
时间:2024-12-29 09:45:43编辑:阿星

traffic light翻译

traffic light的翻译是:交通灯;交通信号灯。traffic light的例句:1、Each traffic light red,yellow,green light,all the bright backdrop in a sunset2,is truly beautiful. 每只红绿灯的红、黄、绿灯都全部亮起,在晚霞衬托下,煞是好看。2、Or as Johnny Carson once said,it's the interval1 between a Manhattan traffic light turning green and the guy behind you honking2 his horn. 或者就像约翰尼·卡森说过的,它是从曼哈顿交通信号灯变绿到后面那辆车的司机按喇叭催你快走的那一小段极为短暂的时间。3、Based on Simulation of the Time Control of the Traffic Light .基于计算机模拟的交通灯时间控制问题。4、The Analysis for the Current Situation of Traffic Light in China .我国道路交通信号灯的现状分析。5、A New method of traffic light based on fuzzy control theorem .基于模糊控制理论的智能交通灯的一种设计方法。

traffic lights翻译

traffic lights翻译是交通信号灯。资料扩展:交通信号灯是指挥交通运行的信号灯,一般由红灯、绿灯、黄灯组成。红灯表示禁止通行,绿灯表示准许通行,黄灯表示警示。交通信号灯分为:机动车信号灯、非机动车信号灯、人行横道信号灯、方向指示指示灯(箭头信号灯)、车道信号灯、闪光警告信号灯、道路与铁路平面交叉道口信号灯。在十字路口,四面都悬挂着红、黄、绿、三色交通信号灯,它是不出声的“交通警察”。红绿灯是国际统一的交通信号灯。红灯是停止信号,绿灯是通行信号。交叉路口,几个方向来的车都汇集在这儿,有的要直行,有的要拐弯,到底让谁先走,这就是要听从红绿灯指挥。红灯亮,禁止直行或左转弯,在不碍行人和车辆情况下,允许车辆右转弯;绿灯亮,准许车辆直行或转弯;黄灯亮,停在路口停止线或人行横道线以内,已经继续通行;黄灯闪烁时,警告车辆注意安全。最早的时候只有红、绿两种颜色,后来经过改良后,增加了一盏黄色的灯,红灯表示停止,黄灯表示准备,绿灯则表示通行。之所以采用这三种颜色,用这三种颜色作为交通讯号也和人们的视觉结构和心理反应有关。


trafficlight:交通灯;红绿灯;1、The traffic light is red.2、solid-state traffic light control3、Is there a traffic light?4、Look! The traffic light's yellow.Wait.Look! The traffic light is green.Go!5、Turn leave at the traffic light there.6、The red traffic light made me stop.7、Turn left at the second traffic light.8、uncontrolled pedestrian crossing [by traffic light]9、Design of traffic light control system base on bus mode10、The traffic light is red, but Miss Cat kept walking.


trafficlight意为:红绿灯。造句:(1)There is something wrong with the traffic light because only the red light flashes on and off.交通灯出故障了,只有红灯一直在闪。(2)The design of LED traffic light signal was described.总结了LX-A系列-LED道路交通灯的研制过程。(3)The red traffic light indicates that every person and vehicle must stop.红色信号灯表示人和车辆不能通行。(4)So next time you are impatiently waiting at a traffic light, don't get so mad at them, they've certainly come a long way.所以当你下次不耐烦地等红绿灯的时候,别对他们那么生气,他们肯定已经走了很长一段路了。(5)Each traffic light red, yellow, green light, all the bright backdrop in a sunset2, is truly beautiful.每只红绿灯的红、黄、绿灯都全部亮起,在晚霞衬托下,煞是好看。(6)Or as Johnny Carson once said, it's the interval1 between a Manhattan traffic light turning green and the guy behind you honking2 his horn.或者就像约翰尼·卡森说过的,它是从曼哈顿交通信号灯变绿到后面那辆车的司机按喇叭催你快走的那一小段极为短暂的时间。(7)Traffic was unusually light for that time of day.对于一天中的那个时间段而言,来往车辆少得有些不寻常。

