英 [əˈwɔːdz]美 [əˈwɔːrdz]n.奖品;奖;奖学金;裁定书。vt.授予;给予;判定;判给。复数: awards原形: award第三人称单数: awards现在分词: awarding过去式: awarded过去分词: awarded网络释义:奖项 ; 获奖 ; 颁奖 ; 艾奇奖 ; 大奖 ; 中大奖。短语搭配:be awarded被授予women awarded b.a.s被授予学位的女子近义词:v.adjudged双语例句Honorary fellowships may be awarded at the discretion of the council.荣誉奖学金颁发的权利掌握在委员会手中。A 3.5 per cent pay rise was awarded to staff.员工都获得3.5% 的加薪。He gained the highest distinction awarded for excellence in photography.因为在摄影方面的卓越成就他获得了最高荣誉。Old men are often unfairly awarded the epithet ‘dirty’.老人常常被不公正地冠以“肮脏”这一表述词语。A medal awarded for outstanding gallantry during the raid.一枚表彰在袭击中有突出英勇行为的奖章。
awards的读法:英[ə'wɔːd] 美[ə'wɔːrd]。释义:n.奖;(收入的)增加;(赔偿)裁定额;(毕业证书等的)授予;奖学金。v.把(某物)授予(某人);把(合同、佣金)给(人、组织)。n. (Award)(美)艾华尔德(人名)。变形:复数awards、第三人称单数awards、过去式awarded、过去分词awarded、现在分词awarding。双语例句:They awarded John the first prize。他们授予约翰一等奖。Will the film win any awards at the festival?这部电影会在电影节上获奖吗Each month we present an award to an employee who goes above and beyond at work。每个月,我们都会给一位在工作中表现出类拔萃的员工颁奖。The movie won nine Academy Awards, including Best Picture。这部电影荣获九项奥斯卡金像奖,包括最佳影片奖。
award读法:英 [əˈwɔːd] 美 [əˈwɔːrd] 解释:n. 奖;(收入的)增加;(赔偿)裁定额;(毕业证书等的)授予;奖学金v. 把(某物)授予(某人);把(合同、佣金)给(人、组织)n. (Award) (美)艾华尔德(人名)用法:Tony Award 托尼奖 ; 托尼 ; 托尼戏剧奖Academy Award 奥斯卡金像奖 ; 奥斯卡奖 ; 学院奖 ; 奥斯卡Turing Award 图灵奖 ; 杜林奖 ; 灵奖近义词:praise读法:英 [preɪz] 美 [preɪz] 解释:v. 赞扬;(尤指唱歌)歌颂(上帝)n. 赞扬,称赞;(对上帝的)颂扬;崇拜
问题一:奖励制度的英语翻译 奖励制度用英语怎么说 a reward / incentive system; an award system; a system of rewards
Adjust the award system for the coaches and gradually increase their pay and treatment to ensure the stability of the contingent of coaches. 调整教练员的奖励制度,逐步提高教练员各项待遇,保证优秀教练员队伍相对稳定。
Many aspects of a pany's reward system are quite unclear.公司奖励制度的许多方面是很不明确的。
Our country has prospered by various incentive systems.我们的国家因各种不同的奖励制度而繁荣起来。
The bank developed a new system of rewards to encourage the clerks to work harder. 银行推行新的奖励制度鼓励职员更加努力工作。
问题二:给的英文怎么写 给
问题三:给予表扬,奖励 的英文翻译 praise
问题四:奖励及个人荣誉用英语怎么翻译 奖励可以是
award(s) 或 prize(s)
individual honor(s)
award(s) and honor(s)
问题五:奖品的英语是什么 prize award spoil
问题六:学校颁发证书和进行奖励英语怎么翻译? The school will award a certificate and rewarded. 追问: 本校将于3月26日下午3点6点举办 英语演讲 比赛,地点在学校大礼堂! 追问: 本校将于3月26日下午3点6点举办 英语演讲 比赛,地点在学校大礼堂! 回答: Our school will hold a English speech contest at 3:00-6:00pm on March. 26th, location: the school auditorium.
问题七:感谢公司发奖金的英文怎么写 没听说过发奖金还得写感谢信.不过你的老板看到你的感谢信一定会很开心.
Dear Mr. xxx/ Ms xxx,
Thank you for appreciating my hard work and giving me the bonus award. I'm very proud丁to work for (公司名字). I'll continue to do my best for (公司名字).