摇晃用英语可以说为"shake"或者"wobble"。拓展:"Shake"是一个常见的动词,可以表示物体或人的来回震动、颤抖或晃动。下面是关于"shake"用法的一些例子和说明:物体摇晃The earthquake shook the city.(地震使城市摇晃。)I shook the bottle to mix the ingredients.(我把瓶子摇了一下,以混合配料。)The wind is shaking the trees.(风吹得树木摇晃。)She shook the sand out of her shoes.(她把鞋子里的沙子甩出来。)人体颤抖He was so frightened that he was shaking.(他害怕得发抖。)I'm shaking with anger.(我气得发抖。)She shook with excitement as she opened the present.(她激动得握着礼物发抖。)The cold made me shake all over.(寒冷让我全身发抖。)摇动或挥动某物The bartender shook the cocktail before serving it.(调酒师在上菜前摇晃了一下鸡尾酒。)She shook her head to indicate "no".(她摇了摇头表示“不”。)He shook his fist at the other driver.(他朝另一位司机挥舞拳头。)The dog shook its wet fur all over me.(狗把湿的毛发摇得我浑身都是。)
摇晃的英语:sway、swing、stagger、rock。sway 指物体在外力作用下来回、上下、前后缓缓地摆动。可用作及物动词或不及物动词。例句:The branches of the trees are swaying in the wind.树枝在风中来回晃悠。When breezes ruffle the lake water, the weeping willows sway their tender branches.每当微风吹皱湖面,垂柳的柔枝就在风中款款摇摆。She swayed the baby’s cradle gently with her foot until the baby went to sound sleep.她用脚轻轻摇晃着婴儿的摇篮直到孩子睡着。swing 指作如钟摆似的圆周运动摆动,多表示物体的上端固定,下端“摆动”, 可由来回摇动。引申出“动荡”的意思,可用作及物动词或不及物动词。例句:The little girl was swinging cheerfully on the rope with her brother pushing her below.这个小女孩高高兴兴坐绳上荡摆,她兄弟在下面推她。rock 多指猛烈地摇动或摇晃。例句:He sat racking himself in the armchair.他坐在扶手椅上摇晃。stagger “蹒跚”、“摇摇晃晃地行进”,如醉汉或受伤的人摇摇摆摆、跌跌揰揰地行走。例句:After he was attacked, he managed to stagger to the phone and called the police.遭到袭击后,他摇晃着走到电话机旁给打警察电话。