维克多·雨果(Victor Hugo,1802—1885),法国作家,19世纪前期积极浪漫主义文学的代表作家,人道主义的代表人物,法国文学史上卓越的资产阶级民主作家,被人们称为“法兰西的莎士比亚”。一生写过多部诗歌、小说、剧本、各种散文和文艺评论及政论文章,在法国及世界有着广泛的影响力。
Victor Hugo (Hugo Victor, 1802 - 1885), French writer, positive romantic literature in nineteenth Century, the representative of the representative writers, the representative of humanity, the history of French literature, the outstanding bourgeois democratic writers, known as the "French Shakespeare". Life wrote much poetry, novels, plays, essays and literary criticism and essays, in France and the world has a wide influence.
英文:Winter is one of the four seasons, the season between autumn and spring. Astronomy from December to march, Chinese custom refers to the beginning of winter to the beginning of spring three months, also refers to the lunar calendar "ten, eleven (winter), twelve (wax) months" a total of three months. Time varies between the northern and southern hemispheres. Divided by meteorological significance, in the temperate and cold zone of the southern hemisphere, winter in June, July and August (also can be said to be May 21 ~ August 22 according to the constellation standard), in the temperate and cold zone of the northern hemisphere, winter in December, January and February (also can be said to be November 21 ~ February 18 according to the constellation standard). According to the meaning of solar terms, winter starts from the beginning of winter and ends at the beginning of spring. Westerners generally say that winter solstice and spring are divided into winter. Climatologically speaking, the average temperature for 5 consecutive days below 10℃ is considered as winter.中文:冬季是四季之一,秋春之间的季节。天文学上认为是从12月至3月,中国习惯指立冬到立春的三个月时间,也指农历“十、十一(冬)、十二(腊)月”一共三个月。在南北半球所处的时间不同。按气象意义划分,在南半球温带及寒带,冬季在6、7、8月份(也可以按星座标准说是5月21日~8月22日),在北半球温带及寒带,冬季在12、1、2月份(也可以按星座标准说是11月21日~2月18日)。按节气意义划分,冬季从立冬开始,到立春结束,西方人则普遍称冬至至春分为冬季。 从气候学上讲,平均气温连续5天低于10℃算作冬季。扩展资料冬季节气立冬太阳位于黄经225°,11月7-8日交节;小雪太阳位于黄经240°,11月22-23日交节;大雪太阳位于黄经255°,12月6-8日交节;冬至太阳位于黄经270°,12月21-23日交节;小寒太阳位于黄经285°,1月5-7日交节;大寒太阳位于黄经300°,1月20-21日交节。