hey juice

时间:2024-11-06 04:20:48编辑:阿星


如何背单词-拼读规则分析法--跳出苦海,摆脱头疼,根本解决,一劳永逸                 制作:南北浪人                 第一.找到元音字母   AEIOU Y 第二.判断音节数目   1.单音节 2.双音节 3.多音节   第三.识别重读音节 1.单音节词都重读 cat at cup sit this that her he me we my coat meat eat           2.双音节词一般情况下,动词在后面重读,非动词在前面重读 单音节加上前缀或后缀,在原词上重读   3.多音节词一般情况下,在倒数第三音节上重读。 双音节加上前缀或后缀,在原词上重读   4.若单词以-tion,-sion,-ic结尾,则在其前一个元音上重读 5.第一重读音节前若还有两个以上的音节,则在倒数第二个音节上再重读 第四.划分重读音节 1.重读在后,其前至少有一辅音归后     注意pl,bl,gl,br,pr,ph,th,gr,tr,sp,st 2.重读在前,后面的辅音遵循一分为二、前一后二的原则 第五.确定音节类别 重读音节1.开音节2.闭音节3.- re 音节4.-r音节5字母组合           弱读音节1.单个元音音节 2.-r音节3.字母组合4.非重读辅音音节 重 读 音 节 1开音节 1.绝对开音节 单个元音直接结尾 he,she,me,we,the,shy,by,my,go,no, 2.相对开音节 单个元音+单个辅音+e like, name,home,cute,these   3.第三开音节 单个元音直接+e shoe,pie,lie,toe,see,true,free,due 2闭音节 1.绝对闭音节 单个元音+单个辅音结尾 mop,cat,cup,dig,get,fit,hat,hot,gut 2.相对闭音节 单个元音+两个辅音+e dance,sense,fence,chance,collapse   3.第三闭音节 单个元音直接+多个辅音 desk,scratch,fetch,bath,front 4.第四闭音节 单个元音+rr+元音 sorry,hurry,marry,merry,mirror   3 r 音节 1.绝对 R音节 单个元音+单个R car,for,sir,her,fur,far,bar,nor,per 2.相对 R音节 单个元音+单个R+单辅+e horse,nurse 3.第三 R音节 单个元音+单个R+辅音 park,hard,torch 4 re 音节 1.绝对re 音节 单个元音+单个R+e care,more,here,sure,tire 2.相对re 音节 单个元音+单个R+元音 zero,serious,hero,parent,curious 5字母组合 1.元元组合 ai,au wait,because,fault,main ea,ee,ei,eau eat,heat,meat,meet,deed,receive,beautiful oa,oo,oi,ou boat,coat,book,foot,soil,house, ia,ie,io bias,believe,violent,social,society,Russia ui fruit,juice ay,ey,oy day,grey,boy,tray 2.单元辅组合 al,aw, ball,tall,small,saw,paw ig,igh, sign,high,night, ew new,few,dew ow know,now,how,sow 3.多元辅组合 air,augh hair,air,fair,caught,daughter eer,ear,eir, deer,fear,near,heir,heart,learn eigh eight,height, oor,oar,oul door,board,boar,could,should ower,our power,tower,hour,labour,flower 非重读音节 1单元音节 单个元音音节   a,e,i,o,u office,different,elephant,unselfishness, 2 r 音节 构成同重读音节   ar,er,ir,or,ur sister,doctor,particular,surprise 3字母组合 构成同重读音节     window,nation,social,blackboard,bathroom 4辅音音节 在词尾的 m   tm,dm seldom,autumn, 在词尾的 n   tn,dn,sn,fn garden,cotton,listen,offen,common, 在词尾的 l tl,nl,ml,dl,fl little,middle,trifle,animal,apple,table,crystle sl,pl,bl,gl,zl castle,mentle,capital,possible,terrible,puzzle



按照单词的读音和一些读音规则记忆,将单词按音节分成几部分记忆,如:congratulation,就分成 con gra tu la tion记忆,还有一些固定的读音搭配可帮助记忆:
例如:ea,ee等能发〔i:〕,如:teacher leave eat please meet tree
er, ir, or分别能发〔 :〕〔 :〕〔 〕等。如:teacher cover never bird third first doctor visitor
ar,al,oor,ough常发[ :],如:war almost salt chalk door floor bought brought
ow 常发[ ]和[ ], 如:window know sow now flower power
还有些固定的字母组合,例如:tion发〔 〕,如:action station ,ture发[ ],如ing发〔 i 〕,如sing flying, ly发〔li〕,如quickly friendly


后缀-er,-or,-ist等表示人;如teach-teacher tour-tourist visit-visitor
后缀-y,-ly,-ful等表示形容词性等。如:friend-friendly care-careful等。


1.联想记忆法:在日常生活中可以根据所处的环境,所见到、所摸到的事物,联想相关的英语单词。例如:打球时联想到:ball,(play)basketball,(play)football,(play)volleyball,playground等等;吃饭时联想到:dining-room,(have)breakfast,(have)lunch,(have)supper等等;睡觉时联想到:bed,bedroom,go to bed,sleep, fall asleep等等。如果长期坚持下支,效果就会很好。

2).按同音词分类。例如:see-sea, meet-meat

3. 阅读记忆法:也就是把词汇的记忆融入阅读之中,在看一篇文章的时候,遇到不认识的单词先做记号,并猜测它们的含义,等到把全文看完后再从字典上把它们的意思找出来。这样自己查找的单词就会印象特别深刻,不容易忘记。

4. 练习记忆法:就是当你刚记住一个单词的时候,立即用这个单词造几个句子,这样就能很快就对这个单词加深了印象。例如:
hard---- It’s hard to remember all the words.







【 #小学英语# 导语】暑假作业意义在于让我们在疯狂的同时还记得学习,在2个月后不至于陌生和痛苦不堪;而且,也是对前一阶段的巩固和后一阶段的铺垫。何不趁这一段时间好好积累各方面的知识,对以后的学习很有帮助的。以下是 考 网整理的《小学四年级英语暑假作业》相关资料,希望帮助到您。 1.小学四年级英语暑假作业   选择题:   1、_______is the first day of the week .   A、Sunday B、Monday C、Saturday D、Tuesday   2、 ______ do you go to school ? By bus .   A、What B、How C、Where   3、This is a _____ day , not a _____ day .   A、rain , sun B、rainy , sun C、rain , sunny D、rainy , sunny   4、Is that an ______?   A、apple B、dog C、pen D、chair   5、They have ______ breakfast at 7:00 in the morning .   A、a B、an C、/   6、Its often cold ______ December .   A、in B、on C、at D、above   7、__________ I’m fine , thanks .   A、How are you ? B、Nice to meet you .   C、How old are you ? D、Whats your name ?   8、__________ I m 11 years old .   A、How old are you ? B、When is your birthday ?   C、How tall are you ? D、Where is it ?   9、__________ Its 2:00 .   A、What day is it? B、What time is it?   C、What is the date? D、Whats this ?   10、Where do you live ? __________   A、I live on the second . B、Lets go to your house .   C、This is a house . D、I live in a house near the park .  2.小学四年级英语暑假作业   一、选出每组中不属于同一类的单词。   ( )1.A.tomato B.potato C. photo   ( )2.A. hot B.pants C. socks   ( ) 3.A.twenty B.carrot C. thirteen   ( ) 4.A. small B. big C.boots   ( )5. A.hen B. farm C.duck   二、选择正确的答案,把序号填在括号内。   ( )1.Where is the canteen ? Its ______the first floor .   A. in B. on C. at   ( )2.______________   They are goats .   A. Whats this ? B. Whats that ? C. What are these ?   ( )3.How many _____are there ? __Six .   A. goat B. goats C. sheep   ( )4.Do you have ________on you farm ? _Yes ,we do .   A.potato B.potatos C. potatoes   ( )5.whats the weather like ? _Its_______________.   A.snow B.wind C.cold 3.小学四年级英语暑假作业   Lion:Good afternoon,Mrs Rabbit.Let me eat you.   Rabbit:Don’t eat me,Mr Lion.I’m old.That mouse is younger than me.   Lion:Miss Mouse,Miss Mouse,let me eat you.   Mouse:Oh,no.Many birds are standing over there.   Lion:Birds,I will eat you.You are my dinner.   Birds:You are bad.We can fly,can you?   Lion:No,I can’t.But where is my dinner?   根据短文选择正确答案   ( )1.The lion is ______.   A.full   B.hungry   C.scared(受惊吓的)   D.happy   ( )2.The lion doesn’t eat the rabbit,because there is a ______ over there.   A.deer   B.bird   C.goat   D.mouse   ( )3.Can the birds fly ?______   A.No,they can.   B.Yes,they can.   C.No, they can’t.   D.Yes,they can’t.   ( )4.The lion can't fly. He ______ at last.   A.eat dinner   B.eat the rabbit   C.doesn’t have dinner   D.eat the mouse   ( )5.The lion doesn’t eat the mouse,because there are ______ over there.   A.birds   B.rabbits   C.goats   D.deers 4.小学四年级英语暑假作业   选出正确的选项:   ( )1.The boy ____a big nose is new here.   A.with   B. in   C.on   ( )2.Are you a teacher? No, _____ _____.   A.I am   B. I’m not   C. I’m   ( )3. I can see the girl ____ the tree.   A.in    B.with    C. on   ( )4. ______ that girl?She’s Nancy.   A. Who’s   B. Whose   C What’s   ( )5.The girl is_____ there sweater.   A.on   B. in    C. with   ( )6..How many______ ?One______, please .   A.kilo , kilo   B. kilos ,kilo    C. kilos ,kilos   ( )7. What do you ______be ?A doctor .   A. want   B. want to  C. to   ( )8. ---Can I help you? ---Some , please.   A. pears  B. pear   C. a pear   ( )9.What are these? _____________   A. Grapes  B. Grape  C. An grape   ( )10.Who’s the girl _____ small nose?   A . in    B.with   C. on 5.小学四年级英语暑假作业   一、根据所给情景写句子。   1.到时间上英语课了,小明还在玩,你对他说:   It’s _________ _________ __________ _________,Xiao Ming.   2.你的朋友问你现在的时间,你一看手表是9:00,你说:   __________ nine _____________.   3.你想知道远处的建筑物是不是Mike的学校,你问他:   _________ _________ ___________ ____________?   4.放学了,你想叫你的同学Jone一起回家,你对他说:   ____________ _____________ _____________ , Jone.   二、翻译下列句子。   1.几点了?八点了。   2.十二点了。该吃午饭了。   3.七点十五分了。该上学了。   4.十点三十五分了。该上音乐课了。   5.这是卫生间吗?不,它不是。


小学四年级暑假作业英语答案   很多同学因为假期贪玩而耽误了学习,以至于和别的同学落下了差距,因此,我为大家准备了小学四年级暑假作业英语答案,欢迎阅读参考!   一、 Read and find.(读一读,选出不同类的单词 共5)   ( ) 1. A.gym B.TV C. TV room   ( ) 2. A.boots B.pants C.jeans   ( ) 3. A.warm B.cold C. dress   ( ) 4. A.fat B.duck C.rabbit   ( ) 5. A.rainy B.windy C.seven   二、Look and write.(看图,写单词 共5)   三、Watch and judge.(仔细观察,判断划线部分读音是否一致,一致的“T”不一致“F” 共5)   ( ) 1. A. nose B. home ( ) 2. A. pig B.bike   ( ) 3. A. cat B.cake ( ) 4. A. music B. B. student   ( ) 5. A. egg B.red   四. 看图,根据句意选择正确的'单词填空 共5)   A.boots B.expensive C. library D. snowy E. How many   1. _______ pears?-----Two.   2.The skirt is 100yuan,very _______ .   3.Today is _______.Put on your _______.   4.Go to the ________ . Read some books.   五. Read and find.(读一读将右栏前的序号写在相应问句前的括号内 共5)   A B   ( ) 1.What time is it? A. It’s on the second floor.   ( ) 2.Are they goats? B. Yes, you can.   ( ) 3.Whose is this T-shirt? C. It’s eight o’clock.   ( ) 4.Where is the music room? D.It’s Amy’s.   ( ) 5. Can I wear my new shirt today? E. Yes,they are.   六、Read and choose.(选择填空 共5)   ( ) 1. ----How much is this pretty dress? ---- ____________.   A. It is 98 yuan. B.They are 98 yuan. C.Great.   ( ) 2.It’s rainy today. Let’s _____!   A. go to the playground B. play football C. watch TV   ( ) 3. ----Can I help you? ---- ____________.   A.Yes. How much is it? B.It’s pretty. C.You are welcome.   ( ) 4.----Where is the TV room? ---- It’s on the _____ floor.   A. one B. first C. two   ( ) 5.----Is this your T-shirt? ----_____________.   A. No,it is. B.Yes, it is. C. Yes,it isn’t.   七、Read and match(读一读,连线 共5)   1. What are these? ---They are cats.   2. Take off your jackets.   3. It’s hot today.I can wear my T-shirt.   4. Go to the canteen.Eat some noodles.   5. It’s windy .Hold on to your hat.   八、Read and number. (读一读,排顺序 共5)   ( ) What colour is it?   ( ) Is this your sweater?   ( 1 ) Where is my sweater?   ( ) Black.   ( ) No,it’s not.   ( 7 ) It’s my sister’s.   ( ) Whose is it?   九、Read and match.(看图回答问题 共5)   1. How many hens ?   2. Is this your art room?   3. What’s the weather like?   4.Are they horses?   5. What time is it?   十、Put the words in the right order.(连词成句 共5)   1. Is cold it (?)   2. your That computer is ( .)   3. time English It’s for class( .)   4. are much How they ( ? )   5. What is colour it ?   十一、Read and fill in the blanks。(阅读短文,选择合适的句子补全对话。共5)   Amy: Hello.   Chen Jie: Hi,Amy! ___________   Amy: Not much.   Chen Jie: _____________________   Amy: It’ rainy. How ahout Linyi?   Chen Jie: ____________   Amy: Oh,no,my pictures!   Chen Jie: What’s the matter ,Amy?   Amy: It’s windy now . ___________ Bye!   Chen Jie: OK._______   A. What’s the weather like in Shanghai?   B. Goodbye   C. What are you doing?   D. It’s sunny today.   E. I have to close the window.   十二、Read and judge.(读短文,判断正“T”误“F”。共5)   Dear Grandma,   Thank you for the new sandals. They are cool. It is hot in Tancheng. It’s sunny too. I can wear my new sandals. I have a new T-shirt. My old T-shirt is too small.   I want to buy a new dress.It’s ninety-nine yuan.It’s very pretty. I think it’s cheap.What is the weather like in Harbin?Is it hot?   Love,   Chen Jie   ( ) 1. It is cold in Tancheng.   ( ) 2. Chen Jie has a new T-shirt.   ( ) 3. The T-shirt is pretty.   ( ) 4. Sarah wants to buy a new dress.   ( ) 5. It is hot in Harbin.   一、 1. B 2. A 3.C 4.A 5.C   二、 1.pig 2.apple 3.dog 4.fan 5.skirt   三、 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T   四、 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C   五、 1.C 2.E 3.D 4.A 5.B   六、 1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B   七、(连线题略)   八、( 2 4 1 3 5 7 6 )   九、1.Three. / 3.   2.Yes , it is. /Yes.   3. It’s cold. / Cold.   4.No,they aren’t. / No.   5.It’s nine o’clock. / Nine o’clock.   十、 1. I s it cold?   2. That is your computer.   3. It’s time for English class.   4. How much are they?   5.What colour is it?   十一、1. C 2. A 3. D 4. E 5. B


关于酒吧的基础英语口语   酒吧是指提供啤酒、葡萄酒、洋酒、鸡尾酒等酒精类饮料的消费场所。四娱乐休闲的场所。下面是我整理的关于酒吧的英语口语,希望能帮到大家!   酒吧是个什么地方   May:   What's all the security check about, Jimmy? Does it mean the bar may be a dangerous place?   吉米,这些安全检查是关于什么的啊?这是不是意味着酒吧可能是一个危险的地方啊?   Jimmy:   No, of course not. Just in case. Nothing to worry about. Don't you also do this in China?   不,当然不是。只是以防万一。没有什么好担心的。在中国不这样做吗?   May:   I don't know. Maybe the same. Actually, this is my first time being in a bar.   我不知道。可能也一样吧。实际上,这是我第一次来酒吧。   Jimmy:   Oh, then it's my honor to be here with you. I can see now why you've been so curious about the bar stuff. You like this place?   哦,那么我很荣幸能陪你来这儿了。现在我明白你为什么对酒吧那么好奇了。你喜欢这个地方吗?   May:   Sure. I love this place, especially the decoration. So tasteful!   当然,我很喜欢这个地方,尤其是它的布置,很风雅。   Jimmy:   Yeah. Other than that, the real feature are the excellent drinks. Can I have your ticket?   是啊。除了那个,它真正的特点在于酒水特别棒。可以把你的门票给我吗?   May:   Here it is. But, what for? We're already in.   给你。可是,干什么用啊?我们都已经进来了啊。   Jimmy:   Well, with the ticket, you can get a free drink. What would you like? Orange juice?   用这票,你可以得到一杯免费的饮料。你想要什么?橙汁吗?   May:   Yes, orange juice will be fine for me. But how can you get the drink? It's so crowded there around the counter. You can barely move.   好的,我喝橙汁就行。可是你怎么能买到饮料呢?吧台那边太挤了,动都动不了。   Jimmy:   I'll show you how. The bar tenders know whose turn it is. And also, I can snap my fingers to catch his attention.   我告诉你。酒吧服务员知道该轮到谁了,而且,我可以打响指来吸引他的注意。   May:   Cool. Thanks.(Jimmy brings May a glass of orange juice.)Oh, fresh juice, I love it. Well, I heard American people love hanging out in bars. Is that true?   好酷。多谢。(吉米给阿美拿来了一杯橙汁。) 哦,鲜榨的橙汁,我喜欢。对了,我听说美国人都很喜欢逛酒吧。是真的'吗?   Jimmy:   Not everyone. But a lot of people do, especially the young. It's a fun place to spend an evening with friends or to make some new friends.   不是每个人,但是很多人都喜欢,尤其是年轻人。这是一个朋友聚会和认识新朋友的好地方。   May:   Interesting. Hey, look over there. The dance floor is already packed with people. Oh, the girl in red dances great.   有意思。嗨,看那边。舞池里已经挤满了人了。哦,那个穿红色衣服的女孩跳得真棒。   Jimmy:   Yeah, a dancing queen. Wanna go and join them?   是啊,好一个“跳舞皇后”。想过去和他们一起跳吗?   May:   Maybe later. I wanna take some photos first.   再等一会儿吧。我想先拍一些照片。   Jimmy:   Sure. Let me help you to hold the drink.   没问题。让我帮你端饮料吧。   May:   Thank you.   谢谢。   酒吧里的生日派对   May:   Look! Someone is celebrating his birthday.   看!有人在庆祝生日。   Jimmy:   This must be his 21st birthday. No doubt about it.   这一定是他21岁的生日。毫无疑问。   May:   Why? Do you know that guy?   为什么?你认识那个人吗?   Jimmy:   No. Well, in America, 21 is the age when you're allowed to drink. So, many guys celebrate it in bars.   不认识。不过,在美国,你要到21岁才可以喝酒。所以,有很多男孩子来酒吧庆祝他们21岁的生日。   May:   That's interesting. But it would be really expensive, I suppose. Just think about all the drinks.   挺有趣的。不过我猜那一定很贵。光想想那些饮料就知道了。   Jimmy:   No. If it's your birthday, then you don't need to pay a cent. Just blow out the candles and open the gifts. That makes the birthday a special day. Your friends will take care of everything.   不是的。如果是你的生日,你就不用花一分钱。只要吹生日蜡烛,收礼物就可以了。那才能叫过生日啊。你的朋友会把一切都张罗好的。   May:   Wow. That's wonderful.   哇,那太棒了。   Jimmy:   What about in China? What'd you do to celebrate your birthday?   在中国怎么样啊?你们是怎样庆祝生日的呢?   May:   Nowadays, it's no difference from America. But in old times, we have traditional ways to celebrate it.   现在和美国没什么差别。但在以前,我们用传统的方式来庆祝生日。   Jimmy:   Oh, really? Anything special?   哦,真的吗?有什么特别的吗?   May:   Mother would cook "long-lived" noodles. And for old people, we'll prepare Longevity Peaches. Just for blessing.   妈妈会煮“长寿面”。如果是给老人过生日,就要准备寿桃。都是用来祝福的。   Jimmy:   Wow, Longevity Peaches! What's that? Real peach?   哇,寿桃。那是什么啊?是真的桃子吗?   May:   No. They are made of wheat flour and they look just like real peaches.   不是的。它们是用麦粉做的,不过看起来就跟真的桃子一样。   Jimmy:   Why peach? Is there any interesting tale behind it?   为什么是桃子呢?这里面有什么有趣的传说吗?   May:   Yes. The Goddess is said to own some magical peach trees in heaven. If you eat peaches grown on those trees, you will never die.   有啊。传说王母娘娘在天上有一些神奇的桃树。如果你吃了那些桃树上结出的桃子,你就能长生不死。   Jimmy:   Oh, I know that. The Monkey King once stole a lot of them, which pissed the Goddess off. Cool!   哦,我知道这故事。美猴王有一次偷了一些,把王母娘娘给惹怒了。真好玩! ;


  1、On the rocks   这表示“加冰块“, 比如说: I'll have a whisky on the rocks。    2、Single or Double?   这表示您要喝的短饮的数量或饮料中酒精的含量。 如果你想喝更烈的酒的话,你可以跟酒吧侍者说,Make it a double。    3、Spirits   意思是烈性酒。比如 vodka, rum, gin, whisky, brandy, tequila。   4、Straight   这表示不加冰或者其它东西的酒饮料。    5、Mixer   Mixer 是不含酒精的混合饮料,像苏打水、可乐或者橙汁,这些用来加在烈酒中来调制一杯混合饮料。   6、Tab   这表示晚上结束喝酒时该付的帐单,你可以run a tab(晚上结束喝酒时付帐)或告诉服务生,Put the drinks on my tab。    7、Happy hour   这表示酒吧中所有饮料打折的特定时间(通常总是恰好一个小时),例如,Happy hour is from 6pm to 8pm。   8、Cocktail   这是一种混合饮料, 流行的鸡尾酒包括Martini, Margarita or Pina Colada.    9、It's my round   在许多西方国家,一群人中大家轮流付钱买酒是很普通的事。付钱的`人会说,It's my round!    10、Draft   如果你在酒吧里点啤酒的话,你可以选择要瓶装的或者罐装的,亦或者你可以点draft: 例如从啤酒桶或啤酒龙头中倒出的生啤。

