matters most is in giving him support when the American film beauty (Julia Roberts) comes into his life, then out, then in, then ... and all in ways that are believable for such dissimilar lovers. The romantic turns are more plausible because Grant's character has such support and a place for sharing his emotional roller-coaster ride. He isn't crushed by the down moments, but picks up his individuality and moves on. And his friends tell him, sometimes with only searching looks, just when he's picked up -too much- of being on his own. (Okay, the moment towards the end when Spike puts his exasperation into three pointed, even vulgar, words is a refreshing change. Sometimes, when a friend lets loose with the pithy truth, it hits the needed spot.)

All this backstory, character richness, and pointed use of the "right" words are British qualities that we don't get with the standard American RomCom setup.

Gina McKee's turn here as Grant's wheelchair-bound female friend is of someone with deeply felt individuality and unique perceptiveness, including her own tender perspective on loves past and present -- especially her husband. It's a glimpse into a woman with distinctive qualities that -she- has chosen. This makes her both appealing to all her friends, and forceful by quiet understatement. She also ends up being much funnier, when you've rewound the tape and end up thinking about the story. (Listen for her spoken turn on "standing up." No, it's not a cheap play on her limitations. Not in context. And that's subtle comic acting.)

Richard Curtis's inventive screenplay is one of the best in years, and would reward a look in book form as well. He takes this backdrop of supportive friends, puts in the sparkle of Roberts invading and shaking up their world, and creates a skein of personal truths and imposed celebrity nonsense.

Grant and Roberts are both passionate and bemused observers of the absurdities of fame that end up surrounding them, but they act this out in comic byplay and inventive responses. This isn't an American breakneck-pace (or "screwball") comedy, and their subtle discovery of each other's -minds- and substance wouldn't work in such a setting.

Roberts has both the easy familiarity with and the hair-trigger of frustration from fame, both coming out to undermine her when she least expects it. But she shows that she can grow and learn from her mistakes. (Unlike her well-acted but overexplained realization at the end of "Runaway Bride.") She even has one scene -sans- makeup that is a genuine romantic turning point. I don't see many other actresses being willing to try that.

Grant shows an astonishing inner strength and self-awareness, not being willing to hide how -he- sees reality. (He did the same realistic turn in "Four Weddings," but didn't try nearly as effectively to figure himself out.)

The photography and settings show off London beautifully, and the story's interior scenes make highly imaginative use of a narrow, stacked-up Notting Hill mini-townhouse.

Only two items give this any less than a 10 rating from me -- and even then, only down to a 9. The director doesn't take up very many opportunities to build on the comic or dramatic moments in the screenplay. He coasts on the words. They're good words, but they need a twist at times.

The other partial disappointment is with the musical score. It isn't really a score, or much of one, it's mostly popular tunes that underscore the action. One of these is luminous, and frames the story perfectly -- Elvis Costello's cover of "She." Others, though, use their lyrics to grind plot points into the ground. They also are usually performed far too high in volume, and sometimes lapping against dialogue.

(The two original themes by Trevor Jones are beautiful, lushly written, and quite fitting to the main characters. We should have had more of his work, but they're less than a fourth of the film's music.)

The British often put more creativity below the narrative surface and into the setting than Americans do, and often get beyond formula. To discover this in a film is joyous. You'll feel this when you find yourself compelled to see this deeply felt, yet very funny, film twice, thrice, or more. For me, it's still delightful after nine months and nine viewings.

诺丁山 英文观后感

I think this movie was done exceptionally well. It is a love story that is funny, sad and keeps you interested all the time. The movie could have done with out some of the language, but otherwise this movie is great for all ages and types of people. Julia Roberts was as expected, a good job--not an oscar, and Hugh Grant did better than in his recent films. I highly recommend this movie!


Notting Hill is a romantic film by Roger Michell. It was written by Richard Curtis (one of the top screenwriters in the UK) in 1999. As regards the plot, if we summarize it, we can say that a very famous Hollywood movie star, Anna Scott, falls in love with the owner of a bookshop, a normal fellow, in the charming London district Notting Hill. Apart from the fact that I like the actors very much, Julia Roberts (Anna Scott), and overall Hugh Grant (William Thacker), I think that this is a good film, because I also like comedies, and Notting Hill has, in particular, an original plot, and it's a very entertaining film. There are quite humourous notes, among them the way in which Anna and William meet, because he spills orange juice on her T-shirt. William's flatmate, Spike (Rhys Ifans), provides comic gags for the film. He's absurd, funny and indiscreet, but he also tries to help his friend. Even though the love at first sight between Anna and William is immediate, when the ending is close, he rejects her because he heard her speaking dismissively of him to her co-star. So, the excitement is kept until the end, when he realises his mistake and runs after her. The leading role in the film is shared between the main actors and the Notting Hill district itself. It is the centre where a lot of cultures and people from different worlds come together. This film poses a very current problem: the relentless pursuit that famous people suffer from the paparazzi. Moreover, Anna Scott sees how some suggestive photos of her that were taken some years ago are publicized. Finally, if you want, you can enjoy its soundtrack, which is wonderful. In particular, it has a nice song by Ronan Keating titled `When You Say Nothing At All'.


关于爱情的电影很多,这里推荐几部自己看过,豆瓣评分又不错的片子。排名不分先后。1、《怦然心动》这部电影除了讲诉两个小孩到大那种怦然心动的感觉,更讲诉了家庭教育,两个不同的家庭,女主人公家庭经济不宽裕但她的父亲是一个很宽容很会教育小孩的家长,这直接的教育结果是女孩子独立自信,而男主人公家虽然经济宽裕,但父亲教育严苛,各种限制孩子发展。这也直接导致男孩不一样的性格。2、《时空恋旅人》该片主要讲诉一个拥有穿越能力的男生,通过不断穿越终于赢得了自己喜欢女人的心意。整个故事内容温暖,节奏舒缓,值得一看。3、《恋恋笔记本》本片画面与风格以及故事都很美,讲诉了一个关于真爱的故事,想看爱情片的可以去看看,故事源于生活,相信真爱一直存在。还有许多其它的爱情电影,经典老电影很多《西雅图不眠夜》、《假如爱有天意》、《风月俏佳人》等,最近几年出来的也不少《初恋这件小事》、《歌曲改变人生》喜欢里面的歌曲。4、《一生一世》《一生一世》是由邹佡执导,张一白监制,谢霆锋、高圆圆领衔主演。故事发生在二十世纪七十年代,赵永远和安然像两朵被风雨吹打的浮萍,相似的身世和不容乐观的境遇将两人紧紧拴在了一起,随着时间的推移,两人之间产生了真挚而又纯洁的友情。一晃眼十几年过去,历史车轮裹挟着赵永远和安然不断前进,原本天各一方的两人再度相遇。彼时的安然已经出落成为了亭亭玉立的美丽少女,儿时的友情转变成为了炙热的爱情,安然和赵永远都坚信,世间没有什么能再次将他们分开,然而,现实却恰恰相反。浩淼天地之间,他们的感情能够始终如一吗?茫茫人海之中,命运又是否会安排他们再度聚首呢?影片横跨北京、纽约两大城市,讲述了一段爱情故事,从1972年到2001年,男女主角爱情跨越了世纪,从两小无猜到情窦初开,真挚的演绎了一段大时代下普通人的爱情史诗。该片爱情长跑的理念与现实生活中“速食爱情”的话题遥相呼应,用“标杆”式爱情诠释感情最简单的原理“爱过就是一生一世”。《Orange Love》——乌克兰独立电影。浑身充满忧郁气质的男主角摄影师与令人惊艳的大提琴手卡嘉,在一个大雨滂沱的傍晚,在公车上湿漉漉的一见钟情。他们热恋,并且住进了老人的免费大房子,免费的唯三条件是:一、切断与外界的一切联系,没有电视、电话等。二、游戏只限真正需要彼此的人(真爱)。三、不准离开公寓,一旦离开, 再也不能回头。爱情总是需要面临各种各样的考验,有些是人为的,有些是自然发生。这部片子就通过老人的游戏规则给主角设置了重重考验,有点像伪纪录片, 却又很清晰的告诉大家它只是一部爱情电影而已。最后你会发现,原来人们的爱情并不是只要两个人在一起就一切都OK的,现实非常残酷。

盘点史上最浪漫的十部电影 世界十大好看的浪漫爱情电影














《情书》是由岩井俊二自编自导的的日本纯爱电影,由中山美穗、丰川悦司、柏原崇等主演,于1995年3月25日首映。该片改编自同名小说《情书》,讲述了因为无法抑制住对已逝恋人的思念,渡边博子在其中学同学录里发现“藤井树” 在小樽市读书时的地址时,依循着寄发了一封本以为是发往天国的情书。不想不久渡边博子竟然收到署名为“藤井树”的回信,她知晓此藤井树是一个同她年纪相仿的女孩,且还是男友藤井树少年时代的同班同学。为了多了解一些昔日恋人在中学时代的情况,渡边博子开始与女性藤井树书信往来...







