diss是一个网络流行词,是英文Disrespect (不尊重)或Disparage (轻视)的简写,意思是指看不惯,轻视,鄙视的意思,用来诋毁或侮辱其他人或团体,现多用作diss某人,表示怼某人。Diss曲是一首歌曲主要是为了诋毁或侮辱其他人或团体,而用歌曲攻击别人的趋势开始变得愈来愈普遍,成为了社会互相竞争的嘻哈的一种文化、风格。在汉语中也可以翻译为“敌诗”,取其“敌对和诗歌”的含义。Diss引申含义Diss是Hip Hop中的一个重要的文化组成部分,是英文单词Disrespect(不尊重)或是Disparage(轻视)的简写,是指一首歌曲主要是为了诋毁或侮辱其他人或团体。rapper之间用这种唱歌的方式来互相贬低和批判,我看不惯你,我就要下嘴狠的来骂你,天上地下老子就是最牛B。而用歌曲攻击别人的趋势开始变得愈来愈普遍,成为了会互相竞争的嘻哈的一种文化、风格。
英文俚语使得语言更加丰富多彩。下面我为大家整理了英文俚语大全,感兴趣的,过来看看吧。 英文俚语摘抄 blue clollar 蓝领 white clollar 白领 pink clollar gold 粉领族(指和蓝领体力工人相当的女性工人) gold-clollar workers 金领族(一般都有一技之长,对公司工作的方方面面都十分了解,甚至对公司的利润大小和收益都有直接的重要影响。他们的工作环境优雅,职业体面,有着丰厚的收入和稳固的经济地位) dog-eared books 读得卷了边的书 dog sleep 不时惊醒的睡眠 dog tired 像狗一样的累 dog watch 夜班 old dog 上了岁数的人、老手 a sly dog 偷鸡摸狗者 a yellow dog 杂种狗、卑鄙可耻的小人 a big dog 看门狗、保镖;要人 you are a lucky dog! 你真是个幸运儿! dog nose 啤酒与杜松子酒的混合酒 a dog in a blanket 葡萄卷饼或卷布丁 as faithful as a dog 像狗一般的忠诚,在西方文化中,狗是 忠实、卖力、辛劳 的化身。 He, who lies down with dogs must rise up with flea 近朱者赤,近墨者黑 a good dog devers a good bone . 西方人论功行赏时常说 好狗应有好骨头 a a dog in the manger 占着马槽(不拉屎) Honey,i forgot to duck 亲爱的,我忘记闪开了。 eat crow 由于夸大其词或过分自信,最后不得不承认错误。 eat his words 食言 out at elbows elbow one's way 捉襟见肘 elbow one's way 用胳膊肘挤来挤去为自己开道 get a black eye 被别人打青了眼睛 mind your eye 叫别人当心 blink our eyes 眨眼睛 flash our eyes at sth 瞟一眼 make eyes cast sheep's eye 抛媚眼 cast sheep's eye 暗送秋波 You have an eye for sth有眼光有见解 finely arched eyebrows 纤细的弓形眉 pencil the eyebrows 描眉 rough bushy eyebrows 浓密的粗眉 eyelash grower 睫毛膏 eyelash curler 卷睫毛器 without turning an eyelash 泰然自若,不动声色 not bat an eyelid 没合眼睡觉 ,对事情泰然自若 hang on by the eyelids 事情危在旦夕 英文俚语推荐 drink like a fish 牛饮 flats 平跟鞋 footfall 客流量 green eyed 嫉妒 green finger(thumb)? 把大伙干不好的活都干得漂漂亮亮 例如:A person with green finger has a magic touch that makes plants grow well and quickly. 长着绿手指的人是有魔法的,只要他一碰,植物就长的又快又好。 green hand 生手 例如: I m still green at my job. 我依然是个新手。 green light 允许、许可 例如: I m only waiting for the green light from you. 我在等您的允许。 green revolution 绿色革命 例如:These developing countries produced enough food to serve their people after the green years 青春年华 he is ripe in years but green in heart . 形容某人是老当益壮 lose your heart to someone 和某人谈恋爱 lack heart 缺乏勇气 win your heart 赢得你的心 broken heart 破碎的心 heart of stone 石头心肠 英文俚语精选 face the music 不得不接受惩罚、承担后果,必须承受出现的局面 a matter of face 面子攸关的事情 lose face 丢面子 例如:He knew he was wrong, but he would not admit it for fear of losing face. 他知道自己错了,但却不肯承认错误,因为怕失去面子。 save one's face 挽回面子 pull a long face 拉长了脸
俚语 ,拼音是lǐyǔ,是指民间非正式、较口语的语句,是百姓在日常生活中 总结 出来的通俗易懂顺口的具有地方色彩的词语。下面是我给大家带来的俚语大全,欢迎大家阅读参考,我们一起来看看吧! 常用英语俚语大全(一) talk turkey打开天窗说亮话 let’s talk turkey, see if you agree. i’ll get 55%of the share, and you’ll get the rest. · not say uncle拒不认错,不服输 i don’t know when he has ever said uncle to anyone. · take a dim view of…对……抱悲观态度;不赞同 teachers in middle schools usually take a dim view of students’ talking up too many after-class activities. · walk all over someone任意欺负某人 my neighbor walked all over me. he left rubbish in my door, stamped on my grass and wax my windows. i decided to fight back. · drive someone to the wall把某人逼得走投无路 he hates learning foreign languages. but the challenging situation drives him to the wall. he decides to go to an evening class. · drive someone up the wall把某人搞得心烦意乱 would you please turn down that rap music? it has driven me up the wall. · be in hot water陷入困境 i’m sorry i can’t lend you money. i myself am in hot water. · like water off a duck’s back满不在乎,不起作用 i can do nothing about him. criticism rolls off like water off a duck’s back. it goes into his one ear and comes out of the other. · meet one’s waterloo惨败 the famous lawyer met his waterloo at the hands of a fledgling lawyer. · fish in troubled waters浑水摸鱼 don’t tell him that we need that material badly, he is good at fishing in troubled waters and will take advantage of it. · make waves兴风作浪 everything went smoothly in her wedding ceremony, when her formal boyfriend came to make waves by drinking the bridegroom under the table. · have a way with something/someone有应付……的办法 she will make a good teacher. she seems to have a way with even the most disobedient boy. · pave the way for…为……铺平道路 donation from every walks of life has paved the way for the hope project to proceed. 常用英语俚语大全(二) keep a civil tongue in one’s head说话有礼貌 a child is taught to keep a civil tongue in his head when he is small. · blow one’s top勃然大怒 my neighbor blew his top when he saw his hedges were cut by someone. · carry a torch for someone单方想念某人 though jane has been engaged with mr. hall, jimmy still carries a torch for her. · have the midas touch有生财的运气,手气好 you’d better find rogers as you stock broker. he has the midas touch. · be touch and go万分危险 the patient is out of danger now, but it was touch and go for a while. · throw in the towel认输 she tried to save their marriage by talking her husband out of taking drugs. but she finally threw in the towel. · have the inside track for something处于有利的地位 i’m an art student. i don’t have the inside track for applying for that job. · keep track of someone/something掌握……的情况 he is keeping track of all my old friends. · be on a gravy train走运,有赚钱的机会 you will be on a gravy train if you can get that antique. it is worth more money than it is offered. · have a mind like a steel trap头脑特别快 he has a mind like a steel trap. he can remember a new word even if he meets it once. bark up the wrong tree弄错目标 the detective has been following the man for a week. but it turns out that he has barked up the wrong tree. · be too quick on the trigger操之过急,行动过于仓促 you are always too quick on the trigger. you jump into his throat before he can explain. · ask for trouble自找麻烦 are you asking for trouble by challenging the emphasis on qualities education. you are asking for trouble if you cheat in the exam. 316——330 · blow one’s own trumpet自吹自擂 if you want to sell more, you should learn to blow your own trumpet. · not give someone a tumble不理睬某人 though jackson has asked may to marry him for many times, she just won’t give him a tumble. 相关 文章 : 1. 常用的英语俚语大全 2. 常见俚语大全 3. 美国经典实用的俚语对话 4. 美国俚语 5. 2017年高考英语俚语有哪些